1. The introduction of mongo
- MongoDB is a database system designed for rapid development of Internet Web applications.
- MongoDB is designed to be minimal, flexible, and part of the Web application stack.
- The data model of MongoDB is document-oriented. The so-called document is a structure similar to JSON. It is simple to understand that the MongoDB database is stored in a variety of JSON. (BSON)
1.1 Downloading and Installing MongoDB
1.1.1 downloaded mongo
- Download address >>>
- The even-numbered version of MongoDB is stable, and the odd-numbered version is development.
- MongoDB does not support 32-bit systems well, so there is no support for 32-bit systems since version 3.2.
1.1.2 Docker Install mongodb
- Find Mongo in Docker
- docker search mongo
- Pull the mirror
- Docker pull mongo: 4.0 xenial
- docker images
- Run the mirror
- Docker run –name mongodb –restart always -p 27017:27017 -v mongodata:/data/db -d mongo:4.0-xenial –auth –bind_ip_all
- Set the permissions
- docker exec -it a7e5d4e4ca69 mongo admin
- db.createUser({ user: ‘admin’, pwd: ‘admin123456’, roles: [ { role: “readWrite”, db: “app” } ] });
1.3 Basic concepts of Mongo
- Database
- Collection
- Document
- In MongoDB, neither databases nor collections need to be created manually
- When a document is created, databases and collections are automatically created if the collection or database in which the document resides does not exist
- In MongoDB, neither databases nor collections need to be created manually
1.2 Basic operation of Mongo
// 1.Query all databasesshow dbs;
show databases;
// 2.Enter the specified database//When creating a document use ${dbName}// 3.View collections in the databaseshow collections;
// 4.Database CRUD operations// 4.1Db.test.find ();// 4.2Insert documents into the collection-Inserts one or more documents into the collection-When inserting a document into the collection, the database automatically adds the _ID DB to the document if the _id attribute is not specified for the document.<collection>.insert(${doc})
//Db.test. insert({name:" Monkey King ",age:18And gender: "male"});// 4.21.Insert multiple document dB.<collection>.insert([${doc1},${doc2},${doc3}]);
// 3.2Db after version.<collection>.insertOne();
// 4.3The query// 4.31.Query all qualified document dB in the collection.<collection>.find()
// 4.32.Query the document DB by id.<collection>.find({_id:""});
// 4.33.Query the document DB using the common properties.<collection>.find({age:"", name:""});
// 4.34.Query the first qualified document DB in the collection.<collection>.findOne({age:""});
//Query the number of all results db.<collection>.find({}).count(a);// 4.4Modify the// 4.41.Modify the $operatorsetModify attribute value $unset Delete attribute value db.<collection>Update ({name: ""}, {the age:" "}, {upsert:<boolean>, multi:<boolean>, writeConcern:<document>.collation:<document>}); //Value updates a value by default// 4.41.Modify multiple qualified document db at the same time.<collection>.updateMany();0
// 4.42.Modify a qualified document DB.<collection>.updateOne();
// 4.43.Replace a document DB.<collection>.replaceOne();
// 4.5Delete the db.<collection>.deleteOne();
db.<collection>.remove(<query>.<justOne>); //More than one is deleted by defaultCopy the code
2.1 Relationship between Documents
2.1.1 1-to-1 relationship
Couples (one husband to one wife) in MongoDB can have a one-to-one relationship in the form of embedded documentation
db.wifeAndHusband.insert([{name:"Huang2 rong2", husband:{name:"Guo jing"}}]);
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2.1.2 1 One-to-many relationship
Parent-child users – order articles – comments can also be mapped to one-to-many via embedded documents
1 / / method
db.artical.insert(title:"Heading 1", content:"content1", [{comment:"comment1"}, {comment:"comment2"}]);
2 / / method
db.order.insert({list:[The word "apple"."Banana"."Big pear"]}, user_id:ObjectId("xxxxxxx"));
var user_id = db.users.findOne({username:"swk"})._id;
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2.1.2 Many-to-many relationships
Category – Merchandise Teacher – Student
db.teachers.insert([{name:"Hong Qi Gong"},{name:"Pharmacist Huang"},{name:Turtle Fairy}]);
db.students.insert([{name:"Guo jing", teachers_id:[{ObjectId("xxx"), ObjectId("xxx")}]}]);
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3.1 Sort and projection
3.1.1 sort
By default, documents are sorted by _id (ascending). Sort () can be used to specify rules for sorting documents
db.emp.find({}).sort({sal:1}); // sal = 1; // sal = 1
db.emp.find({}).sort({sal:1, empno:-1}); Empno empno empno
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Limit Skip sort can be called in any order
3.1.2 projection
During query, you can set the projection of the query result in the position of the second parameter
db.emp.find({},{ename:1, _id:0, sal:1});
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4. Mongoose
4.1 introduction of Mongoose
- Before we are through the shell to complete the various operations of the database, in the development of most of the time we need to complete the operation of the database through the program.
- Mongoose is a module that allows us to operate MongoDB through Node.
- Mongoose is an object document Model (ODM) library that further encapsulates Node’s native MongoDB module and provides additional functionality.
- In most cases, it is used to apply structured schemas to a MongoDB collection and provides benefits such as validation and type conversion.
4.2 Benefits of Mongoose
- You can create a Schema structure for your document
- You can validate objects/documents in the model
- Data can be converted to an object model through type casting
- Middleware can be used to apply business logic hooks
- Easier than Node’s native MongoDB driver
4.3 New Objects
- Mongoose provides us with several new objects
- Schema (Schema object)
- The Schema object definition constrains the document structure in the database
- Model
- The Model object acts as a representation of all the documents in the collection, equivalent to the collection in the MongoDB database
- Document
- Document represents a specific Document in the collection, equivalent to a specific Document in the collection
- Schema (Schema object)
4.4 How to Use Mongoose
// 1. Download install Mongoose NPM I Mongoose --save // 2. Var mongoose = require("mongoose"); Connect to MongoDB database mongoose. Connect (' MongoDB :// database IP address: port number/database name ', {useMongoClient: true}); // In the Mongoose object, there is an attribute called connection, which represents the database connection. // By setting up the state of the object, Connection.once ("open", function(){}); mongoose.connection.once("close", function(){}); // 5. Disconnect the database (usually not called) mongoose.disconnection();Copy the code
4.4.1 Schema
/ / define Schema
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var blogSchema = new Schema({
title: String,
author: String,
body: String,
comments: [{body: String, date: Date}],
date: {type:Date, default: Date.now},
hidden: Boolean,
meta: {
votes: Number,
favs: Number
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4.4.2 Model
// Create the Model from Schema
// Model represents a collection in the database, through which the database can be operated
// mongoose.model(modelName, schema)
var BlogModel = mongoose.model("blog", blogSchema); Blog.create({... }, function(err){if(! err) { console.log("Insert successful"); }});/** Create model.create (doc(s), [callback]) - to create one or more documents and add them to the database - Doc (s) can be a document object, or an array callback of a document object. Model.find(conditions, [projection], [options], [callback]) - Query all matched documents model.findByid (id, [options], [options], [callback]) - Query document Model. FindOne ([conditions], [projection], [options], [callback]) - query the first document that is provided by projection. Update (conditions, doc, [options], [callback]) Model.updateMany(conditions, doc, [options], [callback]) Model.updateOne(conditions, doc, [options], [callback]) **/
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4.3 the Document
blog.findOne({}, function(err,doc) {
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