Hello World! I am poisonous Nie Eldest brother ~

Today I’m going to spread a data analysis poison tutorial

I heard that many people want to take the road of data analysis……

I advise you, or directly from the entry to give up……

As a half bucket of water business analysis reading monk, today to give you a list of data analysis on the road to the demons ~

Boys, listen to the advice of big brother:

1. The statistical

Statistical postures to master:

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Probability Concepts and Probability Distributions
  • Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem
  • Confidence Intervals
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Analysis of Variance
  • Chi Square and Nonparametric Tests
  • Simple and Multiple Regression

Want to dodge statistics??

Basic Statistics of University of Amsterdam (UAMSTERDAM) on Coursera

  • University of level: Basic Statistics | Coursera (attend) free of charge

Here is another step by Step textbook that we use in our class

  • Basic Business Statistics by Mark L.Berenson & Others

2. SQL

Commonly used statements back and forth just a few, but to be cooked, to be cooked, to be cooked!

SQL skills are important on your resume!! Very important!!

SQL Quick Reference From W3Schools

Another great, great, great MySQL class for you! Coursera! Duke University! I like teaching that gentle and beautiful big sister ~

  • Managing Big Data with MySQL | Coursera (attend) free of charge

3. R

It has been debated for many years whether R or Python is the best data analysis player in the world, and no conclusion has been reached so far…… The truth is that Python’s main function is programming, and it is used in many fields other than pure data analysis, so Python is in far greater demand than R in the job market.

R mainly focuses on statistical functions and shows many advantages in statistics. It is no problem and stable to use R for simple data analysis. But in the direction of data science, R is a bit shaky, and Python is up to its ears……

These two languages I am poor, can only say roughly, you still need to explore the beauty of these two languages ~

The courses I learned in R are the classic R courses of Johns Hopkins University on Coursera and the training courses of business analysts I took during my internship in Data Application Lab. Coursera that course I don’t quite walk heart, silently ridicule the course inexplicable exudes a thick sense of The Times, the teacher a little expressionless, more blow my learning passion…… Well, I know I make……

Later, I went to the training class of the company during my internship, and R was taught by a neat little sister, which made me fall in love with R……

  • R Programming | Coursera (attend) free of charge
  • Business Analyst – Data Application Lab

As a little fan of Python subjectively, that’s all I’ve learned so far!! General understanding of R language thinking, encountered not the problem of Google to find the code is almost ~

In addition, I found a R course on Udemy, and I think the course is quite good. If you want to learn R, you can try it. As for the price of the course on Udemy, I would like to add that the original price is scary The following 50 dollars of the course I think may hit lower ~

  • R Programming A-Z™: R For Data Science With Real Exercises!

4. Python

Python is a language that lets people forget themselves……

I’ve studied Korean, Japanese, English, and a little R in my life, but Python is the one I’ve learned with the most passion……

When I learned Python, I was in a foreign country with my dear husband for half a year. The existence of Python greatly relieved my missing for my husband!!

Most immersed in that period of time, no matter what time to go home, before going to bed at night must watch a bit of Python crawler to sleep at ease, night dream is crawler code……

When I first learned Python, I took the classic series of University of Michigan on Coursera: Python for Everybody, which included five special courses. Except for the last Capstone, I passed the other four courses (I didn’t write the homework).

Using Python to Access the Web is a very difficult course to learn. You can use Python to Access the Web. You can use Python to Access the Web

As a reminder, if you search Python for Everybody, you’ll find…… Want to pay money up!! Save money tip is in the search bar one by one search special class, enter the page of special class can audit for free…… The same applies to many other Coursera courses.

University of Michigan: Python for Everybody | Coursera

  • Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) | Coursera
  • Python Data Structures | Coursera
  • Using Python to Access Web Data | Coursera
  • Using Databases with Python | Coursera
  • Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python | Coursera

The University of Michigan also offers advanced Data Science courses in Python, including data analysis, drawing, and machine learning:

  • University of Michigan: Applied Data Science with Python | Coursera

In addition, I also followed the column of Daishen @ Qinlu’s Operation Dashi Brother Zhihu. There are six articles in total, from “Starting Python tutorial” to “Analyzing User consumption behavior with Python”, which is a super quick introduction to Python data analysis.

Udemy also has a great Python data analysis course. I’m currently taking it and I think it’s great

I’m going to teach machine learning to pandas, NUMPY, drawing, and three data projects. 20 machine learning videos with SciKit Learn! And there’s more! 11 statistics videos! It’s not over yet! There are also several SHORT videos of SQL and Web Scraping! Full conscience learning package ~

  • Learning Python for Data Analysis and Visualization

There must be many friends who are interested in reptiles……

Learn reptilian of course to see cui Qingcai series of tutorials ah!!

The text version is free and uses Python 2.7 ↓

  • Python crawler learning series | still find

Video tutorial 499 YUAN, before there was a discount, the impression of 270 ~

  • Python3 crawler video tutorials | still find

If you’re just casual and don’t want to go that far, or if you’re really as poor as I am, check out the text version of the urlib library, Requests library, BeautifulSoup library, Selenium library, and regular expressions library. Follow Cui God’s three free case practice again ~ I think for small white about ~

  • Python3 crawler

For data analysts, crawler is not a necessary skill, so what is the significance of learning crawler? God @ Dong Weiming in his near perfect “crawler from the beginning to the advanced” Live introduction to the heart of the ~

5. Tableau

Finally, the goddess of data analytics!! Let’s shout out her name: T! A! B! L! E! A! U!

