##C++ library like JDK. Chinese version: simplified Chinese
Table of Contents
- Cross platform: support Linux32/64, OSX64, Win64 platforms;
- High performance: with the advantages of C/C++ and Java concurrent Libraries tegother, bursting performance;
- Class rich: to achieve JDK rich class library, get rid of the plight of the poor class library C++;
- Easy to develop: first, use the java development, and then use the
for translation, So easy!
####Example java:
public static void main(String[] args) {
class Worker implements Runnable {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(String.format("thread %d finished",
ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(100, 200, 10,
TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>());
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
executor.execute(new Worker());
Copy the code
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { ESystem::init(argc, argv); //cxxjdk init! class Worker : public ERunnable { public: virtual void run() { try { EThread::sleep(1000); } catch (EInterruptedException& e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ESystem::out->println(EString::formatOf("thread %d finished", this->hashCode()).c_str()); }}; EThreadPoolExecutor* executor = new EThreadPoolExecutor(100, 200, 10, ETimeUnit::SECONDS, new ELinkedBlockingQueue<ERunnable>()); executor->allowCoreThreadTimeOut(true); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { executor->execute(new Worker()); } executor->shutdown(); executor->awaitTermination(); delete executor; //object free! }
Copy the code
The above example is attractive enough? YES.
more examples:
####Performance EConcurrentHashmap Test:
software environment:
put 20 threads && get 20 threads.
Copy the code
hardware environment:
Model Name: MacBookPro Model Identifier: MacBookPro10,2 Processor Speed: 2.6 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 2
Copy the code
test results:
jdk class | cxxjdk class |
Object[] | EA |
AbstractCollection | EAbstractCollection |
AbstractList | EAbstractList |
AbstractMap | EAbstractMap |
AbstractQueue | EAbstractQueue |
AbstractSet | EAbstractSet |
AlreadyBoundException | EAlreadyBoundException |
ArithmeticException | EArithmeticException |
Array | EArray |
ArrayDeque | EArrayDeque |
ArrayList | EArrayList |
Arrays | EArrays |
AuthenticationException | EAuthenticationException |
Base64 | EBase64 |
BindException | EBindException |
BitSet | EBitSet |
Bits | EBits |
Boolean | EBoolean |
BufferedInputStream | EBufferedInputStream |
BufferedOutputStream | EBufferedOutputStream |
Byte | EByte |
ByteArrayInputStream | EByteArrayInputStream |
ByteArrayOutputStream | EByteArrayOutputStream |
CRC32 | ECRC32 |
Calendar | ECalendar |
Character | ECharacter |
CheckedInputStream | ECheckedInputStream |
Checksum | EChecksum |
ClassCastException | EClassCastException |
Collection | ECollection |
Collections | ECollections |
Comparable | EComparable |
Comparator | EComparator |
Condition | ECondition |
ConnectException | EConnectException |
DataFormatException | EDataFormatException |
DatagramPacket | EDatagramPacket |
DatagramSocket | EDatagramSocket |
DataInput | EDataInput |
DataInputStream | EDataInputStream |
DataOutput | EDataOutput |
DataOutputStream | EDataOutputStream |
Date | EDate |
Deflater | EDeflater |
DeflaterOutputStream | EDeflaterOutputStream |
Deque | EDeque |
Dictionary | EDictionary |
Double | EDouble |
EOFException | EEOFException |
EmptyStackException | EEmptyStackException |
Enumeration | EEnumeration |
EventListener | EEventListener |
EventListenerProxy | EEventListenerProxy |
EventObject | EEventObject |
Exception | EException |
File | EFile |
FileInputStream | EFileInputStream |
FileNotFoundException | EFileNotFoundException |
FileOutputStream | EFileOutputStream |
FilenameFilter | EFilenameFilter |
FilterInputStream | EFilterInputStream |
FilterOutputStream | EFilterOutputStream |
Float | EFloat |
GZIPInputStream | EGZIPInputStream |
GZIPOutputStream | EGZIPOutputStream |
HashMap | EHashMap |
HashSet | EHashSet |
IOException | EIOException |
