Dandelion magazine has been updated weekly instead of monthly.

The brand new journal not only selects high-quality articles, but also digs the hot topics in the industry from the seven major directions of “basic technology, engineering, cross-end framework technology, graphics programming, server development, desktop development and artificial intelligence” and gives professional interpretation.

Look up, dandelion seeds will take root and germinate, such as summer flowers gorgeous; Ge Ge Zhi zhi, we climb to overlook, the sea gleaned, in order to product silicon step to thousands of miles.

High overlook

The height of the sky, feel the universe is infinite

Basic technology

JavaScript parallelization uses Web workers, SharedArrayBuffer, and Atomics

Web workers enable Web pages to run in multiple threads. However, workers are independent of each other, and their memory space is independent of each other. Although it is possible to communicate through IPC, it is not practical under heavy loads. We need to use the shared memory SharedArrayBuffer. This article introduced concepts such as Web Worker, SharedArrayBuffer, and taught us how to use Atomics to avoid resource competition.


Ant Design version of Blazor, good idea, but not yet. WebAssembly does not currently have an interface to manipulate the DOM, and there is no performance or size advantage to using WebAssembly to manipulate the UI. Blazor itself is somewhat limited as a Web-only UI framework. Qt and ICED can both develop the Web using WebAssembly while generating desktop applications with near-native performance.


Modular Series snowpack, 10 times faster packaging

There are a lot of modular specifications in the front end, CommonJS, CMD, AMD, UMD, etc. Since browsers don’t support these modules directly, we also need Browserify, WebPack, and other tools for packaging. Now, a new tool has emerged. It claims to allow developers to use fewer tools and get 10 times faster. This is snowpack.

Webpack 5 Module Federation: A game-changer in JavaScript architecture

Webpack is an essential foundational tool for modern front-end development, and has penetrated every aspect of our work. However, there has never been a very elegant way to solve the problem of how to share among multiple applications. We tried to publish common code to NPM and other methods, but the effect is still not satisfactory. In this article we’ll learn about Webpack 5’s new feature, “module federation,” and see how Webpack 5 helps us gracefully solve this problem.

The design philosophy

The practice of design pattern in takeaway marketing business

Using design patterns can help us write reusable code and improve the maintainability of software. Starting from marketing business, the author introduces the transformation from domain model to code engineering, introduces the design pattern from DDD, and introduces in detail the implementation of factory method pattern, strategy pattern, responsibility chain pattern and state pattern in marketing business.

Graphics programming

A Primer on Bézier Curves

Bessel curve function, the most common function in graph digitization, is familiar to all those who have touched computer graph drawing and dynamic effect development. This ebook disassemblethe Bezier curve drawing algorithm from 44 aspects in detail, the content is extremely core, suitable for students interested in mathematics and graphics development.

From Avatar to the Turing Award, pixar veterans dream of animation

Computing’s highest honor, the Turing Award, was awarded in 2019 to Patrick Hanrahan and Edwin Catmull, two people most closely associated with the development of computer graphics. As the founding members of Pixar, the two men brought revolution in film and TELEVISION, CG industry. Even people who do not know their names must have seen their film and television works produced under the influence of 3D innovative technology. Read about the two men behind Hollywood blockbusters.

Server-side development

From Java to TS, Ali mom’s interface manages a shuttle

Ali proposed a set of interface automation rules, through Rap (interface management background) to formulate interface specifications and interface documents, and then use their own packaged request tools to generate request functions and TypeScript definitions, with VScode powerful type prompts greatly improve the development experience and development efficiency. The most important thing is that students from different development ends can understand and use it well, which reduces the cost of interface communication.

When to Use What: REST, GraphQL, Webhooks & gRPC

By comparing the application scenarios of REST, GraphQL, Webhooks and gRPC interface design schemes, this paper comprehensively analyzes the application scenarios of several interface design schemes at present. The correct use of better interface design schemes in specific application scenarios will greatly improve the overall collaboration efficiency of the team.

Desktop development


The same web-based desktop cross-platform solution as Electron has nearly 100 times smaller application volume and 5 times less memory footprint. However, since it is the built-in WebView of the operating system and there is no Node.js runtime, it cannot seamlessly access the NPM ecosystem. There is also no API of the controls of the operating system for the time being. If it is a small application, it can be considered for development.

Artificial intelligence (ai)

Dive into deep learning

Dive Into Deep Learning is a Chinese version of Dive Into Deep Learning. Based on the Apache MXNet framework, Dive Into Deep Learning is a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of Deep Learning, from model construction to model training, as well as their application in computer vision and natural language processing. It also provides complete Learning code and training data. Book in hand, Deep Learning I have!

Working with the Python Interactive window

Finally, WE can use Jupyter in VS Code. This is great news for front end kids, machine learning enthusiasts, and VS Code heavy users! All kinds of plug-ins to use!

The sea gleanings

The sea, product kuibu and thousands of miles

Directing a Schema design

At present, the dividing line of technology is becoming increasingly blurred, and many front-end students are also inevitably exposed to MongoDB development and Schema design. 6 Rules of Thumb for MongoDB Schema Design, which provides you with comprehensive guidance on the principles of MongoDB Schema Design. To view the article

Mongoose Modified

Mongoose modified-at is a Mongoose plug-in that automatically updates the time of field changes and records them in the database. It is similar to Mongoose’s own timestamps function. To view the article

Review past

More cutting-edge technology, welcome to continue to pay attention to the concave and convex laboratory public account, the little assistant has been waiting for you here oh ~