Fetch is an upgraded version of XMLHttpRequest. It uses JS scripts to make network requests, but unlike XMLHttpRequest, FETCH uses Promise, which is much simpler than XMLHttpRequest. So let’s say goodbye to XMLHttpRequest and how does FETCH work?

I. Introduction to FETCH

Fetch () is a global method that provides a simple, reasonable way to fetch resources across a network. Its request is based on the Promise, need to learn the Promise in detail, please click “Promise details”. It was specifically designed to replace the traditional XHR.

1.1 fetch uses syntax

The fetch (url, options). Then ((response) = > HTTP response} {/ / processing, (error) = > {/ / processing error})Copy the code

Url: the address from which the network request is sent.

Options: send request parameters,

  • Body-http request parameter
  • Mode – Specifies the request mode. The default is cros: allows cross-domain; Same-origin: Only same-origin requests are allowed. No-cros: Limited to GET, POST, and head, and limited to a few simple headers.
  • Cache – User specified cache.
  • Method – Request method, default GET
  • Signal – Used to cancel fetch
  • Headers Specifies the headers of HTTP requests
  • Keepalive – Used to tell the browser to hold the connection in the background and continue sending data when the page is unloaded.
  • Credentials-cookie Settings, default omit, no cookies, same-origin origin requests with cookies, inclue will include cookies regardless of cross-domain or same-origin.

1.2. Response object

After the fetch request is successful, the response object is shown as follows:


  • Status-http status code. The value ranges from 100 to 599
  • StatusText – the server returns a statusText description
  • Ok – Returns a Boolean value, true if the status code begins with 2, false otherwise
  • Headers – The response head
  • Body – Response body. The data in the body of the response is processed individually according to the type.
  • Type – Returns the request type.
  • Redirected – Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a jump has occurred.

1.3 method of reading content

The Response object provides different reading methods depending on the type of data returned by the server. Respectively are:

  1. Response.text () — gets the text string
  2. Response.json () – Gets the JSON object
  3. Response.blob () – Gets a binary blob object
  4. Response.formdata () – Gets the fromData form object
  5. Response.arraybuffer () – Gets a binary arrayBuffer object

These five methods, all of which return promise objects, must wait until the asynchronous operation ends to get the full data back from the server.

1.4, the response. The clone ()

The stream object can only be read once and then gone, meaning that only one of the above five reading methods can be used or an error will be reported.

So the Response object provides a clone() method that creates a copy of the respons object for multiple reads. Read a picture twice:

const response1 = await fetch('flowers.jpg');
const response2 = response1.clone();

const myBlob1 = await response1.blob();
const myBlob2 = await response2.blob();

image1.src = URL.createObjectURL(myBlob1);
image2.src = URL.createObjectURL(myBlob2);
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1.5, the response body ()

The body property returns a ReadableStream object for user manipulation that can be used to read content in chunks, such as showing progress in downloading.

const response = await fetch('flower.jpg');
const reader = response.body.getReader();
while(true) {
  const {done, value} = await reader.read();
  if (done) {
  console.log(`Received ${value.length} bytes`)
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Response.body.getreader () returns a traverser. The traverser read() method returns an object each time representing the block of content being read.

Second, request POST and GET are handled separately

The value transmission mode varies with the request mode. XHR handles get and POST data transfers separately, and request header Settings separately, as does fetch.

2.1. Get mode

Just add transfer data in URL and request mode in options. As shown in the following code:

<input type="text" id="user"><br> <input type="password" id="pas"> function login(){ fetch(`http://localhost:80/fetch.html? User = ${user. Value} & pas = ${pas. Value} `, {method: 'GET'}). Then (response = > {the console. The log (' response, the response)})} < / script >Copy the code


2.2 Post mode

When using POST to send a request, you need to set the request header and request data.

Change the last example to post mode to submit data, the code is as follows:

Fetch (' http://localhost:80/ES6 exercise /53fetch. HTML ', {method:'POST', headers:{ 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; Charset = utf-8 '}, body: ` user = ${user. Value} & pas = ${pas. Value} `}). Then (response = > {the console. The log (' response, the response)})Copy the code


If you submit JSON data, you need to convert the JSON to a string. Such as

Copy the code

If you submit formData, use formData to convert it, as in:

body:new FormData(form)
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Upload files that can be included in the entire form and submitted together, for example:

const input = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');

const data = new FormData();
data.append('file', input.files[0]);
data.append('user', 'foo');

fetch('/avatars', {
  method: 'POST',
  body: data
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Upload binary data and place bolB or arrayBuffer data in the body property, as in:

let blob = await new Promise(resolve =>   
  canvasElem.toBlob(resolve,  'image/png')

let response = await fetch('/article/fetch/post/image', {
  method:  'POST',
  body: blob
Copy the code


Fetch common pit

3.1 fetch Compatibility

Fetch’s native support rate is shown as follows:


Fetch is a relatively new technology and is not supported by Internet Explorer, as well as other older browsers, so browser compatibility issues need to be considered when using FETCH.

Solution: Introduce Polyfill perfect support for IE8 above.

  • Because Internet Explorer 8 is ES3, polyfill of ES5: ES5-shim, ES5-sham needs to be introduced
  • Polyfill introducing Promise: ES6 – Promise
  • Introduce fetch detector library: Fetch detector
  • Polyfill: FETCH – IE8 is introduced in fetch
  • Optional: If you also use JSONp, introduce fetch-jsonp
  • Optional: Enable Babel Runtime mode and now use async/await

The principle of polyfill is to detect whether fetch supports it and implement it with XHR if it does not. Browsers that support FETCH will respond to Chinese characters with garbled characters. Therefore, fetch detector and FETCH ie8 are used to solve the garbled characters problem.

3.2 fetch does not contain cookies by default

When passing cookies, you must add the credentials:’include’ to the header argument to add the current cookie to the request as XHR does.

3.3 Exception handling

Fetch is different from XHR, which has its own methods of cancellation and error. Therefore, when the server returns 4xx or 5XX, fetch will not throw an error. It needs to be handled manually to judge by the status field in response.