Due to the emergence of new business lines, we have recently landed new products with new people. Share a piece of content about product newcomers and mentors. Each of our product managers has grown step by step from a product newcomer to a senior product manager in the corresponding industry or a founder of a successful business model.

Maybe after a few years of working as a product manager, you’ll get a better idea of what your future needs are, but it’s hard for a product newbie to know if the team or mentor is right for me?

Therefore, I would like to share my feelings after leading the product team in the new business, hoping to offer friends who are joining or preparing to enter the product circle in the future, so that they can make fewer detours.

Into the feeling

Maybe because of age, I would bring new employees to work and take lunch breaks. Talk about life, talk about work. In addition to work handover, I will give the new product staff some work of sorting out competing products, similar to the product experience report and competing product report of the current enterprise.

The picture above is a material report on the network. I will ask the product rookie to output similar reports. The product has been around for more than 4 years, and the product recruits come from many sources, such as working or attending classes in their spare time. Some are fresh graduates, some are interns, some are from other industries.

There are also people born in the 1990s and 1980s. Of course, in order to cooperate with my work communication, I will try my best to offer new products born in the 1990s. After all, in the real world of work, age can affect your perception and attitude. I also expect product recruits to have strong execution and passion, and ultimately good communication skills.

If you’re not officially on a team, don’t doubt your abilities. It’s more about how well you fit in with the team.

Don’t start prototyping right away

When taking the new product, many product assistants or product professionals (about 1 year in the industry) want to immediately draw a prototype to meet a demand. My point of view is that prototypes and so on are tools, just a landing to show the thinking of product managers.

The most important constructs address the business’s current needs, and the product information framework. The product information framework here can be modeled as shown below

Because of the information framework, we can roughly imagine the specific form of business landing. It’s called imagination because after all, there is no prototype effect, and everyone understands this feature differently.

With the information framework, I will give the new product division. More logical and less complex function page to the new product responsibility. Give a time frame, hand in a prototype demo, but be aware that I will be mentoring new people on the product through prototyping collaboration.

Through the division of labor of information framework before, although we are each responsible for their own modules. However, I can quickly know whether there is any problem with the progress of the new product and product design. Make adjustments in time, even if mistakes are pointed out.

Keep checking in

I know a lot of product directors may take a free-range approach when bringing in new product. I wonder what you were like when you first started? Vote and see the results

Kevin was lucky to have a good leader during his time at Tencent. Once I spent time on PRD of a community, he would strictly check relevant fields or requirement description or even typesetting. When there was a problem, he would sometimes scold me: “Don’t show me the garbage”. This is a problem that Kevin has never had, and he was greatly impacted when he was making PRD documents and building data models. For a single requirement, it may take 1-2 days to adjust the document so that it is as neat as possible, first, to meet the requirement description and second, to typeset the document.

But after that period of time, my documents gradually became the standard specifications recognized by other product friends. Gradually, I also found that I did not think clearly about the places I spent time in the documents.

You can look at the product rookie easy point article, the relevant easy point may be expressed in the document

Product manager mobile terminal design mistakes: 5

For this reason, WHEN I bring new employees to the product, I also require their PRD documents to be clear. This includes boundary values, state changes, requirement update records, and so on

In addition, I will confirm the current task time with him and communicate with him about the current completion situation at the corresponding time. Besides, I will ask the product newcomer to sit next to me and give him some good methods and ideas to explain the product. Of course, maybe I did not do well, sometimes too busy to take care of every new product.

Well, today is my share here. I stick to 2 posts a week

A recent project

The product manager contacted the third party case, and coordinated the landing project with 4 domestic and foreign companies

The Meaning of Life, what are we busy doing all the time?

Product landing meticulous work, standard copy

Background products, 1 case | column is activated

Learn to “guide”, let demand quickly landing

Another way to deal with price reduction, product PK demand side

Life is inseparable from the product manager

In addition, my first book “From Zero to One: PM changes the World” was officially launched as an electronic file. This book summarizes 222 original products, covering the content of product manager interview, algorithm, interaction and other different dimensions. If you are interested, you can reward and leave a message on your email. I will send an email to you around 12:00 noon every day (hope you do not spread support, support copyright). If you need to preview the book outline, jump to the link

A book for yourself and product people: from zero to one.