Introduction to the

I have been working in CSDN for 6 years since college, and my impression of CSDN has been getting worse all the time. A few days ago, I was even promoted system advertisement from time to time. But today, I suddenly found a plug-in of Intellij Idea developed by CSDN.

Function introduction

The CSDN plug-in can be used by pressingCTRL+SHIFT+IShortcut key, also can press the toolbarCIcon.

The index

CSDN this plug-in contains the integration of common development tools, article search, use only typeFunction Prefix contentthenEnterCan. Of course, indexing is still the first function that every user uses, regardless of the tool, and the CSDN plugin only needs to enter the index in the search barhelpCan.

Json processing


Tree diagram

Turn entity class


The calculator

Maven Repository Search

Making the search

It might not display very well, but as a content search it’s pretty fast

News search (another way to fish?)

The inputnewsEnter, have you ever thought of using IDEA?


Other tool use experience is not listed one by one, direct IDEA plug-in market search can be downloaded, can also be downloaded to the CSDN link.