This is the second day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August
Chain storage structure
- The location of nodes in memory is arbitrary, that is, data elements that are logically adjacent are not necessarily physically adjacent
The term
- Node: Storage image of data element. It consists of two parts: data domain and pointer domain
- Data domain: Stores element numeric data
- Pointer field: Storage location for immediate successors
- Linked list: N nodes form a linked list of pointer chains. It is a chain storage image of a linear list, called the chain storage structure of a linear list
- Singly linked lists
- A list whose node has only one pointer field is called a single or linear list
- Double linked list
- A linked list with two pointer fields is called a double-linked list
- Circular linked list
- A list that ends end to end is called a circular list
- Singly linked lists
- The head pointer
- A pointer to the first node in the list
- Finally, some first
- The node in the linked list where the first data element A1 is stored
- The first node
- A node appended to the first node of a linked list; Only information such as table flags and table lengths is empty in the data field
- The benefits of setting headers
- Easy to handle the initial node
- The address of the head node is stored in the pointer field of the head node, so the operation at the first position in the linked list is the same as the other positions, without special processing;
- Facilitate the unified processing of empty tables and non-empty tables
- The head pointer is a non-null pointer to the head node, regardless of whether the linked list is empty or not, so the treatment of empty and non-empty tables is uniform.
- Easy to handle the initial node
Characteristics of linked lists
- The location of nodes in memory is arbitrary, that is, data elements that are logically adjacent are not necessarily physically adjacent
- Only the head pointer can be used to enter the linked list and scan the rest of the nodes backwards through the pointer field of each node, so the time to find the first node and the last node is not equal
The pros and cons of linked lists
- advantages
- The number of data elements can be expanded freely
- Insert and delete operations do not need to move data but only need to modify link Pointers, which is efficient
- disadvantages
- Low storage density
- Access efficiency is not high, must use sequential access, that is, when accessing data elements, can only be accessed in the order of the linked list (follow the steps)
Comparison of sequential and linked lists
Store structure comparison items | The order sheet | The list |
The storage space | Pre-allocation will lead to empty space or overflow phenomenon | Dynamic allocation prevents idle or overflow of storage space |
Storage density | There is no additional storage overhead to represent the logical relationship between nodes, and the storage density is equal to 1 | Pointers are needed to reflect the logical relationship between elements, and the storage density is less than 1 |
The access element | Random access, time complexity O(1) to access elements by location | Sequential access, access elements by location in O(n) time |
Insert, delete | On average, move about half of the elements in the table in O(n) time | There is no need to move elements, and the time complexity is O(1) after the insertion and deletion positions are determined. |
applicable | ① The length of the table does not change much, and the range of change can be determined in advance ② Insert or delete operations are rarely carried out, and data elements are often accessed by element position sequence number |
① The length varies greatly ② Insert or delete frequently |
C++ code implementation
using namespace std;
#define OVERFLOW -2
#define OK 1
#define ERROR -1
typedef int Status;
typedef int Elemtype;
/* typedef struct LNode{ Elemtype data; struct LNode *next; }LNode; typedef struct{ lnode *l; }LinkList; * /
typedef struct LNode {
Elemtype data;
struct LNode* next;
}LNode, * LinkList;
// Construct an empty singly linked list
Status InitList(LinkList& L)
L = new LNode; // The header pointer L points to the header
if(! L)exit(OVERFLOW);
