In fact, you can also achieve a panorama without Threejs. This article will use a small example to briefly explain the basic use of CSS3D-Engine
Basic knowledge of
Css3d-engine is a very good css3D library, easy to get started, mainly master the following elements
- Stage: The position we place
- Plane: Used when building a Plane
- Camera: Necessary for 3D scenes, think of the Camera as our eyes
- Cube (Box): Build cubes to use
- Skybox: Used when building panoramic backgrounds
There are three elements that make up a 3D effect: scene, object and perspective. It’s much easier to understand 3D when you have these three elements:
Results demonstrate
Analysis of the
- Cut the picture into 6 sides and tie them together to make a cube
<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>A panoramic view</title>
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<div id="main" style="width:500px; height:500px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/css3d.js"></script>
// Create a scene
var s = new C3D.Stage();
s.size(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight).material({
color: '#ccc'
// Create a cube to place in the scene; (Sky box, suitable for making panoramic background, can add 6 sides of image definition when specifying material.)
var c = new C3D.Skybox();
front: { image: 'images/0.jpg' },
back: { image: 'images/2.jpg' },
left: { image: 'images/3.jpg' },
right: { image: 'images/1.jpg' },
up: { image: 'images/4.jpg' },
down: { image: 'images/5.jpg' }
// Respond to screen resizing
window.onresize = function () {
s.size(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight).update();
// Refresh the scene
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (callback) {
setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
document.onmousedown = mouseDown_handler;
document.onmouseup = mouseEnd_handler;
// Set the initialization value
var LastMouseX = 0;
var LastMouseY = 0;
var LastAngelX = 0;
var LastAngelY = 0;
var anglerX = 0;
var anglerY = 0;
var CurMouseX = 0;
var CurMouseY = 0;
// Encapsulate the function with the mouse down
function mouseDown_handler(ev) {
LastMouseX = ev.pageX;
LastMouseY = ev.pageY;
CurMouseX = ev.pageX;
CurMouseY = ev.pageY;
LastAngelX = anglerX;
LastAngelY = anglerY;
document.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove_handler);
// Encapsulate the mouse movement function
function mouseMove_handler(ev) {
CurMouseX = ev.pageX;
CurMouseY = ev.pageY;
// Mouse lift encapsulation function
function mouseEnd_handler(ev) {
CurMouseX = ev.pageX;
CurMouseY = ev.pageY;
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove_handler);
function go() {
// Calculate the rotation Angle of the x axis
//anglerX = (CurMouseY - LastMouseY) / 1000 + (LastAngelX - anglerX);
// Calculate the rotation Angle of the y axis
anglerY = (CurMouseX - LastMouseX) / 1000 + (LastAngelY - anglerY);, anglerY, 0).updateT();
Copy the code