Introduction to the

  • Dart was born on October 10, 2011

  • Dart is a type-safe, object-oriented programming language developed by Google for the Web, servers, mobile applications, and the Internet of Things.

  • Dart operation mode

    • Native VM: Dart code runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
    • JavaScript engine: Dart code can be converted to JS code that runs on the browser.

Grammar foundation

  • Comment syntax is consistent with JS

  • You don’t need a keyword to declare a function.

  • The data type of the variable declared by var is dynamic, and there is no variable promotion compared with JS

  • Print using print, JS using console.log

  • Both functions and arguments are preceded by type declarations

  • At the end of each line of code, a semicolon must be written

  • Strings can be enclosed in quotes, supporting template strings

  • Main is the Dart entry function, and Dart applications always start execution from main

// Declare the function
void hello(String value){
  print('Hello $value'); // Support template strings

// The entry function: the application starts executing here
void main() {
  var value='World! ';  // Variable declarations: Variable data types declared using var are dynamic
  hello(value); // Function call

// Console: Hello World!
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  • Single-line comments

    • // I’m a one-line comment
  • Multiline comment

    • / *I’m a multi-line comment* /
  • Documentation comments

    • /// I am a document comment
    • Document comments can be turned into documents using DartDoc, and document comments support markdown syntax
// I'm a one-line comment

/* I am a multi-line comment */

/// I am a document comment and I can be converted to a document by DartDoc. I support markdown syntax
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  • Dart everything is an object. A variable stores a reference to an object

  • Variable declarations

    • Int age = 18;
    • Var age = 18; Or dynamic age = 18;
  • Variable names are case-sensitive

  • The variable default value is null

  • Variable values are not converted implicitly, and NULL does not become false


  • Once a constant is declared, its value cannot be changed

  • Declare constants

    • const age = 18;
    • final age = 18;
  • Const vs. final

    • Const declares a value that can be fetched at compile time
    • Final declares values that can be fetched at runtime
void getTime() {
  const time1 = new;   // Error - cannot assign runtime value to const variable
  final time2 = new;   // Success - Run-time values can be assigned to final variables
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The data type

  • Number
    • Num The number type can be an integer or a decimal
    • Int is an integer
    • A double represents a floating point number, which can be either an integer or a decimal
void main() {
  // Declare an integer
  int age = 18;

  // Declare a floating point number
  double price = 3;
  print(Floating point:${price}');

  // Declare a numeric type
  num n1 = 3.5;
  print('Value type:${n1}');

  // Type conversion
  print('Type conversion:${n1.runtimeType}Converted type:${n1.toString().runtimeType}');

  // round down
  print('round down:The ${8.8.toInt()}');

  // Round off
  print('Round off:The ${3.1415926.round()}');

  // Returns the remainder
  print('more than:The ${10.remainder(4)}');

  // Digit comparison 0: same 1: greater than -1: less than
  print('Numerical comparison:The ${10.compareTo(10)}');

  // Return the greatest common divisor
  print('Maximum common divisor:The ${12.gcd(12)}');
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  • String

    • Declaration string

      • You can use single quotes, double quotes
      • Three quotes declare a string containing a newline character
    • Regular expression

      RegExp(R 'regular expression');
      RegExp(r'\d+');   // Match the numbers
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  • Boolean

    • Dart uses the bool keyword to represent Boolean types
    • Boolean types have only two values: true and false
    • When judging a variable, display the check Boolean value
  • List

    • Literal mode

      List list = []; // The data type of the element is not qualified
      List list = <int> [];// Specifies the data type of the element
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    • Constructor mode

      List list = new List.empty(growable:true); // An empty list with no limit on length
      List list = new List.filled(3.0); // Declare a padding list of specified length
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    • Extension operator

      var list = [1.2.3];
      var list2 = [0. list];/ /,1,2,3 [0]
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  • Set

    • A Set is an unordered, unique Set of elements

    • Sets can be declared as literals and constructors

    • Cannot be evaluated by subscript

    • Have set specific operations, find intersection, union, difference, etc

      / / literal
      var nums = <int> {} // 1,2,3
      // constructor
      var fruits = new Set(a); fruits.add('east melon');
      // Set specific operations
      var caocao = new Set(a); caocao.addAll(['after'.Sima Yi.'guan yu']);
      var liubei = new Set(a); liubei.addAll(['guan yu'.'zhang fei'.'Zhuge Liang']);
      / / intersection
      caocao.intersection(liubei);  // {guan Yu}
      / / and set
      caocao.union(liubei); Zhang Liao, SIMa Yi, Guan Yu, ZHANG Fei, Zhuge Liang}
      / / difference set
      caocao.difference(liubei); {Zhang Liao, Sima Yi}
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  • Map

    • A Map is an unordered mapping of key-value pairs, often called a hash or dictionary.

    • A declarative way

      var map = {key1:value1,key2:value2};
      var map =  new Map(a); map['key'] = value;
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  • A class is a piece of code declared by class that contains properties and methods.
    • Attributes: Variables used to describe a class
    • Methods: The functions in a class are called the methods of the class
  • An object is an instantiation of a class
  • programmatically
    • Object-oriented programming (OOP)
    • Procedural Programming (POP)


  • Classes can be divided into parent and child classes based on the order in which they are placed

  • A subclass inherits its parent class through the extends keyword

    After inheritance, subclasses can use properties or methods that are visible in the parent class

  • In a subclass, the “override” method can be marked with the @override metadata

  • In subclasses, you can refer to content visible in the parent class through the super keyword

    • attribute
    • Method (plain constructor, named constructor)
class Father {
  String name = 'liu bei';

  String job;


  // Name the constructor

  say() {
    print('Father: I'm a $name'); }}class Son extends Father {
  // Inherit the normal constructor of the parent class through super
  Son(String job) : super(job);

  say() {
    print(${} is ${super.job}.); }}class Son2 extends Father {
  // Inherit the named constructor
  Son2.origin(String job) : super.origin(job);

  String name = 'lehmann m. sustainability';

  say() {
    print(Son2: I am the second son, I have a name, my name is $name, my father is ${}, he is ${super.job}'); }}void main() {
  var father = new Father('the emperor');

  var son = new Son('the emperor');
  son.say(); // if a subclass has a method of the same name, call the parent class's method (override).
  print(${son. Name} ${son. Name});

  var son2 = new Son2.origin('Sandals seller');

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Resource site

  • website

    • In English the dart. Dev
    • Chinese dart. Cn
  • Running code online

  • ecological
