
LinkedList is the realization of List interface LinkedList, and the logical same element has no relationship with the corresponding physical storage location

The data structure

▌ The LinkedList is composed of a number of nodes, of which ☞ prev stores the reference to the previous node ☞ item stores the specific content ☞ Next stores the reference to the next node

1.LinkedList is a bidirectional LinkedList derived from AbstractSequentialList. It can also operate as a stack, queue, or double-endian queue

2.LinkedList implements the List interface to perform queue operations on it.

3.LinkedList implements the Deque interface, which allows the LinkedList to be used as a two-ended queue.

4.LinkedList implements the Cloneable interface, which overwrites the clone() function.

5. Implementation of LinkedList interface, LinkedList support serialization, can be transmitted through serialization.

6.LinkedList is unsynchronized [2].

In this case, asynchronism means that different threads acquire different sets of objects when they operate on them. So out of sync, in multithreaded form, is not safe.

Interview Knowledge

To find the

When a node is obtained by subscript (Add select), the index is halved according to whether the index is in the first half or the second half to improve query efficiency

The source code later filled…