IPAddressUtil | EIPAddressUtil |
IdentityHashMap | EIdentityHashMap |
IllegalArgumentException | EIllegalArgumentException |
IllegalStateException | EIllegalStateException |
IllegalThreadStateException | EIllegalThreadStateException |
IndexOutOfBoundsException | EIndexOutOfBoundsException |
InetAddress | EInetAddress |
InetSocketAddress | EInetSocketAddress |
Inflater | EInflater |
InflaterInputStream | EInflaterInputStream |
InputStream | EInputStream |
Integer | EInteger |
InterfaceAddress | EInterfaceAddress |
InterruptedException | EInterruptedException |
InterruptedIOException | EInterruptedIOException |
Interruptible | EInterruptible |
可迭代 | EIterable |
Iterator | EIterator |
LLong | ELLong |
LinkedList | ELinkedList |
List | EList |
ListIterator | EListIterator |
Lock | ELock |
MalformedURLException | EMalformedURLException |
Map | EMap |
MatchResult | EMatchResult |
Matcher | EMatcher |
Math | EMath |
MathFP | EMathFP |
MulticastSocket | EMulticastSocket |
NavigableMap | ENavigableMap |
NavigableSet | ENavigableSet |
NetworkInterface | ENetworkInterface |
NoRouteToHostException | ENoRouteToHostException |
NoSuchElementException | ENoSuchElementException |
NotYetBoundException | ENotYetBoundException |
NullPointerException | ENullPointerException |
Number | ENumber |
NumberFormatException | ENumberFormatException |
Object | EObject |
Observable | EObservable |
Observer | EObserver |
OutOfMemoryError | EOutOfMemoryError |
OutputStream | EOutputStream |
Pattern | EPattern |
PatternSyntaxException | EPatternSyntaxException |
PipedInputStream | EPipedInputStream |
PipedOutputStream | EPipedOutputStream |
PortUnreachableException | EPortUnreachableException |
PrintStream | EPrintStream |
PriorityQueue | EPriorityQueue |
Process | EProcess |
ProtocolException | EProtocolException |
Queue | EQueue |
Random | ERandom |
RandomAccessFile | ERandomAccessFile |
Reference | EReference |
Runnable | ERunnable |
Runtime | ERuntime |
RuntimeException | ERuntimeException |
SaslException | ESaslException |
SecureRandom | ESecureRandom |
SecurityException | ESecurityException |
Sentry | ESentry |
SequenceInputStream | ESequenceInputStream |
ServerSocket | EServerSocket |
Set | ESet |
Socket | ESocket |
SocketException | ESocketException |
SocketOptions | ESocketOptions |
SocketTimeoutException | ESocketTimeoutException |
SortedMap | ESortedMap |
SortedSet | ESortedSet |
Stack | EStack |
String | EString |
StringTokenizer | EStringTokenizer |
System | ESystem |
Thread | EThread |
ThreadGroup | EThreadGroup |
ThreadLocal | EThreadLocal |
ThreadLocalStorage | EThreadLocalStorage |
Throwable | EThrowable |
TimeUnit | ETimeUnit |
Timer | ETimer |
TimerTask | ETimerTask |
TreeMap | ETreeMap |
TreeSet | ETreeSet |
URISyntaxException | EURISyntaxException |
URLDecoder | EURLDecoder |
URLEncoder | EURLEncoder |
URLString | EURLString |
UnknownHostException | EUnknownHostException |
UnknownServiceException | EUnknownServiceException |
UnsupportedAddressTypeException | EUnsupportedAddressTypeException |
UnsupportedEncodingException | EUnsupportedEncodingException |
UnsupportedOperationException | EUnsupportedOperationException |
Vector | EVector |
try {xxx} finally {yyy} | ON_FINALLY_NOTHROW(yyy) {xxx} |
jdk class | cxxjdk class |
synchronized | SYNCHRONIZED |
AbstractConcurrentCollection | EAbstractConcurrentCollection |
AbstractConcurrentQueue | EAbstractConcurrentQueue |
AbstractExecutorService | EAbstractExecutorService |
AbstractOwnableSynchronizer | EAbstractOwnableSynchronizer |
AbstractQueuedSynchronizer | EAbstractQueuedSynchronizer |
AtomicBoolean | EAtomicBoolean |
AtomicCounter | EAtomicCounter |
AtomicInteger | EAtomicInteger |
AtomicLLong | EAtomicLLong |
AtomicReference | EAtomicReference |
BlockingQueue | EBlockingQueue |
BrokenBarrierException | EBrokenBarrierException |
Callable | ECallable |
CancellationException | ECancellationException |
CompletionService | ECompletionService |
ConcurrentHashMap | EConcurrentHashMap |
ConcurrentLinkedQueue | EConcurrentLinkedQueue |
ConcurrentModificationException | EConcurrentModificationException |
