Crudapi add, delete, modify and check interface zero code products successful cases of gold tea king voting system

Introduction to the

In 2020, due to the epidemic situation, the voting activity of King Jin Cha was changed to online cloud voting, so a voting system was needed for the competition. There are two types of contestants: restaurants and chefs. The voting is carried out through wechat official account. In order to prevent cheating, each person can vote for 3 chefs and 3 restaurants every day.

UI interface prototype

Technical framework

The project adopts the method of front and back end separation, the database adopts MySql, the back-end API adopts Java+Spring Boot, and the front end H5 adopts Vue+Quasar. Since the business logic of this project is mainly cruD addition, deletion, change and check of basic forms, it is very suitable for secondary development with CrudAPI. You can configure RESTful apis and back-end management Web pages, and customize the front-end H5 page.

Database forms

The main business form includes candidates (including teachers and restaurants), competition area, voting activity, activity registration, voting record, etc

Table association is established between different tables

Chefs and restaurants share the candidate candidate table, which is distinguished by the type type field. Restaurant indicates the restaurant, and chef indicates the chef.

VoteLog table of voting records, which limits voting by unique index Uq_VOte_log_token

Including design form to configuration, the workload is about an hour.

The backend API

The form and table relationship are configured, and the CORRESPONDING CRUD add, delete, change and query RESTful API is automatically generated. 80% of the work is basically completed on the back end, and then the integration of wechat automatic login and Ali Cloud OSS image uploading is completed within 2 days.

Background Management Web

It is mainly used for the administrator to edit restaurant and master information, view voting results and export data. The default page of CrudAPI has basically met the requirements.

The front end of H5

Custom development, 15 working days to complete the development and testing.


This paper mainly introduces the King of Gold tea voting system, using crudAPI to add, delete, change and check interface zero code products for secondary development, saving a lot of time, a total development time of 18 people days. Finally, the task was completed on time and with high quality, and 2020 International Golden Tea King Competition was a complete success.

The name of the The framework type time
Java API crudapi The Java SDK integration 3 days
Background Management Web crudapi-admin-web Direct use of product 0 days
The front end of H5 Vue + Quasar custom 15 days

Attached crudapi products

Introduction to the

Crudapi is a COMBINATION of CRUD + API, which stands for add, delete, modify and check interface. It is a zero-code configurable product. Crudapi allows you to focus on your business, save a lot of money, and improve your work efficiency by eliminating the tedious process of adding, deleting, modifying, and checking code. Crudapi aims to make working with data easier and is free for everyone to use! It automatically generates RESTful apis for ADDING, deleting, modifying, and querying CRUD data without programming, and provides a background UI to manage service data. Based on the mainstream open source framework, with independent intellectual property rights, support secondary development.

The demo presentation

Crudapi is a product-level zero-code platform, which is different from automatic code generator. It does not need to generate Controller, Service, Repository, Entity and other business codes, and the program can be used after running. Real zero-code. Can override basic business-neutral CRUD RESTful apis.

Website address: crudapi. Cn test address: demo. Crudapi. Cn/crudapi/log…

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