Read as “tab-low”!!

A lot of the Tableau kids AROUND me, they don’t react like that,


Have said in this face of the era, to learn goddess software……

(Source: Best Practices for Designing Efficient Tableau Workbook)

Thanks to her unusual appearance from birth, Tableau quickly became popular, gradually infiltrating the industry and American colleges. Tableau is also a must-have resume skill for data analysts in the United States.

At present, I think the best way to learn Tableau is to go to Coursera to take the course of Duke University, which basically covers the entry to intermediate and advanced operation, wall crack call, wall crack recommendation!! Really like teaching the duke big sister……

  • Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau | Coursera

In addition, Tableau in order to promote their own software, free training is also done very hard……

  • Tableau Training & Tutorials
  • Live Training Resources
  • Webinars

There are a lot of great Tableau case demonstrations

  • Gallery

And Moveover Monday Project, Po a data set and data analysis presentation every Monday

  • A weekly social data project

As for some people say, download are so expensive, local tyrants can afford to learn…… If you go to Coursera’s Big Sister Duke course, you will be surprised……

6. Excel

No matter how much you like Excel or don’t like Excel…… As a data analyst, having Excel skills on your resume is also a must……

The most important thing of course is to be able to Pivot Tables~

I also learned About Pivot Tables through DAL’s business analytics training course. If you just want to learn Pivot Tables, go to Udemy

  • Microsoft Excel – Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables

There’s also a free learning tool, YouTube, and a fistful of Pivot Tables

I really love YouTube and there is almost no pose that can’t be found on YouTube……

7. Forecasting

Prediction/time series is also a skill that we data analysis monks need to master, but it is relatively simple. It is enough to understand the principles of several prediction models and to be able to operate them with software. The textbook we used was Business Forecasting, which is available in Chinese but I’m sure you won’t want to read……

  • Business Forecast (Douban)

There are still drugs on Udemy! Introduction to Moving Average, Simple Exponential Smoothing, Double Exponential Smoothing/Holts, Winters/HoltWinters and other models as well as operations in R and Tableau.

  • Data Science-Forecasting/Time series Using XLMiner,R&Tableau

If your love for Tableau is true! I can go to the new Udemy class. The current rating is 4.7, which is quite good. Anyway, it’s amway to me

  • Forecasting and Time Series Analysis in Tableau

8. Data Mining and Machine Learning

Back then, when I just got in touch with data, I was still a silly baby. When I heard about “Machine Learning”, my heart was like…… below

Where the demons and ghosts, nima listen to the name of unknown awareness li……

I have been engaged in the data mining analysis for one year, but I have only been exposed to machine learning for one month (online courses and data mining courses this semester). I feel that the difficulty is obviously higher, but the more I learn, the more exciting I become, and the more I learn, the more I become

At present, it is still a slag, dare not talk about it, just list the basic knowledge points and online learning resources needed to master machine learning:

  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Decision Trees
  • k-Nearest Neighbors
  • Naive Bayes Classification
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Neural Nets
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Random Forest
  • Natural Language Processing

If you haven’t heard of Ng’s machine learning ace course, you must be a fake data ape……

  • Machine Learning | Coursera

To tell the truth, before the Machine Learning of male god, I still don’t understand why this looking-ugly uncle, there are so many dead faithful…… Every time uncle’s trend update, with the same earthquake…… Married wife or with his intelligence quotient as high goddess Daniel! Dr. CS at Johns Hopkins……

If you’re as confused as I was, go to Coursera at…… By the way, He is also the co-founder of Coursera. In the first half of my life, I did not have Coursera, but the second half of my life must closely follow it……

Anyway, now I am crying into ng enda taught……

Udemy’s Python data analysis course, which I introduced earlier in the Python section, also covers part of machine learning:

  • Learning Python for Data Analysis and Visualization

Excellent and systematic data science courses include:

  • University of Michigan: Applied Data Science with Python | Coursera

This is my summary of some classic postures for data Analysis. In fact, there are also Decision Analysis (mainly probability) and Optimization. Go to YouTube for more videos

One year ago today, I did not take online courses. I knew no SQL, NO R, no Python, no Tableau, no Forecasting, and no machine learning…… I took two specialized courses, Statistics and Optimization (Excel Modeling), and nothing more……

If you don’t nominate alumni resources and networking opportunities, you can create a student from a prestigious university at home by following this tutorial

You can also refer to the curriculum of several well-known data analysis programs in the United States:

  • University of Texas -Austin | MS in Business Analytics
  • USC | MS in Business Analytics
  • University of Chicago | MS in Analytics

Finally, an inspirational story, one of my latest youtubers, Harrison Kinsley. I graduated from Sam Houston State University, majoring in Philosophy and Criminology. After graduation, I started my own business, taught myself Python programming, and posted python tutorials online for free. He also founded a Python learning website, which currently has more than 270,000 followers on YouTube.

If you’re wondering, how does brother make a living? Brother said, he can receive several offers a week…… Companies you haven’t heard of a bunch of companies the entire universe has heard of Facebook and Apple offers he has…… In addition, he also do consulting to make money, livelihood is not worried……

Now that you have read this far, it seems that you are also the true love of data, so hurry up and learn fainting with me!

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