Suddenly I saw the CSS format written by someone else was strange, I could not understand it, I checked it, there are many kinds of selectors, turned over. The original address
Notes are divided into two parts, CSS selectors today and xPath selectors in the future. Today’s notes include 44 selectors, which basically cover all CSS 2 and CSS 3 specifications.
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CSS selector notes
Ruan Yifeng finishing
Basic selector
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
1. | * * * * * | Universal element selector that matches any element |
2. | E | Tag selector that matches all elements that use the E tag |
3. | .info | Class selector that matches all elements containing info in the class attribute |
4. | #footer | Id selector that matches all elements whose ID attribute is equal to footer |
* { margin:0; padding:0; }
p { font-size:2em; }
.info { background:#ff0; } { background:#ff0; } { color:#900; font-weight:bold; }
#info { background:#ff0; }
p#info { background:#ff0; }
2. Combinatorial selector of multiple elements
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
5. | E,F | Multi-element selector that matches all E elements or F elements at the same time, separated by commas |
6. | E F | Descendant element selector that matches all F elements belonging to the descendant of E element, separated by a space between E and F |
7. | E > F | Child element selector that matches F of all E elements |
8. | E + F | The adjacent element selector matches all sibling elements F immediately following E. More accurately, the E + F adjacent element selector matches all sibling elements F immediately following E |
div p { color:#f00; }
#nav li { display:inline; }
#nav a { font-weight:bold; }
div > strong { color:#f00; }
p + p { color:#f00; }
CSS 2.1 Property selector
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
9. | E[att] | Matches all E elements with the ATT attribute, regardless of its value. (Note: the E can be dropped here, as in “[cheacked]”. The same as below.) |
10. | E[att=val] | Matches all E elements whose att attribute equals “val” |
11. | E[att~=val] | Matches all E elements whose ATT attribute has multiple space-separated values, one of which is equal to “val” |
12. | E[att|=val] | Match E elements with hyphen-separated values for all ATT attributes, one of which starts with “val”, mainly for lang attributes such as “en”, “en-us”, “en-GB”, etc |
p[title] { color:#f00; }
div[class=error] { color:#f00; }
td[headers~=col1] { color:#f00; }
p[lang|=en] { color:#f00; }
blockquote[class=quote][cite] { color:#f00; }
Pseudo-classes in CSS 2.1
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
13. | E:first-child | The first child that matches the parent should exactly be the first e-tagged child that matches the parent |
14. | E:link | Matches all unclicked links |
15. | E:visited | Matches all links that have been clicked |
16. | E:active | Matches E elements that have not been released while the mouse has been pressed over them |
17. | E:hover | Matches the E element over which the mouse hover |
18. | E:focus | Matches the E element that gets the current focus |
19. | E:lang(c) | Matches E elements whose lang attribute is equal to C |
p:first-child { font-style:italic; }
input[type=text]:focus { color:#000; background:#ffe; }
input[type=text]:focus:hover { background:#fff; }
q:lang(sv) { quotes: “\201D” “\201D” “\2019” “\2019”; }
5. False elements in CSS 2.1
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
20. | E:first-line | Matches the first row of the E element |
21. | E:first-letter | Matches the first letter of the E element |
22. | E:before | Insert the generated content before the E element |
23. | E:after | Insert the generated content after the E element |
p:first-line { font-weight:bold; color; # 600; }
Preamble: the first – letter {the font – size: 1.5 em; font-weight:bold; }
.cbb:before { content:””; display:block; height:17px; width:18px; background:url(top.png) no-repeat 0 0; margin:0 0 0 -18px; }
a:link:after { content: ” (” attr(href) “) “; }
CSS 3 universal selector for sibling elements
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
24. | E ~ F | Matches any sibling F element after E element |
p ~ ul { background:#ff0; }
CSS 3 Property selector
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
25. | E [att ^ = “val”] | The element whose value of the attribute att begins with “val” |
26. | E [att $= “val”] | The element whose value of the attribute att ends in “val” |
27. | E [att * = “val”] | The value of the att attribute contains elements of the string “val” |
div[id^=”nav”] { background:#ff0; }
CSS 3 user interface related pseudo-classes
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
28. | E:enabled | Matches the active element in the form |
29. | E:disabled | Matches the disabled elements in the form |
30. | E:checked | Matches the radio (checkbox) or checkbox element selected in the form |
31. | E::selection | Matches the element currently selected by the user |
input[type=”text”]:disabled { background:#ddd; }
Structural pseudo-classes in CSS 3
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
32. | E:root | Matches the root element of the document, or in the case of an HTML document, the HTML element |
33. | E:nth-child(n) | Matches the NTH child of its parent element, with the first numbered 1 |
34. | E:nth-last-child(n) | Matches the penultimate NTH child of its parent element, with the first numbered 1 |
35. | E:nth-of-type(n) | Like :nth-child(), but only matches elements that use the same tag |
36. | E:nth-last-of-type(n) | Like: nth-last-Child (), but only matches elements that use the same tag |
37. | E:last-child | Matches the last child of the parent element, equivalent to :nth-last-child(1) |
38. | E:first-of-type | Matches the first child of the same tag under the parent element, equivalent to :nth-of-type(1) |
39. | E:last-of-type | Matches the last child of the parent element using the same tag, equivalent to :nth-last-of-type(1) |
40. | E:only-child | Matches only one child of the parent element, equivalent to :first-child:last-child or :nth-child(1):nth-last-child(1) |
41. | E:only-of-type | Matches the only child element under the parent element that uses the same tag, equivalent to :first-of-type:last-of-type or :nth-of-type(1):nth-last-of-type(1) |
42. | E:empty | Matches an element that does not contain any child elements. Note that text nodes are also considered child elements |
p:nth-child(3) { color:#f00; }
p:nth-child(odd) { color:#f00; }
p:nth-child(even) { color:#f00; }
p:nth-child(3n+0) { color:#f00; }
p:nth-child(3n) { color:#f00; }
tr:nth-child(2n+11) { background:#ff0; }
tr:nth-last-child(2) { background:#ff0; }
p:last-child { background:#ff0; }
p:only-child { background:#ff0; }
p:empty { background:#ff0; }
CSS 3 anti-pick pseudo classes
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
43. | E:not(s) | Matches any elements that do not match the current selector |
:not(p) { border:1px solid #ccc; }
CSS 3: Target pseudoclass
The serial number | The selector | meaning |
44. | E:target | Matches the effect of clicking on a specific “ID” in the document |
See HTML DOG for a detailed explanation and example of this selector.