Learned CSS, consolidate the foundation

The selector

Attribute selection

  • [attribute] : attribute
  • [attribute=”xx”] : has an element whose attribute value is xx
  • [attribute~=”xx”] : The values in the attribute attribute are separated by Spaces, and one of the values is xx
  • [attribute | = “x”] : match all attribute attribute has a value – separated by a hyphen, one of the elements of value starting with x


  • :nth-of-type(n) : the selector matches each element of the NTH child of a specific type belonging to the parent element: p:nth-of-type(1) matches the first p element

Pseudo elements


  • 1. No space, applied to the element itself. 2. With Spaces: applies to first-generation child elements
  • Pseudo-classes cannot be preceded by Spaces


pseudo-classes role
:avtive active
:hover The mouse is suspended
:checked Radio or checkbox is selected
:disabled Do not use
:empty Without child elements, text will not work
:first-child The first element
:first-of-type First element (tag type)
:focus Focusing on the
:invalid Does not meet the verification
:link Links that have not been visited
:visited Links that have been visited
:is() Corresponds to the parentheses

Pseudo elements

Pseudo elements role
::first-line Element first line
::first-letter The first character of the element
::selection Text in candidate
::after after

Child parent phase

  • why?

Absolute positioning is relative to the nearest located ancestor element, and if the element has no located ancestor element, its position is relative to the original containing block.

If the parent element is positioned relative to the child element, the child element is positioned relative to the parent element.