This year is really a once-in-a-century year, also the year of the animal, the year of the Rat. It is really extraordinary, big country, small individual, have experienced extraordinary things, it is really a memorable year, I believe decades later, nothing, haha.

Recently in reading a book, “the value investment sense, company of things during the day, night write tutorial, in collaboration with others write to audit, the audit not through to modify content format, occasionally also out movement, a movement is two hours, run and walk, so busy at ah, can only make yourself get up early every day to read this book.

These days it occurred to me that I could share every chapter of this book by reading it aloud. Indeed, in the Internet era, there is nothing you can do if you want to do it. I found Ximalaya Audio APP and set up a column dedicated to recording the audio of this book. Recently, I made four audio files:

Because every day in the Himalayan listen to financial news, listen to the audio about block chain investment, a whim I also to do since the audio calculate, anyway one is read, rather than read, share, also can listen to, also can help others learn about value investment common sense, so why not? That’s a great thing, and writing is a great thing.

The first audio is “8 minutes a day | inflation, your wealth moment in shrink”

If you simply put your money in the bank, the bank will take your money to lend and invest. The return rate of your money is much higher than the interest rate of the bank, and the bank will also suffer from the invisible killer inflation.

Capital has a time cost, just like our fixed assets have depreciation, loans will have interest, interest is the cost, so no matter personal capital, or the company’s huge assets will have depreciation, depreciation is the cost.

The second audio is “8 minutes a day | : incredible years later still shocking data”

Here’s a statistic from Peter Lynch that struck me: In 1927, if you had invested $1,000 in each of the four financial instruments listed below, compound interest and tax free, 60 years later, you would have gotten something like this:

Short-term Treasury notes gained $7,400.

Government bonds gained $13,200.

Corporate bonds made a profit of $17,600.

The common stock gained $272,000.

The third audio is “8 minutes | world miracles every day: compound interest”

If an investor invests for a long enough period of time, he or she will make excessive profits, and if he or she invests for a long enough period of time, he or she will make great returns.

The fourth audio is “8 minutes a day | value investment: what kind of mindset”

There are many schools of investment, but generally they can be grouped into two categories: investment and speculation.

Speculation, that is, the public mouth fry, why use a fried word, just like cooking, the pot is hot, to fry, but if always fry, the dish will paste off, speculation is to do short-term, ten bet nine lost.

The essence of the stock is to raise funds and reduce risks, enterprises listed. Raising funds facilitates better operations. Investors choose excellent companies with the lowest risk to invest in, so as not to lose all their money.

It’s not easy to pick a good stock. You need to read financial statements, determine fundamentals, and compare valuations. At the beginning of the stock did not have what K chart, technical means, only paper stock vouchers at that time trading.

I’ll keep reading the book and recording the audio until I finish reading the book and recording the audio until I finish recording the other books.

I went to see two subscriptions today. Keep up the good work.

Stranger Net friend

Actually, it makes me sad. What is it? Today suddenly chat chat chat, send over a word “I have no target again, earn a point of living enough to go”.

Welcome to my Code of Life.