• background
  • Train of thought
  • implementation
  • thinking


Recently I received a demand to desensitize and encrypt the sensitive information such as phone number and ID number in the database. In addition, I was also asked relevant questions in the interview before, all of which are recorded here. Desensitization object is the field of the database, so it is the most appropriate to conduct encryption and decryption operation at the entry and exit of database access. Mybatis is used as ORM framework in the project, so database desensitization based on MyBatis is used.

Train of thought

The core idea of desensitization of data in database is to encrypt sensitive fields when entering the database and decrypt sensitive fields when leaving the database. With that in mind, we focus on two things.

  1. When? Warehousing and warehousing
  2. And where? Input parameters and query results

Plugin in mybatis framework can well control the above two concerns and annotate the fields requiring desensitization in combination with custom annotations, which can meet our needs.


Theoretical knowledge reserve

  • Mybatis Interceptor Implementation Process and Principle (blog.csdn.net/weixin_3949…)
  • Custom annotations
  • reflection
  1. Define custom annotations to identify sensitive fields

    / * * * * id field warehousing information need encryption @ see com. The VCG. Veer. Sign. Utils. DesUtils * @ author zhouyao * @ * * / date 2021/10/27 9:22 and morning @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.FIELD) public @interface Encrypt { }Copy the code
  2. Mybatis plugin logic (compatible with pageHelper and Mybatis processor plugins used in the project)

     * 敏感字段入库、出库处理
     * @author zhouyao
     * @date 2021/10/27 9:25 上午
                    @Signature(type = Executor.class, method = "query", args = {MappedStatement.class, Object.class, RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class}),
                    @Signature(type = Executor.class, method = "update", args = {MappedStatement.class, Object.class})
    public class EncryptInterceptor implements Interceptor {
        private final String EXAMPLE_SUFFIX = "Example";
        public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
            Object[] args = invocation.getArgs();
            MappedStatement ms = (MappedStatement) args[0];
            Object parameter = args[1];
            Class<?> argClass = parameter.getClass();
            String argClassName = argClass.getName();
            if (needHandleExample(argClassName)){
            //update 方法
            if (args.length == 2 ){
                return invocation.proceed();
            if(args.length == 4){
                RowBounds rowBounds = (RowBounds) args[2];
                ResultHandler resultHandler = (ResultHandler) args[3];
                Executor executor = (Executor) invocation.getTarget();
                CacheKey cacheKey;
                BoundSql boundSql;
                //4 个参数时
                boundSql = ms.getBoundSql(parameter);
                cacheKey = executor.createCacheKey(ms, parameter, rowBounds, boundSql);
                List<Object> queryResult = executor.query(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, cacheKey, boundSql);
                return queryResult;
            return invocation.proceed();
         * 对数据进行解密
         * @param queryResult
        private void decryptFieldIfNeeded(List<Object> queryResult) throws IllegalAccessException {
            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(queryResult)) {
            Object o1 = queryResult.get(0);
            Class<?> resultClass = o1.getClass();
            Field[] resultClassDeclaredFields = resultClass.getDeclaredFields();
            List<Field> needDecryptFieldList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Field resultClassDeclaredField : resultClassDeclaredFields) {
                Encrypt encrypt = resultClassDeclaredField.getDeclaredAnnotation(Encrypt.class);
                if (encrypt == null){
                Class<?> type = resultClassDeclaredField.getType();
                if (!String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
                    throw new IllegalStateException("@Encrypt should annotated on String field");
            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(needDecryptFieldList)){
            for (Field field : needDecryptFieldList) {
                for (Object o : queryResult) {
                    String fieldValue = (String) field.get(o);
                    if (!StringUtils.hasText(fieldValue)){
         * 处理自定义mapper参数
         * @param args
        private void handleCustomizeMapperParams(Object[] args) throws Exception {
            Object param = args[1];
        private void encryptObjectField(Object param) throws Exception {
            Class<?> paramClass = param.getClass();
            //mybatis @param注解会处理为多参数
            if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)){
                Map mapParam = (Map) param;
                Set<Object> params = new HashSet<>();
                for (Object o : params) {
            Field[] paramClassDeclaredFields = paramClass.getDeclaredFields();
            // 遍历参数的所有字段查找需要加密的字段
            for (Field paramClassDeclaredField : paramClassDeclaredFields) {
                Encrypt encrypt = paramClassDeclaredField.getDeclaredAnnotation(Encrypt.class);
                if (encrypt != null){
         * 给指定字段加密
         * @param targetObj
         * @param paramClassDeclaredField
        private void encryptField(Object targetObj, Field paramClassDeclaredField) throws Exception {
            Class<?> type = paramClassDeclaredField.getType();
            Object fieldValue = paramClassDeclaredField.get(targetObj);
            if (fieldValue == null){
            if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                try {
                    Collection<String> collection = (Collection<String>) fieldValue;
                    List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<>();
                    Iterator<String> iterator = collection.iterator();
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        String next = iterator.next();
                }catch (Exception ex){
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Encrypted fields only support String type");
            else if(String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
                paramClassDeclaredField.set(targetObj, DesUtils.encrypt(fieldValue.toString()));
            else if (isBasicType(type)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Encrypted fields only support String type");
            } else {
        private boolean isBasicType(Class<?> clz) {
            try {
                return ((Class) clz.getField("TYPE").get(null)).isPrimitive();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return false;
        private void handleExample(Object[] args) throws Exception {
            Object arg = args[1];
            Class<?> argClass = arg.getClass();
            String argClassName = argClass.getName();
            //兼容 mybatis-processor
            if (argClassName.endsWith(EXAMPLE_SUFFIX)) {
                String modelClassName = argClassName.substring(0, argClassName.length() - 7);
                Class<?> modelClass;
                try {
                    modelClass = Class.forName(modelClassName);
                }catch(ClassNotFoundException ex){
                Method getCriteria = argClass.getDeclaredMethod("getCriteria");
                Object criteria = getCriteria.invoke(arg);
                Class<?> criteriaClass = criteria.getClass();
                Method getAllCriteria = criteriaClass.getDeclaredMethod("getAllCriteria");
                Set<Object> criterions = (Set<Object>) getAllCriteria.invoke(criteria);
                for (Object criterionObj : criterions) {
                    Class<?> criterionClass = criterionObj.getClass();
                    Method getCondition = criterionClass.getDeclaredMethod("getCondition");
                    String condition = (String) getCondition.invoke(criterionObj);
                    String[] conditionParts = condition.split(" ");
                    if (conditionParts.length != 2){
                    String columnName = conditionParts[0];
                    //操作 >=< like
                    String operateType = conditionParts[1];
                    Field[] modelClassDeclaredFields = modelClass.getDeclaredFields();
                    for (Field modelClassDeclaredField : modelClassDeclaredFields) {
                        Column annotation = modelClassDeclaredField.getAnnotation(Column.class);
                        if (annotation == null){
                        if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(annotation.name())){
                            Encrypt encrypt = modelClassDeclaredField.getDeclaredAnnotation(Encrypt.class);
                            if (encrypt != null) {
                                if (!"=".equalsIgnoreCase(operateType)) {
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("encrypt field only can be operate by '='");
                                Field value = criterionClass.getDeclaredField("value");
                                List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
         * 判断是否需要处理Example类型的查询
         * @param argClassName
         * @return
        private boolean needHandleExample(String argClassName) {
            return argClassName.endsWith(EXAMPLE_SUFFIX);
        private Object decryptIfNeeded(Invocation invocation) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
            return invocation.proceed();
        public Object plugin(Object target) {
            return Plugin.wrap(target, this);
        public void setProperties(Properties properties) {
    Copy the code
  3. Use of plug-ins

