This is a study note on Data Structures and Algorithms (season 1), using the JAVA language

Dynamic arrays have the obvious drawback that they can be a huge waste of memory. Linked lists can claim as much memory as they can

A, list

  • Linked lists are a kind ofChain storeThe memory addresses of all elements are not necessarily contiguous

Second, the design of linked list

  • Create a classLinkedList, used to manage linked list data, wheresizeProperty records the amount of data stored,firstProperty refers to the first part of the list0An element
  • Creating a private classNode, in which theelementAttributes are used to store elements,nextProperty is used to point to the next node in the list

public class LinkedList<E> {
    private int size;
    private Node<E> first;
    // Private class, a node in a linked list
    private class Node<E> {
        E element;
        Node<E> next;
        // constructor
        public Node(E element, Node<E> next) {
            this.element = element;
   = next; }}}Copy the code

3. Interface design of linked list

  • Like dynamic arrays, linked lists need to be added, deleted, modified, and checked
// The number of elements
int size(a); 
// Whether it is empty
boolean isEmpty(a);
// Whether to contain an element
boolean contains(E element); 
// Add the element to the end
void add(E element); 
// Return the element corresponding to the index position
E get(int index); 
// Set the element at index position
E set(int index, E element); 
// Add an element to index
void add(int index, E element); 
// Delete the element corresponding to the index position
E remove(int index); 
// View the position of the element
int indexOf(E element); 
// Clear all elements
void clear(a); 
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Realization of linked list interface

1, index out of bounds judgment

  • When manipulating linked list data, you need to prevent index transgressions and program exceptions
  • When looking up and dropping data, you need to check the range of indexes0 to size 1So the method is as follows
private void rangeCheck(int index) {
    if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index:" + index + ", Size:"+ size); }}Copy the code
  • When inserting data, you need to check the index range because you can add data to the end of all data0 to sizebetween
private void rangeCheckForSize(int index) {
    if (index < 0 || index > size) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index:" + index + ", Size:"+ size); }}Copy the code

2. Search for the specified node based on the index

  • Because the data in the linked list is stored in nodes, the corresponding nodes need to be found when the data is manipulated
  • We can implement a method to find the specified node by index
private Node<E> node(int index) {
    // The header is the node that first points to
    Node<E> node = first;
    // Traverse the index to find the corresponding node
    for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
    	node =;
    return node;
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3. Add data

  • To add data, you need to create a node to store the data, and splice the node to the end of the last node, and thensizeadd1
  • Two cases
    • First: the current linked list has no data, and the new node is concatenated to first
    • Second: the current list has data, and the new node splices to the last node
public void add(E element) {
    // When first equals null, there is no node for this event, so first refers to the new node
    if (first == null) {
    	first = new Node<E>(element, null);
    }else {
    	Fitst = fitST; fitST = fitST; fitST = fitST; fitST = fitST; fitST = fitST
        Node<E> node = node(size - 1); = new Node<E>(element, null);
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4. Insert elements

  • To insert a linked list, you simply create a new node to hold the element and then insert it at the specified location
  • Two cases
    • First: insert to position 0, need to use first to point to the new node
    • Second: insert to non-zero position, directly find the previous node for processing
public void add(int index, E element) {
    // Check if the index is out of bounds
    // when inserted at position 0
    if (index == 0) {
        // First points to the new node, and next points to the node first pointed to before
        first = new Node<E>(element,;
    }else {
        // Find the node before the specified location
        Node<E> prev = node(index - 1);
        // Next of the previous node points to the new node, and next of the new node points to the node pointed to before prev = new Node<>(element,;
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  • The method for adding elements can be abbreviated
public void add(E element) {
    // The element is added to the size position, that is, to the last
    add(size, element);
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5. Delete elements

  • Delete the element, find the node in front of the specified node, and then point directly to the next node that needs to be deletedsizeReduction of1
  • Two cases
    • First: delete the 0th element, using first to point to the first node
    • The second option: delete the element with a non-zero index, find the previous node, and then point directly to the next node
public E remove(int index) {
    // Check if the index is out of bounds
    // Record the node to be deleted
    Node<E> old = first;
    // When the 0th element is deleted, point first's next to the node whose index is' 1 '
    if (index == 0) {
        first =;
    }else {
        // Find the previous element
        Node<E> prev = node(index - 1);
        // Record the node to be deleted
        old =;
        // Point the next of the prev to the next node where the node needs to be removed =;
    // size-1
    // Returns the deleted element
    return old.element;
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6. Empty elements

  • Empty the elements directly intofirstPoint to thenullOk, in the meantimesizeSet to0
public void clear(a) {
    first = null;
    size = 0;
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7. Modify elements

  • Modify the element, find the corresponding node, directly modify the element
public E set(int index, E element) {// Find the corresponding node <E> node = node(index); E old = node.element; // Overwrite element node.element = element; // Return the old elementreturn old;
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8. Find elements

  • Find the element, directly find the corresponding node, take out the element
public E get(int index) {
    // The node method determines whether the index is out of bounds
    return node(index).element;
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Find the element index

  • To find the index of the specified element, you need to traverse all nodes until the element corresponding to the node is equal to the execution element
  • Because the elements can benull, so it needs to be handled in two cases
private static final int ELEMENT_ON_FOUND = -1;
public int indexOf(E element) {
    // Fetch the header
    Node<E> node = first;
    // When element is null
    if (element == null) {
        // Walk through the node, find the node stored as null, return the index
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (node.element == null) returni; node =; }}else {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            // Iterate over the node to find the node whose stored element is equal to the specified element, and return the index
            if (element.equals(node.element)) returni; node =; }}// ELEMENT_ON_FOUND is not found
    return ELEMENT_ON_FOUND;
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Get the number of linked list stored elements

  • Gets the number of linked list stored elements, which issizeThe value of the
public int size(a) {
    return size;
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11. Whether the list is empty

  • Whether the list is empty or not is just a matter of judgmentsizeWhether is equal to the0Can be
public boolean isEmpty(a) {
    return size == 0;
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12. Determine if the element exists

  • To check whether an element exists, you only need to check whether the element index isELEMENT_ON_FOUNDCan be
public boolean contains(E element) {
    returnindexOf(element) ! = ELEMENT_ON_FOUND; }Copy the code

Print the data stored in the linked list

  • I just have to rewritetoStringMethods can be
public String toString(a) {
    StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder();
    string.append("size = ").append(size).append("[");
    Node<E> node = first;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if(i ! =0) {
        node =;
    return string.toString();
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