The introduction

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. The era of big data is coming, and data is closely related to people’s lives. Complex and bulky data always gives people a cold feeling, making it difficult to obtain key information, find rules and characteristics, and give full play to the value of data. Spatial data visualization is to solve these problems, with easy-to-understand graphical symbols restore data, express multi-latitude data information, let your data “live”!

Autonavi LOCA data visualization aims to provide convenient and efficient visualization application technology for enterprises and individuals in various fields. It provides a large-scale geographic data visualization development framework based on WebGL and Autonavi JSAPI for the visualization of geospatial data. Combined with Autonavi static base map, deep customization, rich visualization types, high-performance mass data rendering ability, rich case scenes, cool expression to provide users in an easy-to-use way, so that everyone can play cool geographical data visualization.

In short, you can easily take a bunch of boring data and put it on a map in a cool way, and you can create that awesome visualization!

New update to LOCA Data Visualization API 2.0

LOCA2.0 not only features easy-to-use API documentation, but also a rich selection of scenarios. Also upgraded more than 90 layer capabilities including data interaction function and point, line, plane, honeycomb, thermal animation support, so that data fresh temperature, easy to understand, interactive. Technically, new rendering pipelines and architectural patterns are used to greatly improve data processing and data rendering capabilities.

New LOCA 2.0 features

Visual & motor effect

1. Use these color schemes to look good and convey data semantics

The basic color matching of LOCA is refined to configure the measurement and psychological perception of color in data dimension by combining the characteristics of data association relationship, distribution trend and characteristic attributes. All cases use highly recognizable, accurate and reliable color matching strategies, including: classification color, single-phase and dual-phase continuous color, divergent color, semantic color. ** To understand and observe data through the visual channel of color, users can use the corresponding color scheme according to the LOCA case scenario, and the subsequent visual color theme of the light-colored map will be provided.

2. Easy to understand graphic symbols, so that you can make everyone understand the visualization

When implementing visual mapping, LOCA uses the idea of graphic variable and defines the types of visual variables: shape, size, direction, color. When mapping data points to graphics, the appropriate visual graphics are matched based on the category, sequence, and numerical characteristics of the data. The visual variables and visual coding used by LOCA are shown in the figure.

3. Highly customized lens, supporting multi-data scene switching

Highly customizable lens. How to use lens language to show information content in map scenes is particularly important. Therefore, we provide four lens related variables, Pitch, Zoom, Rotation and Center, to customize the trajectory animation curve slow in and slow out, so as to achieve satisfying control of lens parameters.

4. Smooth and natural animation effect, so that the data transfer is no longer abrupt

More layer element effects. Support more than 30 kinds of animation lines, height, radius, transparency, altitude and other attributes have animation transition effects, to solve the problem of sudden layer disappear, so that the transition between data smooth and natural.

5. Multi-light source distribution, enhance the visual effect of the scene

Multiple lighting is supported in one scenario. A variety of light types, multi-light distribution, ** can control the light intensity, range, color, location, etc., through the parameter control light with time transition effect, ** increase the scene light and dark visual level.

6. Express AB point pulse and track animation effect to make the data lively

PulseLine track line supports pulse effect, pulse can control the number, animation duration, line width, etc., animation direction and speed can transmit data meaning, for example, fast speed means busy data line, slow speed means vice versa. The Scatter layer supports dynamic rendering of ICONS.

Layer capability & Rendering capability

1. Three-dimensional space height line and floor ability, restore real spatial data effect

Three dimensional space support. Geographic units (meters) are supported for graphs, thermographs, grids, cellular maps, etc., and the elevation of each node can be set for the line data layer, and different vertical distances between nodes can be defined. ** 3d height surface ability to restore the actual floor height and internal structure, ** can flexibly set the thickness, transparency and color of individual floors and internal surfaces.

2. Personalized customization of unique graphics, so that the visual effect is rich and diverse

Data-driven custom visual variable control. The style field supports function callback for a single data in the layer. You can set a unique graphic symbol for each data and flexibly configure the attributes of the graphic symbol such as radius, transparency and transparency.

3. Data rendering can reach millions of levels, and the efficiency is improved nearly 10 times

The new architecture rendering pipeline optimizes data processing and style parsing to give full play to WebGL’s rendering performance and break the bottleneck of LOCA 1.3 rendering of large data volumes. The fast data response enables easy processing of large data sets.

4. Support arbitrary combination of multiple layers and real-time observation of large and small scenes

In business scenarios, data distribution and values in micro scenarios are also expected to assist data analysis and decision-making while observing macro trends. LOCA offers the ability to blend two layers, allowing you to customize colors, sizes, styles, and combination transitions for individual layers. Taking 3D heat map binding point layer as an example, the map is controlled step by step through the lens to meet the requirements of reading data from global to local visual.

5. Accurate data pick-up to meet the display and interaction of complex scenes

It supports fast acquisition of mass elements on the map, custom style and independent rendering of fine granularity control elements, highlighting feedback and revealing data information when the mouse slides over elements, and accurate revealing of data after the minimum pixel of point, line, surface and volume is selected to meet the display and interaction of complex scenes.

LOCA service scenario application

The LOCA Visualization API is designed to help enterprises and individuals create spatial data visualization and analysis solutions for a wide range of business scenarios. For example: transaction analysis, site selection, traffic index, city health, incident response, research and analysis, epidemic migration and other scenarios. LOCA 2.0 improves the ability to express business scenarios comprehensively and interprets data in multiple dimensions, making the expression of business data more professional and accurate. It also provides a variety of business scenario demos for users’ reference.


As John Tukey said: The greatest value of images is that they force us to pay attention to the unexpected. Through the calculation and transformation of data, geographic visualization makes colors more warm, data more weighty, animation more meaningful, and geospatial data more dynamic. In the future, there are more and more visualization frontier scenarios waiting for us to explore and delve into. ** LOCA based on Gaudamap will continue to improve the calculation and expression capabilities of spatial data, enhance data interaction experience, and enable data visualization to play a greater commercial value. ** This is also the driving force for our continuous progress.

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