When it comes to CSS-doodle, it goes back to the fifth CSS conference, which was yuan Chuan’s debut in the CSS conference.

Yuan Chuan bosses when speech PPT: yuanchuan dev/talk/genera…

PPT source address: github.com/yuanchuan/t…

The fifth CSS conference of China highlights: www.yuque.com/cssconf/5th…

👇 Below is the scene of the scene:

What exactly is CSS-doodle, you might ask?

A Web Component for drawing Patterns with CSS (A Web component that draws patterns using CSS) Css-doodle is built using Shadow DOM V1 and Custom Elements V1.

Css-doodle makes it easy to create any pattern you want (CSS pattern) using Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, and CSS Grid.

Note: The CSS-doodle component so far only works on the latest Chrome and Safari browsers.


In fact, I’ve only recently noticed CSS-Doodle, and I think THE creation of CSS-Doodle really blows my mind. In order to make it easy for people like me to learn and understand it, I developed a vscode plug-in: VScode-CSS-doodle

Github address: github.com/lisiyizu/vs…

The plug-in download address: * * * * marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemN…

Here’s how vscode-CSS-doodle works:

  1. Collected 99 cases of CSS-Doodle
  2. Css-doodle Hover prompt (click to select keyword: hover prompt)
  3. Css-doodle autocomplete prompt (enter: @)
  4. Css-doodle Live Preview (MAC: Command + Shift + P, select CSS-doodle: Preview)

1. Collected 99 cases of CSS-Doodle (as shown in the picture below)

2. Css-doodle Hover prompt (click to select keyword: hover prompt)

3. Css-doodle autocomplete prompt (enter: @)

4. Css-doodle Live Preview (MAC: Command + Shift + P, select CSS-doodle: Preview)

If you think it is ok, welcome to like it, thank you.

The resources


Codepen. IO/search/pens…
