The definition of the stack
A first in, last out approach
The realization of the stack
A: sequential mode
- Application: Stack. Java
Two: chain modePush operation:
Push out operation:
The application of the stack
- The data follows the input and outputs backwards to the stack
- Inverse Polish expression
Standard four operation expression – infix expression 9+(3-1)X3+10/2 20 computer use – suffix expression 9 3 1-3 * +10 2 / + 20
The figure below shows the top of the stack horizontally and the fetched operator vertically
Rules for converting infix expressions to postfix expressions: Numeric output, operator on stack, parentheses matching off stack, lower priority than the top of stack, off stack (1>2)
Postfix expression calculation rules: 1. 2. Symbols are calculated by taking two symbols (the stack element is placed to the right of the symbol) and then pushed
Recursive basis
The programming technique by which a program calls itself is called recursion. Recursion as an algorithm is widely used in programming languages. A procedure or function in the introduction to the definition or another, directly or indirectly calls itself a kind of method, it is usually the problem of a large complex layers into a similar to the original problem of smaller problems to solve, the recursion strategy only a small number of procedures can be required to describe the problem solving process of repeatedly calculation, greatly reduces the amount of program code. Recursion is the ability to define an infinite collection of objects in finite statements. In general, recursion requires boundary conditions, recursive forward sections, and recursive return sections. When the boundary condition is not satisfied, recursion advances. The recursion returns when the boundary condition is satisfied.
Recursive thought
/** * test the idea of recursion */
public void fun(int n){ / / 3
if(n<0) {return;
fun(n-1); System.out.println(n); }}Copy the code
An example of recursion
1: Find the level of n
/ * * * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5... n! * 5! = 5 * 4! 4! = 4 * 3! * /
public int fact(int n){
if(n<=1) {return 1;
return n*fact(n-1); }}Copy the code
2: Fibonacci sequence
/** * fibonacciSequence 8=7+6 7=6+5 6=5+4 * 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144...... * Returns the NTH term */
public int fibonacciSequence(int n){
if(n==1 || n==2) {return 1;
return fibonacciSequence(n-1)+fibonacciSequence(n-2); }}Copy the code
3: HanoiThree pillars: number 1,2,3, the rule is to move the plate to the third pillar, the process must be small plate on top of the big plate
/ / call
/ * * *@param N Number of plates *@param Start start column *@param Middle intermediate column *@param End Result column */
public static void hanoi(int n,int start,int middle,int end){
System.out.println(start+"-- -- -- -- - >"+end);
System.out.println(start+"-- -- -- -- - >"+end);
hanoi(n-1,middle,start,end); }}Copy the code
Recursively call yourself times problem
- Call yourself once:
The code before the call position is a positive loop, and the code after the call position is an inverse loop (output of recursive ideas)
- Call yourself twice
It is the middle order traversal of a binary tree