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I. Cluster environment construction

1. Environmental overview

ES version 6.3.2, cluster name ESMaster, VM centos7

Service group Role division instructions
en-master master Primary node: esnode1
en-node01 slave Secondary node: esnode2
en-node02 slave Secondary node: esnode3


  • MySQL data is synchronized to the ES search engine in both full and incremental ways
  • Build ElasticSearch middleware in Linux Centos7 environment
  • SpringBoot2 integrates the ElasticSearch search engine framework

The ElasticSearch search engine needs to be managed in a cluster. It is common to search for billions of data in real time.

2. Cluster configuration

The configuration file

Vim/opt/elasticsearch - 6.3.2 / config/elasticsearch. YmlCopy the code

Active Node Configuration

Configure the cluster master node esmaster
node.master: true

# node name esnode1

# Development accessNetwork. The host: the code

Secondary Node Configuration

Note that is set to esnode2 and esnode3 respectively.

# cluster name esmaster

# node name esnode2

# Development accessNetwork. The host: address of the primary node [""]
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Memory access

vim /etc/sysctl.conf

# Add content

# to perform
sysctl -p
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3. The cluster starts

Add and authorize user esroot.

/ opt/elasticsearch 6.3.2 / bin/elasticsearchCopy the code

Single service Viewing

ps -aux |grep elasticsearch
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Viewing Cluster Status


  "cluster_name" : "esmaster".# cluster name
  "status" : "green".# Green: healthy, yellow: sub-healthy, red: sick
  "timed_out" : false.# timeout
  "number_of_nodes": 3.Number of nodes
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Second, cluster mode test

1. Environment configuration

Dev environment

Configure a single node and select any node to test data writing.

      # cluster name
      cluster-name: esmaster
      # single node
      # cluster-nodes: en-master:9300
      # cluster-nodes: en-node01:9300
      cluster-nodes: en-node02:9300
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The test environment

Link the cluster environment for data reading tests.

      # cluster name
      cluster-name: esmaster
      # Cluster node
      cluster-nodes: en-master:9300,en-node01:9300,en-node02:9300
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Of course, all operations can be tested in a single node or cluster environment.

2. Instance object

Manage data object instances based on annotations.


@Document(indexName = "usersearchindex",type = "usersearch")
public class UserSearch {

    // this column is the primary key of Elasticsearch
    private Long id;
    private String userId;
    private String userName;
    private String sex;
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3. Operating cases

Provides a data query operation and a data write operation.

import com.esearch.cluster.entity.UserSearch;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import javax.annotation.Resource;

public class UserSearchServiceImpl implements UserSearchService {

    private UserSearchRepository userSearchRepository ;

    public String esInsert(Integer num) {
        for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++){
            UserSearch userSearch = new UserSearch() ;
        return "success" ;

    public Iterable<UserSearch> esFindAll (a){
        returnuserSearchRepository.findAll() ; }}Copy the code

Cluster console

Here is the cluster console based on the Kibana component.

1. Data list

You can view the list data in the Discover panel or continue your search.

A list of the query

A list of search

2. Development tools

You can run ElasticSearch commands on the dev_tools panel.

Check the cluster health status

GET /_cat/health? vCopy the code

Query all data

GET _search
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}}}Copy the code

Source code address

Making address GitEE,, the code

Recommended reading: Data Source Management series

The serial number The title
01 Data source management: master and slave library dynamic routing, AOP mode read and write separation
02 Data source management: ADAPTS and manages dynamic data sources based on the JDBC pattern
03 Data source management: dynamic permissions verification, table structure and data migration process
04 Data source management: relational database and table, column database and distributed computing
05 Data source management: PostGreSQL environment integration, JSON applications
06 Data source management: Synchronous data and source code analysis based on DataX components
07 Data source management: OLAP query engine, ClickHouse cluster management
08 Data source management: Kafka cluster environment construction, message storage mechanism details