Dagger is used in the componentalized AwesomeGithub project to reduce manual dependency injection code. While it automates dependency management, it’s still a bit of a chore if you’ve written it. The project is littered with Components, which reminds me of the interface definition of the traditional MVP model.
In short, it is laborious, and there are many, many similar definitions. Perhaps Google has realized this and recently announced Hilt.
In case you haven’t heard of Hilt, what is it?
Hilt is a dependency injection library for Android that reduces boilerplate code for performing manual dependency injection in projects.
Hilt provides a standard way to use DI (dependency injection) in your application by providing a container for each Android class in your project and automatically managing its life cycle. Hilt is built on top of Dagger and thus has the compile time correctness, run time performance, and scalability of Dagger.
So some of you might be wondering, why would you want Hilt’s Dagger if you already have a Dagger?
Hilt and Dagger have the same primary goal:
- To simplify the
The application ofDagger
Related infrastructure. - Create a standard set of components and scopes to simplify setup, improve readability, and share code between applications.
- Provides an easy way to configure different bindings for various build types, such as test, debug, or release.
But Android instantiates many component classes, such as activities, so using a Dagger in an app requires a lot of boilerplate code. Hilt can reduce this boilerplate code.
The optimizations Hilt does include
- You don’t have to write a lot of
code Scope
Also with theComponent
Automatic binding- Predefined bindings, for example
- Predefined qualifiers, for example
The Dagger in AwesomeGithub is used for comparison.
Rely on
Add Hilt dependencies to the project before using it.
First, add the hilt-Android-gradle-plugin to your project’s root build.gradle file:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'com. Google. Dagger hilt - android - gradle - plugin: 2.28 alpha'}}Copy the code
Then, apply the Gradle plugin and add the following dependencies to the app/build. Gradle file:
. apply plugin:'kotlin-kapt'
apply plugin: 'dagger.hilt.android.plugin'
android {
dependencies {
implementation Com. Google. "dagger hilt - android: 2.28 alpha." "
kapt Com. Google. "dagger hilt - android - the compiler: 2.28 alpha." "
Copy the code
The Application class
With a Dagger, you need an AppComponent singleton that all the other subComponents in your project depend on, so it looks something like this in AwesomeGithub
modules = [
interface AppComponent {
interface Factory {
fun create(@BindsInstance applicationContext: Context): AppComponent
fun welcomeComponent(): WelcomeComponent.Factory
fun mainComponent(): MainComponent.Factory
fun loginComponent(): LoginComponent.Factory
subcomponents = [
object SubComponentModule
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I have omitted most of the above, doesn’t it seem a lot, and the most important thing is that many of the repeated structures are basically the same. So Hilt takes this one step further, turning the repetitive writing into build-time automating.
What Hilt does is simply add a few comments
class App : Application() {... }Copy the code
All Hilt applications must include an Application annotated with @hiltAndroidApp. It will replace the AppComponent in the Dagger.
Android class
For Android classes, using the Dagger requires defining the SubComponent and attaching it to the Application class. Here’s an example of WelcomeActivity.
@Subcomponent(modules = [WelcomeModule::class])
interface WelcomeComponent {
interface Factory {
fun create(): WelcomeComponent
fun inject(activity: WelcomeActivity)
Copy the code
The Module part will be mentioned later
Let’s look at the implementation of Hilt
class MainActivity : BaseHiltActivity<ActivityMainBinding, MainVM>() { ... }
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All Hilt has to do is add the @AndroidentryPoint comment.
Surprised, combined with the above two annotations, we replace the Dagger implementation, do you feel the brevity of Hilt now? It can also reduce the learning cost for beginners.
Hilt currently supports the following Android classes
- Application (@HiltAndroidApp)
- Activity
- Fragment
- View
- Searvice
- BroadcastReceiver
One thing to note is that if you annotate a class with @AndroidEntryPoint, then other classes that depend on that class need to be added as well.
The typical example is a Fragment, so you need to annotate all activities that depend on it.
Dagger can show you what @androidEntryPoint does. It automatically generates Componennt for the Android class and adds it to the Application class.
The use of @Inject is basically the same as that of Dagger. It can be used to define a constructor or field, and declare that the constructor or field needs to be acquired by dependency.
class UserRepository @Inject constructor(
private val service: GithubService
) : BaseRepository() {... }Copy the code
The Hilt Module also needs to add @Module annotations, unlike the Dagger it must also add annotations to the Module using @installin. The purpose is to tell which Android class the module will be used in.