ConcurrentNavigableMap | EConcurrentNavigableMap |
ConcurrentSkipListMap | EConcurrentSkipListMap |
CopyOnWriteArrayList | ECopyOnWriteArrayList |
CountDownLatch | ECountDownLatch |
CyclicBarrier | ECyclicBarrier |
Exchanger | EExchanger |
ExecutionException | EExecutionException |
Executor | EExecutor |
ExecutorCompletionService | EExecutorCompletionService |
ExecutorService | EExecutorService |
Executors | EExecutors |
Future | EFuture |
FutureTask | EFutureTask |
LinkedBlockingQueue | ELinkedBlockingQueue |
LinkedTransferQueue | ELinkedTransferQueue |
LockSupport | ELockSupport |
ReadWriteLock | EReadWriteLock |
ReentrantLock | EReentrantLock |
ReentrantReadWriteLock | EReentrantReadWriteLock |
RejectedExecutionException | ERejectedExecutionException |
RejectedExecutionHandler | ERejectedExecutionHandler |
RunnableFuture | ERunnableFuture |
Semaphore | ESemaphore |
SynchronousQueue | ESynchronousQueue |
ThreadFactory | EThreadFactory |
ThreadLocalRandom | EThreadLocalRandom |
ThreadPoolExecutor | EThreadPoolExecutor |
TimeoutException | ETimeoutException |
TransferQueue | ETransferQueue |
Unsafe | EUnsafe |
Collection* | EConcurrentCollection |
Enumeration* | EConcurrentEnumeration |
Iterator* | EConcurrentIterator |
List* | EConcurrentList |
Map* | EConcurrentMap |
ListIterator* | EConcurrentListIterator |
NavigableSet* | EConcurrentNavigableSet |
Queue* | EConcurrentQueue |
Set* | EConcurrentSet |
SortedMap* | EConcurrentSortedMap |
SortedSet* | EConcurrentSortedSet |
jdk class | cxxjdk class |
AlreadyConnectedException | EAlreadyConnectedException |
AsynchronousCloseException | EAsynchronousCloseException |
BufferOverflowException | EBufferOverflowException |
BufferUnderflowException | EBufferUnderflowException |
ByteChannel | EByteChannel |
CancelledKeyException | ECancelledKeyException |
Channel | EChannel |
ChannelInputStream | EChannelInputStream |
ClosedByInterruptException | EClosedByInterruptException |
ClosedChannelException | EClosedChannelException |
ClosedSelectorException | EClosedSelectorException |
ConnectionPendingException | EConnectionPendingException |
DatagramChannel | EDatagramChannel |
FileChannel | EFileChannel |
FileLock | EFileLock |
xxByteBuffer | EIOByteBuffer |
IllegalBlockingModeException | EIllegalBlockingModeException |
InterruptibleChannel | EInterruptibleChannel |
InvalidMarkException | EInvalidMarkException |
MappedByteBuffer | EMappedByteBuffer |
MembershipKey | EMembershipKey |
MulticastChannel | EMulticastChannel |
NativeThreadSet | ENativeThreadSet |
NoConnectionPendingException | ENoConnectionPendingException |
NonReadableChannelException | ENonReadableChannelException |
NonWritableChannelException | ENonWritableChannelException |
NotYetConnectedException | ENotYetConnectedException |
OverlappingFileLockException | EOverlappingFileLockException |
ReadOnlyBufferException | EReadOnlyBufferException |
SelectableChannel | ESelectableChannel |
SelectionKey | ESelectionKey |
Selector | ESelector |
ServerSocketChannel | EServerSocketChannel |
SocketChannel | ESocketChannel |
UnresolvedAddressException | EUnresolvedAddressException |
cxxjdk class | class description |
EConfig | Foundation for application configuration |
EByteBuffer | Byte array buffer |
ESharedPtr | Smart Pointer |
ELockPool | SpinLock Pool |
EOrderAccess | Memory Access Ordering Model |
EFork | Process system call, only for Unix/Linux system |
ESimpleCondition | C++ style condition |
ESimpleLock | C++ style mutex lock |
ESpinLock | C++ wrapper for spin lock |
ESimpleMap | C++ wrapper for map table |
ESimpleStack | C++ wrapper for stack |
ESimpleVector | C++ wrapper for vector |
ESimpleEnumeration | Enumeration for ESimpleXXX |
EStream | C++ wrapper for io stream |
EOS | Utils for OS |
EAtomic | C++ wrapper for atomic operation |
EThreadX | C++11 wrapper for EThread |
EScopeGuard | C++11 assistant for scope guards |
EAtomicDouble | double atomic operation |
ENetWrapper | Foundation for native socket |
####Manual See Guide document.
####TODO java.security.*;
####Support Email: cxxjava@163.com