L->next = NULL; // The pointer field is null
return OK;
// Create a singly linked list
void CreateList_H(LinkList& L, int n)
LinkList p;
int i;
L = new LNode;
L->next = NULL; // create an empty list of leading nodes
// for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (i = 1; i < n + 1; ++i)
cout << "Please enter no" << i << "Data for each node." << endl;
p = new LNode; // generate a new node *p
cin >> p->data; // The input element is assigned to the data field of the new node *p
p->next = L->next;
L->next = p; // insert the new node *p after the first node}}// Create a singly linked list
Status CreateList_L(LinkList& L, int n)
LinkList r, p;
int i;
L = new LNode;
L->next = NULL;
// The end points to the head
r = L;
for (i = 1; i < n + 1; ++i)
cout << "Please enter no" << i << "Data for each node." << endl;
p = new LNode; // Create a new node
cin >> p->data;
p->next = NULL;
r->next = p;
r = p;
return OK;
/ / value
Status GetElem(LinkList L, int i, Elemtype& e)
// Get the value of the element according to the ordinal I, return the value with e
int j;
LinkList p;
for (p = L->next, j = 1; j < i && p; j++)
p = p->next;
if(! p || j > i)return ERROR;
e = p->data;
return OK;
// Find the location of the element with value e in the list and return its address
LinkList LocateElem_L(LinkList L, Elemtype e)
LinkList p;
p = L->next;
while(p && p->data ! = e) { p = p->next; }return p;
/ / insert
Status ListInsert(LinkList& L, int i, Elemtype& e)
LinkList p, s;
int j;
for (p = L, j = 0; j < i -1 && p; j++)
p = p->next;
if(! p || j > i)return ERROR;
s = new LNode;
s->data = e;
s->next = p->next;
p->next = s;
return OK;
/ / delete
Status ListDelete(LinkList& L, int i, Elemtype& e)
LinkList p, q;
int j;
for (p = L, j = 0; j < i -1 && p; j++)
p = p->next;
if(! p || j > i)return ERROR;
q = p->next;
p->next = q->next;
e = q->data;
delete q;
return OK;
/ / destroy
Status DestroyList(LinkList& L)
LinkList p;
while (L)
p = L;
L = L->next;
delete p;
return OK;
/ / to empty
Status ClearList(LinkList& L)
LinkList p, q;
p = L->next; P points to the first node
while (p) // Not at the end of the table
q = p->next;
delete p;
p = q;
L->next = NULL; // The header pointer field is null
return OK;
/ / o long table
int ListLength_L(LinkList L){
// Return the number of data elements in L
int i;
LinkList p;
p = L->next; P points to the first node
i = 0;
while (p) // Count nodes through the list
p = p->next;
return i;
// Check whether the table is empty
int ListEmpty(LinkList L) {
// If L is empty, return 1; Otherwise, 0 is returned
if (L->next)
return 0;
return 1;
int main(a)
LinkList L;
Elemtype e;
int i, n;
// Create a linked list test
cout << "Please enter table length:";
cin >> n;
// create a tail insert
CreateList_L(L, n);
cout << "Watch length:";
cout << ListLength_L(L) << endl;
// Find tests
cout << "Please enter the location of the element you want to find:";
cin >> i;
GetElem(L, i, e);
cout << e;
// Delete the test
cout << "Please enter the location of the element you want to delete:";
cin >> i;
ListDelete(L, i, e);
cout << e;
return 0;
Copy the code
Python code implementation
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Date : 2019-10-02 09:32:38 # @Author : Your Name ( # @Link : # @Version : $Id$ class SingleNode(object) : def __init__(self, item) : self.item = item = None class SingleLinkList(object) : def __init__(self) : self._head = None def isEmpty(self) : return self._head == None def length(self) : cur = self._head count = 0 while cur: count += 1 cur = return count def travel(self) : cur = self._head while cur: print(cur.item, end="") cur = print(a)return None def addFirst(self, item) : node = SingleNode(item) = self._head self._head = node def append(self, item) : node = SingleNode(item) if self.isEmpty(): self._head = node else: cur = self._head while cur = = node def insert(self, pos, item) : if pos <= 0: self.addFirst(item) elif pos > (self.length() - 1): self.append(item) else: node = SingleNode(item) count = 0 pre = self._head Data starts at 0 # 1 should be pos-2 while count < (pos - 1): count += 1 pre = = = node def remove(self, item) : cur = self._head pre = None while cur: if cur.item == item: if not pre: self._head = else: = break else: pre = cur cur = def search(self, item) : cur = self._head while cur: if cur.item == item: return True cur = return False if __name__ == '__main__': sll = SingleLinkList() sll.addFirst(10) sll.addFirst(20) sll.append(30) sll.remove(10) print( print( sll.insert(2.40) print(sll.length()) print(sll.isEmpty()) sll.insert(2.50) Copy the code