The @Sharing annotation tells Hilt which implementation to use when it needs to provide instances of the interface. It’s no different than Dagger, right
abstract class WelcomeModule {
abstract fun bindViewModel(viewModel: WelcomeVM): ViewModel
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The difference is that @InstallIn is added to the ActivityComponent::class to indicate that the scope of this module is Activity
In fact, the above injection to the ViewModel, which is automatically written for us when we use Hilt, just to show the difference with Dagger. ViewModel injection will be covered later.
Provide an instance of FragmentManager, starting with the use of the Dagger
class MainProviderModule(private val activity: FragmentActivity) {
fun providersFragmentManager(): FragmentManager = activity.supportFragmentManager
Copy the code
Compare that to Hilt
object MainProviderModule {
fun providerFragmentManager(@ActivityContext context: Context) = (context as FragmentActivity).supportFragmentManager
Copy the code
The difference is that in Hilt, @providers must be static and constructors cannot take arguments.
The @ActivityContext is a predefined qualifier provided by Hilt that provides a Context from the Activity, along with the @ApplicationContext
Provided components
There are different Android classes associated with the @Installin mentioned earlier, in addition to @ActivityComponent
The corresponding life cycle is as follows
The corresponding scope is also provided
So the default provision of Hilt will greatly improve development efficiency and eliminate many duplicate definitions
Finally, ViewModel injection. If you use Jetpack, it will be injected.
For the Dagger we need to customize a ViewModelFactory and provide the injection method, for example ViewModelFactory is defined in AwesomeGithub’s ComponentBridGet module
abstract class ViewModelBuilderModule {
abstract fun bindViewModelFactory(factory: ViewModelFactory): ViewModelProvider.Factory } class ViewModelFactory @Inject constructor(private val creators: @JvmSuppressWildcards Map<Class<out ViewModel>, Provider<ViewModel>>) : ViewModelProvider.Factory { override fun <T : ViewModel? > create(modelClass: Class<T>): T { var creator = creators[modelClass]if (creator == null) {
for ((key, value) in creators) {
if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom(key)) {
creator = value
if (creator == null) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown model class: $modelClass")
try {
return creator.get() as T
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw RuntimeException()
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The construct instance is injected via @inject, but the Creators need to provide the Map-type creators in the constructor. In this case, you can use @intomap. To match the Map type, you need to define an @mapKey annotation
@Target(AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER)
annotation class ViewModelKey(val value: KClass<out ViewModel>)
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Then use it under the corresponding component, such as matching MainVM
abstract class MainModule {
abstract fun bindViewModel(viewModel: MainVM): ViewModel
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This provides the Map
, MainVM> parameter types, at which point our custom ViewModelFactory can be successfully injected.
For example, BaseDaggerActivity in the Basic module
abstract class BaseDaggerActivity<V : ViewDataBinding, M : BaseVM> : AppCompatActivity() {
protected lateinit var viewDataBinding: V
lateinit var viewModelFactory: ViewModelProvider.Factory
protected val viewModel by lazy { ViewModelProvider(this, viewModelFactory)[getViewModelClass()] }
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Of course, don’t forget that MainVM also uses @Inject to declare injection
class MainVM @Inject constructor() : BaseVM() {... }Copy the code
This is the injection method used by the Dagger ViewModel.
Although the custom ViewModelFactory is common, you need to manually define different bindViewModel methods for different viewModels.
With Hilt, you can skip this step, or even write all of the above by hand. All we need to do is just add @ViewModelInject to the constructor of the ViewModel.
For example, with MainVM above, the effect of using Hilt is as follows
class MainVM @ViewModelInject constructor() : BaseVM() {... }Copy the code
Why is Hilt so simple? Let’s not forget the essence of it, which is built on top of Dagger to help reduce unnecessary boilerplate templates and make dependency injection easier for developers.
In Hilt, the above implementation automatically generates it for us, which is why it’s so easy to use.
If you compare the code in the Feat_dagger and Feat_hilt branches on AwesomeGithub, there is significantly less code to use Hilt. For simple Android classes, it’s just a matter of adding a few comments.
The only thing that is not ideal at this point is the use of @Providers. There can be no arguments in the constructor. Converting to Hilt may not be easy if there are already arguments in the Dagger.
Thankfully, Dagger and Hilt can co-exist. So you can use it selectively.
But overall Hilt smells good, and you’ll never regret it if you try it
AwesomeGithub is based on Github client, pure exercise project, support component development, support account password and authentication login. Kotlin language for development, the project architecture is based on JetPack&DataBinding MVVM; Popular open source technologies such as Arouter, Retrofit, Coroutine, Glide, Dagger and Hilt are used in the project.
In addition to the Android native version, there is a cross-platform version of Flutter based on Flutter_Github.
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