Custom Lint
If you are not familiar with the rules of custom Lint, just refer to the following three articles. The “Meituan” tutorial version of Lint is lower and you can ignore it if you want to use the new version.
- Android Custom Lint Rules & Lint Plugin
- A practical study of custom Lint rules
- -Android custom Lint practice
Here are a few points not covered in the above data, to make a supplement
Lint’s dependency mode
As you can see from the resources, Lint relies on two things
- Google: Put lint.jar in
The downside is that all projects will use lint rules, which is very inflexible - LinkedIn: Wrap Lint. jar with an AAR and publish the AAR, depending on which project you want to use
Gradle configuration is not supported by Gradle at that time. You can pass gradle Configuration across projects. To copy lint.jar to the AAR project, the code looks something like this
Lint – rules in engineering
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Lint-Registry': 'com.lint.TestLint'
configurations {
dependencies {
lintOutputJar files(jar)
Copy the code
Lint – aar engineering
configurations {
dependencies {
lintImport project(path: ":lint-rules".configuration: "lintOutputJar")
task copyLintJar(type: Copy){
from (configurations.lintOutputJar) {
rename {
String fileName ->
into 'build/intermediates/lint/'
Copy the code
As you can see from the google-Lint-samples sample code, Gradle already has a configuration supported by default, called lintPublish, so you only need to configure it in the Lint-AAR project
/** Package the given lint checks library into this AAR */
dependencies {
lintPublish project(':lint-rules')}Copy the code
The pit of Lint
The development environment
Android Studio: 4.0.1 gradle version: 5.4.1 android-gradle-build-tools: 3.5.3 lint api: 27.0.1
/gradlew will not report errors to XML. AbortOnError =true will not report errors. There is only one Issue Obsolete Custom Lint check in report. XML.
In reference articles, the problem is that the IDE doesn’t tell you, but the report does. This time it’s the other way around. }}} “Android gradle-build-tools version has dependencies on Android-Gradle-build-tools”;}} “Custom Lint” Obsolete “lint check
Eventually I lowered the version of the Lint API and everything worked fine.
In addition, the new version of Lint’s API is not documented, and there are no comments, so it’s all guesswork and personal accumulation.
How to debug Lint
There is the easier way: just add in your command line -Dorg.gradle.debug=true --no-daemon
For example: gradle nameOfTask -Dorg.gradle.debug=true --no-daemon
Then you should start your IDE and run remote debugging with localhost port 5005, that all.
Gradle is waiting to you, because standard option server=y
When set to true, Gradle will run the build with remote debugging enabled, listening on port 5005. Note that this is the equivalent of adding -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005
to the JVM command line and will suspend the virtual machine until a debugger is attached.