Kettle data extraction can be divided into conversion and job. The transformation is to do a separate draw from one table to another, if multiple?? Then you need jobs where you can invoke multiple transformations, either synchronously or asynchronously. We’re going to start today with a simple transformation.

So let’s start kettle

1. Go to File –> New —–> Convert. The following as

2. From the left list of core objects –> Input –> table input. Select table input and drag to the right

3. Click and drag the input table, and the following dialog box will appear. Select “Create” as shown in the figure, and configure which database and which table to extract data from

We found an error message, because the first run did not have oracle driver, so we put oracle database driver in

If the Oracle database software is installed, copy ojdbc5.jar ojdbc6.jar in $ORACLE_HOME\ JDBC \lib to the kettle installation directory \lib. Reroute the Spoon program.

The mysql driver downloads a kettle installation directory \lib from the Internet.

Enter the connection name, your oracle database, and click on the test button.

4. Click OK, then data SQL statement, table you created yourself, click Preview. We can see that the data is read correctly from the database.

5. Find the input — table output on the right, drag to the right area, and then click set mysql database information as shown in the figure below

Click OK and click Browse to select the table you want to insert. My table is a. The structure of a table is the same as that of THE Oracle T_USER table. And I’ll hit OK

6. Click OK. They exchange data by holding down a line from the table input to the table input.

7. Click the Run button to save the transformation

After you save the transformation, you can see that the transformation is already running. In the log output below, you can see two data writes to mysql. The following figure

8. Enter MSYQL to view the newly inserted data. You can see that the insertion succeeded.

## Some people may have doubts, the two tables have the same structure, so it is ok. What if the two tables have different structures. We’ll do that in the next video.