
CSDN is the website I visited most when I was in college. Every time I visited this website, I always felt a kind of inexplicable intimacy.

Do not know from when to begin, this website commercialization has been so fierce, all kinds of advertising all over the sky, fly ah fly.

There was no choice but to choose a script that blocked all the ads and gave the world a piece of intimacy.

By no means do I dislike advertisements on websites. What I am really worried about is that the quality of articles is getting worse and worse, but every time I search for solutions, I will still be navigated to CSDN by Baidu.

Recently, in the compilation of websites frequently visited by programmers, CSDN still ranks among the top in terms of visits, far surpassing other websites we are familiar with, such as github, Blog Garden and Zhihu, the largest same-sex social software.

In the end is why, I through www.alexa.cn web traffic analysis tool analysis.


As shown below, among all the websites in the world, it can be stable in the top 30.

In addition to a huge number of visits in China, the United States, Japan, South Korea also have a certain number of visits.

Perhaps not many people, especially programmers with years of experience, including myself, were also very surprised.

So, I went to analyze a number of secondary domain name access, we look at the following chart.

The following page views are in the front, we can see separately.

  • download.csdn.net
  • geek.csdn.net
  • bbs.csdn.net
  • my.csdn.net
  • blog.csdn.net
  • csdn.net
  • ask.csdn.net


The most visited site is download.csdn.net, an address for downloading resources.

The page looks something like this. There is no way to know the recommendation logic of the page. The guess is random, and the list changes every time you refresh the page.

Mainly focused on the introduction of information, project source code, e-books, interview questions and other aspects, seems to be for small white users.

At first, I couldn’t understand it until I saw the following two problems on Zhihu, combined with the number of visits to download.csdn.net, I realized that it was the strong download demand that made the page frequently visited.

Github is also full of these materials, so there is no need to download points, but there are still so many people here to download them. Maybe this is information bias.


Geek.csdn.net is redirected to csdn.net to access the official website homepage.


CSDN’s technical community, where you can create new communities or apply to become the manager of an existing community.


Access to this address is redirected to i.csdn.net, which is a personal center function.


CSDN’s blog homepage is more active, but it is strange that after so long, there is still no column in Go language. Golang is not liked in CSDN.


In the q&A area, paid questions are supported. According to the week and month, three forms are prepared, namely the list of adoption, the list of revenue and the list of praise.


No matter how much we ridicule CSDN and dislike it, such as resource plagiarism, piracy, advertising and other problems, CSDN still has a lasting vitality after its establishment for more than 20 years, and many technical communities have survived.

I think there are three main reasons,

First, CSDN is one of the earliest comprehensive technical communities and has accumulated a large number of users in the past ten years. Although it looks a little copycat now, it was once quintessential.

Second, CSDN has a large number of contents and has a high search weight on Baidu. Therefore, it is easier to access CSDN’s website when searching for solutions to problems.

Thirdly, teachers in the school are not as sensitive to new technologies as those in the company. Many new programmer communities are also unknown to them. However, CSDN has been established for a long time.