Recently, Matrix Origins (Shenzhen) Information Technology Co., Ltd. completed ten million US dollars angel round financing, led by the five sources of capital investment, Yanfeng Evergreen, source to capital and micro-light venture capital with investment. This round of funding will support the development of MatrixOne’s new big data engine and the development of the open source community.

Wang Long, founder of Matrix Origin (former vice president of Tencent Cloud), said: “In the next 20 years, the industrial Internet, the industrial Internet and the digital twin will be the key scenarios of digital transformation. The rapid development of distributed cloud, 5G, edge intelligence, and the Internet of Everything will lead to an explosive growth in demand for computing, storage, and data analytics. In order to better cope with the changing infrastructure and flexibly meet these rich application scenarios, we need a future-oriented big data engine.”

MatrixOne is a new generation of cloud-side heterogeneous collaborative big data engine designed and developed. MatrixOne is committed to providing developers with simple, flexible data analysis tools, for partners and customers to provide the most efficient, out-of-the-box data intelligence platform. At the same time, MatrixOne will fully embrace the existing ecosystem, open source open, gather the community of users to explore the future of digital road, to build a comprehensive support for the future of the world digital open source technology community.

Matrix Origins team members are experienced in distributed infrastructure, big data, artificial intelligence, and databases, and are made up of product, R&D, solutions, ecology, and open source community experts.

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