Before learning, let’s configure the development environment

Development tool selection

  • Eclipse (or IntelliJ IDEA)

  • JDK (version ≥ 1.8)

Installing the development environment

1. The JDK installation

1.1 find choose to download the latest version in’s official website:…

After downloading, follow the steps to install

After installed, the default path to the JDK: / Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/JDK – 15.0.2. JDK

1.2. Then open iTerm to configure environment variables

Type the command to edit.bash_profile directly

vim ~/.bash_profile
Copy the code

The following interface appears. Enter E to enter editing mode

Then enter I on the screen and run the following command

Finally, press Esc and enter :wq to save and exit the editing

Type Java -version to verify that the installation was successful

2. Install development tools

Here we choose IntelliJ IDEA by default to install.

Follow the steps to install it

Configuring Basic Settings

1. Font Settings

Select Preferences in the title bar

Then search for font in the search box and find the corresponding position to change the font and size

2. Code enhancement tips

Or findPreferencesAnd then search forcode completionFind the corresponding option to uncheck and check

3. Modify the workspace code

Once again, go to Preferences and search enCOD to find the corresponding option to change to UTF-8, which supports Chinese encoding display

Create a project

1. After the basic configuration is complete, let’s create the first project

2. Then select Java, add the JDK you downloaded in the Project SDK, and click Next

3. Select Create Project from Template to generate the template project and click Next

4. Enter the project name and the package information, then click Finish

5. We write down the code to print Hello world in the main. Java file, and then click the triangle to run the program

That’s the basic setup and configuration of the development environment, and then we can have fun learning