Database isolation level

Read Uncommitted

  • Definition: the lowest transaction level that I can read in my own transaction.
  • Disadvantages: May cause dirty read, read data not committed by other transactions;
  • Example:
import records
from threading import Thread
import time

def func1() :
    with db.transaction() as tx:
        tx.query("set session transaction isolation level read uncommitted")
        data = tx.query("select * from keywords where id=1 ")
        data = tx.query("select * from keywords where id=1 ")

def func2() :
    with db.transaction() as tx:
        tx.query("set session transaction isolation level read uncommitted")
        tx.query("update keywords set keyword='1' where id=1 ")
        tx.query("update keywords set keyword='2' where id=1 ")
        tx.query("update keywords set keyword='3' where id=1 ")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    db = records.Database("mysql+pymysql://user:password@localhost/weibo? charset=utf8")

    t1 = Thread(target=func2)
    t2 = Thread(target=func1)


Copy the code

Results: It may be different every time

[<Record {"id": 1."keyword": "1"."enable": 1}>]
[<Record {"id": 1."keyword": "3"."enable": 1} >]Copy the code

Read Committed

  • Definition:

Someone else’s transaction to change data has been committed and I can read it in my transaction.

  • Disadvantages:

This may result in unrepeatable reads, where two reads of the same thing may be different.

  • The database

Oracle default isolation level

Repeatable Read

  • Definition:

Other people change the data of the transaction has been committed, I do not read in my transaction.

  • Disadvantages:

It is possible that the data is not read in the phantom transaction, but already exists in the database

  • data

Mysql default isolation level

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