CSS global property values inherit, Initial, unset, revert Compare

Inherit means inherit.

Initial Indicates the initial CSS value.

Unset indicates an unfixed value. If the property is a default inherited property, the value is equivalent to inherit. If the property is non-inherited, the value is equivalent to Initial.

The Revert keyword allows you to revert the current element’s style back to the browser’s built-in default style, rather than the original CSS property values.

// For example, if you want a button to use the browser's default UI, you can set it like this:
button {
    all: revert;
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Image adaptation

display: block;
height: atuo;
max-width: 100%;
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BEM(Lower CSS selector weights to improve efficiency and experience across CSS coding)

The pattern of naming conventions is as follows:

Block {} represents a higher level of abstraction or component. Block__element {} represents. Block's descendant. Block -- Modifier {} represents different states or versions of. BlockCopy the code

OOCSS(improve performance by creating reusable CSS modules)

Object-oriented CSS has two principles:

  • Independent structure and style, reusability of the base object by extending the class name to the base object
  • Separate container and content, with the advantage that content can be inserted into any container


Margin overlap: - Horizontal margins never overlap - vertical margins may overlap between specific boxes Margin percentage: calculated by the width of the parent elementCopy the code


The only values available to the browser are Auto and None

Auto -- The effect is the same as if the pointer-events attribute was not defined, and the mouse does not penetrate the current layer. None -- The element will never be the target of mouse events. Mouse events can point to descendant elements when their pointer-events attribute specifies other valuesCopy the code


border-radius: length|% length|% length|% length|% / 1-4 length|%;
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The four values before the slash indicate the horizontal radius of the fillet, and the four values after the slash indicate the vertical radius of the fillet


content: "Ordinary string"; Content: attr(HTML attribute name of the parent element); Content: URL (url of images, audio files, and videos)./* Uses a Unicode character set, using 4-bit hexadecimal encoding, but displays differently in different browsers and is less recognizable on mobile */
content: "\21e0";
/* Multiple values of the content can be combined arbitrarily, with parts separated by Spaces */
content: "'" attr(title) "'";
/* Auto-increment counter for inserting digits/letters/Roman numeral numbers */
content: counter(<identifier>, <list-style-type>);
/* Use the qutoes of the parent element as the content value */
content: open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote;
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Display: None — No position taken after hiding, no inheritance of quilt elements, no parent elements, and no child elements displayed

Visibility :hidden– The position taken after hiding will be inherited by the quilt element, and the child element will be visible by setting the child element visibility:visible

Opacity :0– The position occupied after it is hidden is inherited by the opacity element, but cannot be re-displayed by setting its child opacity:0


Position Absolute: After setting border sizing, including padding, but not including border em: If the font size is not set by the parent element, it is calculated as the font-size*em padding percentage: the width of the parent elementCopy the code