High overlook

The height of the sky, feel the universe is infinite

Basic technology

The cost of using JavaScript frameworks

The author evaluated the four frameworks of jQuery, Angular, React and Vue from the perspectives of JavaScript download time, parsing time, execution time and memory consumption, and finally came to the conclusion: “Frames are not worth it”, you should either choose native JavaScript or opt for ultralight frames or render on the server side. This article can be reused in conjunction with Svelte Amway in the third issue of Dandelion Technology Weekly.

Node.js version 14 is released

Node.js 14 has finally been released as the next LTS release. Node.js upgraded V8 to version V8(8.1) with native support for popular syntax Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing, and removed warnings when using ESM Modules. Both experimental AsyncStorage support and WebAssembly System Interface(WASI) support are enabled.

The front frame

Ali-react-table: high-performance React table component

In front-end development, tables have always been one of the most complex components. Due to the need to provide rich functional support, many table components do not consider the problem of performance optimization at the beginning, resulting in tables will encounter serious performance bottlenecks when the amount of table data is too large. The ali-React-Table table component introduced in this article took performance into account at the beginning of development, and solved the performance problem when the table data was large by virtual scrolling. Meanwhile, the table component was not bound to a specific React component library, and only relied on some tool class libraries. With the tree Shaking feature of Webpack /rollup, ali-React-Table is a high-performance, highly customizable React table that can be encapsulated and customized by the upper layer and used in different systems and businesses.

Desktop development

Build a fast Electron application with Rust

Electron is a popular cross-platform desktop application building framework. Despite the accolades, the Electron has its fair share of criticisms, with performance perhaps the most mentioned. Different from conventional optimization methods, Kevin J. Lenagh used Rust to build node modules with core functions, which enabled Finda to perform well in terms of performance. This article describes how Finda software can complete each user interaction in 16ms.

Graphics programming

Too hard to achieve dynamic performance? Try the Material Design

Those who have used Google’s products can hardly fail to notice its smooth, comfortable and unified UI interaction, which is due to Google’s complete UI dynamic effect design theory system and specifications. After years of exploration and practice, the Design team has evolved a set of dynamic effect system — Material Design inspired by Quantum Paper based on the theoretical specification of Disney animation 12 Principles. Based on this dynamic effect system, Google launched the corresponding Material dynamic effect system of Android and Flutter to facilitate the development of UI dynamic effect. The article also recommends a visual tool for adjusting motion effects, written by Google designers. This article contains several extended reading articles for design and development to get a more complete understanding of the concept of Google UI motion system.

Artificial intelligence (ai)

A picture to comb all the hanging

The biggest news of the day is the announcement of YOLO V4, a fast and efficient target detector, which represents a position in the field that no other algorithm can match. According to the paper of YOLOv4, the author helps us sort out the overall structure and innovation points of V4, and helps us to understand YOLOv4 more quickly.

YOLOv4 Keras implementation

The original version of YOLOv4 was implemented based on Darknet, and the warehouse author implemented the KerAS version of YOLOv4 only the day after it was released, to the benefit of thousands of TF parties.

The sea gleanings

The sea, product kuibu and thousands of miles

This issue has also brought you two of the electron project experiences, if you are also interested in cross-platform desktop development, you will learn a lot

FeWorkflow – Desktop application engineering

Use the React, Redux, and IMmutable frameworks for UI development, still based on the gulpfile solution, so that each gulp workflow using their own team can be accessed quickly and adjusted freely.

Performance optimization: Excel data cleaning tool combined with Electron and Vue

XCel is an Excel data filtering tool based on the requirements of user research group. This article will share the basic knowledge and performance optimization experience of Electron, Vue and other related technologies. This may be Jc’s last post of 2016, read and cherish.

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