Check and set

In computer science, a lookup set is a treelike data structure used to deal with non-intersecting merge and query problems.


  1. Checks whether two elements belong to a collection
  2. Merges disjoint sets of two elements


  1. As shown, treat each element as a collection

  1. When a merge is performed, Pointers to each element point to another collection

Example 1: union(3,4);

Example 2: Union (2,4)

When we merge the children of a set, we make the first node of one set point to the first node of another set. In general, the first node with fewer set elements points to the first node with more set elements. Another way to merge is by comparing the height (or rank) of the tree.

Check if it’s the same set

IsSameSet (1, 2)

The pointer of node 1 points to itself, indicating that the first node of the set is itself, while node 2 points to 3, and 3 executes itself. Then the first node of the set of node 2 is node 3. If the first nodes are the same, they belong to the same node, otherwise they do not belong to the same node.

Code implementation

public class UnionFind<T> { private HashMap<T,T> fatherMap; Private HashMap<T,Integer> sizeMap; Public UnionFind() {fatherMap = new HashMap<>(); sizeMap = new HashMap<>(); } public void makeSet(List<T> data){ fatherMap.clear(); sizeMap.clear(); for (T t : data){ fatherMap.put(t,t); sizeMap.put(t,1); }} private T find(T t1){T p = t1; private T find(T t1){T p = t1; T head = fatherMap.get(p); while(head ! = p){ p = head; head = fatherMap.get(p); } return head; } public Boolean isSameSet(T t1,T t2){return find(t1) == find(t2); } public void union(T t1,T t2){T head1 = find(t1); T head2 = find(t2); if(head1 ! = head2){ int size1 = sizeMap.get(head1); int size2 = sizeMap.get(head2); if(size1 >= size2){ fatherMap.put(head2,head1); sizeMap.put(head1,size1+size2); }else { fatherMap.put(head1,head2); sizeMap.put(head2,size1+size2); }}}}Copy the code

Path to the compression

As shown in the figure, the time complexity of a single lookup in the worst case is order log(n).

At this point we can point node 4 directly to the first node 1 during find operations, such as find(4)

The results are as follows:

The change code is as follows

public class UnionFind<T> { private Stack<T> stack; Private T find(T t1){T p = t1; private T find(T t1){T p = t1; T head = fatherMap.get(p); while(head ! = p){ stack.push(p); P = head; head = fatherMap.get(p); Fathermap.put (T,head); fathermap.put (T,head); } stack.clear(); return head; }... }Copy the code


  • leetcode
  • Data structure and algorithm analysis