Give it a like and take a look. Good habit! In this paper, making… It has been included. This is the summary of Java interview for first-line big factory that I spent 3 months to summarize. I have received the offer from big factory. In addition, the original articles are first published on my personal blog:, welcome to visit.

Hello everyone, it’s nice to meet you again. I’m very glad to share some Knowledge about Java with you. I haven’t shared videos for a long time. And through some of their own learning methods, faster to find a satisfactory job.

In this issue, I’d like to introduce some of the problems of job hunting in more detail.

We all know that in the process of job hunting, we need to review a lot of knowledge, a lot of technology, a lot of knowledge points, so how to explain these points to the interviewer more clearly, I introduce a method here.

I am in the process of the interview, in the process of review, just put together a mind mapping is a lot of knowledge, for example, the JVM, threads, database, data network, piece by piece knowledge of these words, I will collect classified it into a mind map, today I’d like to share some I mind mapping, I also hope to be of some help in the future interview process.

As you can see from the picture above, I organized some knowledge points related to JVM into a mind map, with each point listed very clearly, and the knowledge points encountered in the interview have been sorted out, very clear. If you have this mind map, you won’t have to panic if you’re asked questions about the JVM in an interview. First of all, for some knowledge of the JVM is all you have to know, at the same time, do you have such a whole mind map for the JVM comb, your mind is clear, so the interviewer will think you for the JVM that a piece of the related knowledge of the good, so you also can increase the confidence of the interview, at the same time, it will be more confident.

In addition, the words of these knowledge, I have written the original article, more systematic explanation, we can have a look, there will be certain harvest.

The serial number original
1 【 Original 】 Distributed architecture series articles
2 Activiti workflow tutorial
3 In-depth understanding of the Java Virtual Machine tutorial
4 Java8 tutorial
5 MySQL art World

In this case, I think that sets are asked a lot in interviews. In every interview, you will almost always have set related interview questions, such as list and set, not to mention the two most basic sets. The other most popular question is HashMap. In the interview, no matter what company you are, they will basically ask you a HashMap, some weird questions, and they will even ask you to implement a HashMap. During the interview, they will ask you to implement a HashMap yourself, or you can explain how to implement a HashMap. This is actually a difficult question to answer if you don’t know the whole HashMap.

If you don’t have a HashMap, you’re going to end up in some interviews with people who hate you.

The last one is the collection of thread safety, this piece also need not say, these are in the interview asked very much, must have a good grasp, here is a summary for everyone, other words may also be more detailed summary.

The last part, which is also what I asked in the interview, is also a question that is asked a lot, which is related to multi-threading knowledge, synchronized keyword, from what aspects to answer, volitale keyword, from what aspects to answer, how to expand, what is the train of thought, What answers will satisfy the interviewer?

There is also some JUC related knowledge, such as

  • The difference between ReentrantLock and synchronized?
  • What knowledge points can be asked about AQS? What is the concept of CAS? In the interview, how will the interviewer ask the CAS question?

The last word is the famous thread pool, which is a knowledge point in the interview is also asked particularly many, I in every interview in the process of large factory will basically ask about the thread pool related knowledge, such as:

  • What does a Java thread pool look like and what parameters do it take

In addition, instead of asking what the parameters of a Java thread pool are, what they mean, and how to use them in a practical problem, it asks you to design a thread pool, in the same way that you explain the basic parameters.

That’s all I’m going to do in this video, and I’ll see you next time.

Finally, if you need these mind maps, you can scan the following TWO-DIMENSIONAL code and reply to me on my official account: Mind maps, you can get the source files of mind maps, original is not easy, click a like.

Finally, I would like to share the Java interview + Java backend technology learning guide that I summarized for three months, which is my summary of these years and spring recruitment. I have received the offer from a big factory and organized it into an e-book. Please take it as follows:

Now free to share everyone, in the following my public number programmer’s technical circle reply interview can be obtained.