0x01 Basic Concepts
Array an Array
Arrays store a series of values of the same type, but in JavaScript you can store different types of values, following best practices (arrays in most languages can’t store multiple types).
Create and initialize
// Use the new keyword
var week = new Array(a);var week = new Array(7); // Create an empty array of length 7
var week = new Array('Sunday'.'Monday');
// We recommend using [] to create an array
var week = [];
var week = ['Sunday'.'Monday'];
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Pass values directly in brackets, as in week[1]
Insert string g at index 2. Elements with index 2, 3, and 4 need to be moved back. So the time to insert elements into the array is order n.
// Add it to the end
var numbers = [];
numbers[numbers.length] = 5;
// output: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
// Add it to the header
// output: [0, 1,2,3,4,5,6]
// Add it at any position
numbers.splice(2.0.222); // MDN - Array.prototype.shift
// output: [0, 1, 222, 2, 3, 4, 5]
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- MDN – Array.prototype.shift
// Delete the header
numbers.shift() // MDN - Array.prototype.shift()
// output: [, 1, 222, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// Delete the tail
numbers.pop() // MDN - Array.prototype.pop()
// output:[1, 222, 2, 3, 4, ]
// Delete from any position
numbers.splice(1.1); // MDN - Array.prototype.splice()
// output: [1, 2, 3, 4]
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- MDN – Array.prototype.shift()
- MDN – Array.prototype.pop()
- MDN – Array.prototype.splice()
Other methods
In addition to the push, pop, shift, unshift, and splice methods, you should be familiar with the other array-related methods:
- Concat: Joins two or more arrays
- Iteration related: every, some, forEach, filter, map, reduce
- Related to conversions between strings: Join, toString, valueOf
- Search: indexOf, lastIndexOf
- Order change: reverse, sort
New in ES6 & ES7 (see babel-ES2015)
- copyWithin
- entries
- find
- findIndex
- fill
- from
- keys
- of
- values
- includes
Linked List List
Common linked lists
- Singly -Linked List
- Doubly-linked List
- Circular linked list
- Bidirectional circular linked lists
- .
Singly linked lists
Schematic diagram:
Using JavaScript to implement the rough skeleton of a single linked list:
// Single linked list node
class Node {
constructor(value, next){
this.value = (value === undefined ? 0 : value);
this.next = (next === undefined ? null: next); }}class SinglyLinkedList {
constructor() {
this.head = null; // Head virtual node
this.size = 0; // Number of linked list elements
// Other methods - can implement themselves
append(element){}; // add a tail
insert(positon, element){}; // Add at the specified location
remove(element){}; / / remove
removeAt(positon){}; // Specify the position to remove
isEmpty(){}; // Whether it is empty
indexOf(){}; // Returns the index, or -1 if not
size(){}; // Returns the number of elements in the list. }Copy the code
The advantage of linked lists over array types is that you don’t need to move other elements when you add or remove them. Another detail of arrays is that they can be directed to any element anywhere, whereas a linked list accesses an intermediate element by iterating from the starting point (HEAD) until the desired element is found. For example, accessing the first element in the list can be denoted as head.next. The second element can be represented as head.next-next (figure below).
- Access the first element in the linked list, the optimal time complexity O(1), only one query;
- To access the last element in the linked list, the worst time complexity is O(n), and the whole list needs to be iterated;
- To access the elements in the middle of the linked list, the average time complexity is O(n/2), remove the constant part is O(n);
Insert a new node between a prev node and a current node like this:
- Step 1: Make
The value of the pointcurrent
node - Step 2: Make
The value of the setnode
So we have one more node in the list, two operations, O(2) ≈ O(1)
To delete a node between a prev node and a current node, do the following:
- make
The pointer points to the current node
The intermediate node can be deleted, and the time complexity is O(1)
Double linked list
/** * Double linked list skeleton * Case: Yallist: https://github.com/isaacs/yallist/blob/1649cc57394b5affeca2c573943ebe3ed7d39119/yallist.js#L7 */
// Double linked list node
class Node {
constructor(value, next, prev){
this.value = value;
this.next = (next === undefined ? null : next);
this.prev = (prev === undefined ? null : prev); // The list is new than single linked list}}class DoublyLinkedList {
constructor() {
this.head = null;
this.tail = null; // The list is new than single linked list
this.size = 0;
/ / other methods - follow yallist: https://github.com/isaacs/yallist/blob/1649cc57394b5affeca2c573943ebe3ed7d39119/yallist.js#L7
getReverse(){}; . }Copy the code
The specific code implementation can refer to the underlying dependency of Node-lru-cache, a double linked list implementation: Yallist
The official description of the library is:
For when an array would be too big, and a Map can’t be iterated in reverse order
Circular linked list
The only difference between a circular list and a single list is that the last element pointing to the next node is not NULL, but the first node.