20 10 30 20 30 True False 20 30 40 3 False 20 30 50 40 [Finished in 0.6s] Copy the code
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Date : 2019-10-02 11:13:14 # @Author : Your Name ( # @Link : # @Version : $Id$ class SingleNode(object) : def __init__(self, item) : self.item = item self._head = None class SingleCysLinkedList(object) : def __init__(self) : self._head = None def is_empty(self) : return self._head == None def length(self) : if self.is_empty(): return 0 count = 1 cur = self._head while! = self._head: count +=1 cur = return count def travel(self) : if self.is_empty(): return cur = self._head print(cur.item, end="") while! = self._head: cur = print(cur.item, end="") print(a)def addFirst(self, item) : node = SingleNode(item) if self.is_empty(): self._head = node = self._head else: = self._head cur = self._head while! = self._head: cur = = node self._head = node def append(self, item) : node = SingleNode(item) if self.is_empty(): self._head = node = self._head else: = self._head cur = self._head while! = self._head: cur = = node = self._head def insert(self, pos, item) : if pos<= 0: self.addFirst(item) elif pos > (self.length() - 1): self.append(item) else: node = SingleNode(item) cur = self._head count = 0 while count < (pos - 1): count += 1 cur = = = node def remove(self, item) : if self.is_empty(): return cur = self._head pre = None if cur.item == item: Delete the first element if! = self._head:while! = self._head: cur = = self._head = else: There is only one element self._head = None else: pre = self._head while! = self._head:if cur.item == item: = return else: pre = cur cur = if cur.item == item: = def search(self, item) : if self.is_empty(): return False cur = self._head if cur.item == item: return True while! = self._head: cur = if cur.item == item: return True return False if __name__ == '__main__': ll = SingleCysLinkedList() ll.addFirst(1) ll.addFirst(2) ll.append(3) ll.insert(2.4) ll.insert(4.5) ll.insert(0.6) print("length: {0}".format(ll.length())) print( print( ll.remove(1) print("length:", ll.length()) Copy the code
Length: 6 6 2 1 4 3 5 True False length: 5 6 2 4 3 5 [Finished in 0.4s]Copy the code
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Date : 2019-10-02 12:10:18 # @Author : Your Name ( # @Link : # @Version : $Id$ class Node(object) : def __init__(self, item) : self.item = item = None self.prev = None class DLinkList(object) : def __init__(self) : self._head = None def is_empty(self) : return self._head == None def length(self) : cur = self._head count = 0 while cur: count += 1 cur = return count def travel(self) : cur = self._head while cur: print(cur.item, end="") cur = print(a)def add(self, item) : node = Node(item) if self.is_empty(): self._head = node else: = self._head self._head.prev = node self._head = node def append(self, item) : node = Node(item) if self.is_empty(): self._head = node else: cur = self._head while cur = = node node.prev = cur def search(self, item) : cur = self._head while cur: if cur.item == item: return True cur = return False def insert(self, pos, item) : if pos <= 0: self.add(item) elif pos > (self.length() - 1): self.append(item) else: node = Node(item) cur = self._head count = 0 Move to the position preceding the specified position while count < (pos - 1): count += 1 cur = # Change node prev to cur node.prev = cur # point node next to cur = Cur = prev (cur) = node Point cur next to node = node def remove(self, item) : if self.is_empty(): return else: cur = self._head if cur.item == item: if =None: self._head = None else: = None self._head = return while cur: if cur.item == itme: = = cur.prev break cur = if __name__ == '__main__': ll = DLinkList() ll.add(1) ll.add(2) ll.append(3) ll.insert(2.4) ll.insert(4.5) ll.insert(0.6) print("length:", ll.length()) print( print( ll.remove(1) print("length: {}".format(ll.length())) Copy the code
Length: 6 6 2 1 4 3 5 True True length: 5 2 1 4 3 5 [Finished in 0.1s]Copy the code