This is the second day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge 2021

Dart FFI provides a number of methods for connecting Dart and C. Here are the main ones.

Load the library

It can load dynamic link libraries

external factory path);
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This method is used to load library files, like the libsample.1.0.0.dylib file I generated after compiling C in the previous article, and we need to use this method to load it into DartVM. Note that calling this method multiple times to load the library file will only load the library file into DartVM once.


import 'dart:ffi' as ffi;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
var libraryPath = path.join(
        Directory.current.path, 'library'.'build'.'libsample.dylib');
final dylib =;
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external factory DynamicLibrary.process();
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It can be used to load dynamic link libraries that an application has automatically loaded in iOS and MacOS, and it can resolve binary symbols that are statically linked to an application. It is important to note that it is not available on Windows platforms


external factory DynamicLibrary.executable();
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It can be used to load statically linked libraries


NativeType represents data structures in C in Dart, which I’ll share in the next article. It cannot be instantiated in Dart and can only be returned by Native.


It is a mapping of Pointers in C to Dart


external Pointer<T> lookup<T extends NativeType>(String symbolName);
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It is used to find the corresponding symbol in the DynamicLibrary and return its memory address.

Dart usage:

final dylib =;
late final _hello_worldPtr =
      dylib.lookup<NativeFunction<Void Function() > > ('hello_world');
late final _hello_world = _hello_worldPtr.asFunction<void Function(a) > (); _hello_world();Copy the code

Pointer.fromAddress(int ptr)

Gets C object Pointers based on memory addresses

Such as:

// Create a Native pointer to NULL
final Pointer<Never> nullptr = Pointer.fromAddress(0);
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From a Dart function, create a pointer to a Native function. This pointer is usually used to pass the Dart function to C so that C can call the Dart function

void globalCallback(int src, int result) {
   print("globalCallback src=$src, result=$result");
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Gets the memory address of the pointer


Convert Native pointer objects into Dart functions


Dart FFI: Dart FFI: Dart FFI: Dart FFI I will continue to explain the mapping between Dart and C data structures, so please pay attention.

Making the warehouse