Bidirectional circular linked lists
The difference is that the prev pointer of the HEAD node precedes TAIL, and the next pointer of the TAIL node points to HEAD
Array versus linked list time complexity
The table below only shows the average Array and Linked List time complexity comparison
The data structure | Access – AVG | Search – AVG | Insertion – AVG | Deletion – AVG |
Array an Array | O(1) | O(n) | O(n) | O(n) |
Linked List List | O(n) | O(n) | O(1) | O(1) |
0x02 Application Scenario Overview
- LRU cache – double linked list: yallist source code
- React Dom Tree Diff – Single linked list
- Linked list types in Redis – double linked lists
0x03 Algorithm analysis
Array removes duplicate items from an Array
points of investigation
- Time complexity is the most important factor in time complexitySpatial complexity**** understanding;
- Proficient in using splice method provided by JavaScript array to insert, delete and add in place;
- Double pointer method of understanding;
Given an ordered array of nums, please delete the repeated elements in place so that each element appears only once, and return the new length of the array after deletion.
Instead of using extra array space, you must modify the input array in place and do so with O(1) extra space.
Input: nums = [0,0,1,1, 2,2,3,3,4]
5, nums = [0,1,2,3,4]
- If you add new arrays, or use Map, Set and other features to remove the array, it will introduce extra space complexity, not meet the requirements of the problem, can only operate on the basis of the original array.
- The splice method provided by Array can operate on the original Array and return the original Array.
- [General method] Use double pointer method;
Method 1: Use the splice method to delete the vm in situ
var removeDuplicates = function(nums) {
let i = 0;
while(i < nums.length){
if(nums[i] == nums[i+1]) {
nums.splice(i+1 ,1); // Delete an element at position I +1
} else {
// Time complexity: O(n)
// Space complexity: O(1)
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Method two: double pointer method
- Initialize two Pointers: I = 0; j = 1
- Each time through the loop, compare the elements I and j
- If they are the same: then I stays the same and J moves back one bit
- If different: then the element at position I + 1 is equal to the element at position j, then I + 1, j + 1
- J =5, the array length is exceeded, stop traversal
var removeDuplicates = function(nums) {
let i = 0, j = 1;
while(j < nums.length){
if(nums[i] ! == nums[j]){ nums[i +1] = nums[j]
return i+1;
// Time complexity: O(n)
// Space complexity: O(1)
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A. Array B. Array C. Array D. Array
points of investigation
- Optimization of time complexity
- Be familiar with Map features
- You can trade spatial complexity for temporal complexity optimization
Given an integer array nums and an integer target value target, find the two integers in the array and the target values and return their array subscripts.
Enter nums = [2,7,11,15], target = 9
Output: [0, 1]
+ nums[1] == 9
Question and answer address: Sum of two numbers – LeetCode
Method 1: brute force cracking idea: two layer cycle, one by one traversal, the disadvantage is high time complexity.
for (i = 0; i < length; i++){
for (j = i + 1; j < length; j++){
if(nums[i] + nums[j] === target) return [i , j]
// Time complexity O(n^2)
// Space complexity O(1)
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The time complexity is reduced from O(n^2) to O(n), but the space complexity is increased from O(1) to O(n) due to the extra Map overhead.
target - nums[i]
In the Map- First cycle
- Check whether 2 exists in the Map
- If no: target=9, nums[I]=2, store 9-2=7 in Map
- Check whether 2 exists in the Map
- Second cycle
- Check whether 7 exists in the Map
- If yes, return the subscript
- Check whether 7 exists in the Map
- First cycle
let myMap = new Map(a);for (i = 0; i < length; i++){
return [myMap.get(nums[i]), i]
} else{ myMap.set(target - nums[i], i); }}// Time complexity O(n)
// Space complexity O(n)
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C) The intersection of arrays
points of investigation
- JS Array API familiarity
- Be familiar with the features of Set
There are many local solutions, no less than 10, which are classified below.
Sort + double pointer; sort + double pointer; sort + double pointer; sort + double pointer
1, use the Set value does not repeat the feature
var intersection = function(nums1, nums2) {
return Array.from(new Set(nums1.filter(v= > nums2.includes(v))))
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2. Use includes to check whether it exists. LastIndexOf determines whether there are duplicates
var intersection = function(nums1, nums2) {
return nums1.filter((v, i) = > nums2.includes(v) && nums1.lastIndexOf(v) === i)
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3. Use indexOf to determine whether there is an index. LastIndexOf determines whether there are duplicates
var intersection = function(nums1, nums2) {
return nums1.filter((v, i) = > nums2.indexOf(v) > -1 && nums1.lastIndexOf(v) === i)
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4, etc.
- Time complexity can be accelerated at the expense of space complexity
- General method: the application of double pointer method
- Array to heavy
- List looking for a ring
- Language features can also solve a lot of problems, day wJ often development, the method of JavaScript array must be memorized, and even can do not look up the document to know all the common API and parameters
0x04 Recommended Tools
- Hand-drawn Style – Drawing tool (use this tool to draw all the images in your document)
- The Big – O quick table
- exercises
- Reverse a linked list
- Merges two ordered lists
- Try implementing a single linked list and related methods