    Register the plug-in at project startup (note that according to the implementation principle of mybatis plug-in, this plug-in needs to be registered last to ensure that the parameters are resolved first)

    SqlSessionFactoryBean bean = new SqlSessionFactoryBean(); bean.setDataSource(dataSource); EncryptInterceptor = new EncryptInterceptor(); PageInterceptor = new PageInterceptor(); PageInterceptor = new PageInterceptor(); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty("reasonable", "true"); properties.setProperty("supportMethodsArguments", "true"); properties.setProperty("returnPageInfo", "check"); properties.setProperty("params", "count=countSql"); pageInterceptor.setProperties(properties); / / add plug-in bean. SetPlugins (pageInterceptor encryptInterceptor);Copy the code

    Annotate @ENCRYPT annotations for fields that need to be encrypted (both the input parameter and the resulting DTO object fields need to be annotated)

        private String mobile;
    Copy the code


Through mybatis plug-in on the database to achieve desensitization processing is relatively simple. The point is:

  1. Intercepts the Query and update methods of Executor objects to retrieve query/update parameters and query result sets
  2. Add/decrypt a field in a parameter with a custom annotation through reflection

In the development process, I also encountered the problem that the custom interceptor does not take effect due to the use of pageHelper plug-in. Finally, I consulted the document of PageHelper to solve the problem (it needs to be developed according to the specification of the interceptor defined by PageHelper).

Complete code reference:


Reference Documents:

Pagehelper Interceptor Advanced usage

mybatis interceptor