As most of you who have been exposed to ReactNative(RN) know, React-Navigation provides two navigation bar components out of the box
- createBottomTabNavigator
- createMaterialBottomTabNavigator
Here’s the difference
Although the official navigation bar is provided out of the box, but in the actual development, we will encounter a variety of navigation bars, a variety of dynamic effects, so the above may not meet our development needs, we need to customize our navigation bar
For example, our UI gave me a navigation bar style
My heart: how do I do this he middle bulge, Lao Tze is just a small front end,app is very slag ah ah
With the help of the lovely Google, I found a solution
This API is poorly documented, so want to know how to use resources that are only available on the web
Which is deeply inspired by this copy
Let’s Create A Custom Animated Tab Bar With React Native
This foreign friend (said reactnative seems to have fire in foreign countries), using the animation library React-native pose, to achieve this effect
Although the blog is in English, it is easy to read with the basic translation. With the help of his blog, I completed the custom navigation bar of ReactNative. The effect is as follows
Customize the bottom navigation bar
- Custom bottom navigation bar is based on
, so we use this API to create the bottom navigation bar- The specified
The tabBarComponent- The bottom navigation bar is written inside the tabBarComponent
Add bottom navigator
import React from 'react'
import { createBottomTabNavigator } from 'react-navigation'
import Icon from '.. /Common/Icon' // Customize the icon library
import TabBar from '.. /Common/TabBar' // tabBarComponent Custom component
/ / page
import Category from '.. /View/TabBar/Category/Category'
import Main from '.. /View/TabBar/Main/Main'
import My from '.. /View/TabBar/My/My'
import OrderList from '.. /View/TabBar/OrderList/OrderList'
import OnlineDoctor from '.. /View/TabBar/OnlineDoctor/OnlineDoctor'
export default createBottomTabNavigator(
/ / home page:
one: {
screen: Main,
navigationOptions: (a)= > {
return {
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) = > {
var soureImge
if (tintColor == '#CBCBCB') {
soureImge = 'main'
} else {
soureImge = 'mainActive'
return<Icon name={soureImge} size={26} color={tintColor} />}}}}, { tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => { var soureImge if (tintColor == '#CBCBCB') { soureImge = 'Category' } else { soureImge = 'CategoryActive'} return <Icon name={soureImge} size={26} color={tintColor} />}}}, OnlineDoctor, navigationOptions: { tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => { var soureImge if (tintColor == '#CBCBCB') { soureImge = 'onLine' } else { soureImge = 'onLineActive'} return <Icon name={soureImge} size={48} color={tintColor} />}}, OrderList, navigationOptions: { tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => { var soureImge if (tintColor == '#CBCBCB') { soureImge = 'OrderList' } else { soureImge = 'OrderListActive'} return <Icon name={soureImge} size={26} color={tintColor} />}}, My, navigationOptions: () => { return { tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => { var soureImge if (tintColor == '#CBCBCB') { soureImge = 'My' } else { soureImge = 'MyActive' } return <Icon name={soureImge} size={26} color={tintColor} /> } } } } }, { initialRouteName: 'one', // initialize page tabBarComponent: TabBar, tabBarOptions: {activeTintColor: '#F34C56', inactiveTintColor: '#CBCBCB'}})Copy the code
Tool function
Icon does not use icon library, directly make an icon library more handy
import React from 'react'
import { Image } from 'react-native'
import { TabIcon } from './Image'
const Icon = ({ name, style, size }) = > {
const icon = TabIcon[name]
return (
style={[{ width: size.height: size }, style]} / >
export default Icon
Copy the code
But carries on the unified management to the picture
/** * All image resources are managed from here */
// Bottom navigation bar image resources
export const TabIcon = {
main: require('.. '),
mainActive: require('.. '),
Category: require('.. '),
CategoryActive: require('.. '),
onLine: require('.. '),
onLineActive: require('.. '),
OrderList: require('.. '),
OrderListActive: require('.. '),
My: require('.. '),
MyActive: require('.. '),}Copy the code
Customize the bottom navigator
With everything set, it’s time to customize the bottom navigator just like you did with the React component
import React from 'react'
import {
} from 'react-native'
import posed from 'react-native-pose' // React-native animation library
const Scaler = posed.View({ // Define click zoom
active: { scale: 1 },
inactive: { scale: 0.9}})const TabBar = props= > {
const {
} = props
const { routes, index: activeRouteIndex } = navigation.state
return (
<Scaler style={Styles.container}>
{, routeIndex) => {
const isRouteActive = routeIndex === activeRouteIndex
const tintColor = isRouteActive ? activeTintColor : inactiveTintColor
return (
onPress={()= >{ onTabPress({ route }) }} onLongPress={() => { onTabLongPress({ route }) }} accessibilityLabel={getAccessibilityLabel({ route })} > {route.key == 'three' ? (// Special processing for special ICONS<Scaler
pose={isRouteActive ? 'active' : 'inactive'}
{renderIcon({ route, focused: isRouteActive, tintColor })}
<Text style={Styles.iconText}>{getLabelText({ route })}</Text>
</Scaler>) : (// Common icon common processing<Scaler
pose={isRouteActive ? 'active' : 'inactive'}
{renderIcon({ route, focused: isRouteActive, tintColor })}
<Text style={Styles.iconText}>{getLabelText({ route })}</Text>
</TouchableNativeFeedback>)})}</Scaler>)}const Styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flexDirection: 'row'.height: 53.borderWidth: 1.borderRadius: 1.borderColor: '#EEEEEE'.shadowOffset: { width: 5.height: 10 },
shadowOpacity: 0.75.elevation: 1
tabButton: {
flex: 1.justifyContent: 'center'.alignItems: 'center'
spotLight: {
width: tabWidth,
height: '100%'.justifyContent: 'center'.alignItems: 'center'
spotLightInner: {
width: 48.height: 48.backgroundColor: '#ee0000'.borderRadius: 24
scaler: {
flex: 1.alignItems: 'center'.justifyContent: 'center',},scalerOnline: {
flex: 1.alignItems: 'center'.justifyContent: 'flex-end',},iconText: {
fontSize: 12.lineHeight: 20}})export default TabBar
Copy the code
And the result is this
If you have such a need, you can check out the foreigner’s blog
Let’s Create A Custom Animated Tab Bar With React Native
Finally: the Chinese New Year is coming, I wish everyone a happy New Year