2021 is coming to an end. Look back at this year.
At the beginning of the year, cross-platform was a fake requirement, but it works, too.
To summarize at the end of the year, there is no shortage of native programmers for big projects, no need for cross-platform, and a shortage of staff for small projects to occupy multiple platforms is a hard requirement.
I think the biggest cross-platform demand in China is for small programs. After all, there are so many similar platforms that you shouldn’t write so many sets of code.
Please point out any mistakes and I will correct them after verification. Well, if you’re right about that. When you say someone else’s project is a KPI project, please post a KPI project.
Enterprise technology is constantly iterating, it is human nature to give up the old framework maintenance after the maturity of new technology, no one will spend a lot of time to maintain things that have no interest with their own.
Little brother is looking for a job, help little brother click a star and follow.
GitHub homepage
Grpcman this is my previous open source project, is a gRPC debugging tool.
The following list is in no particular order, in accordance with my familiarity.
MP related cross-platform solutions
In fact, by the end of 2021, small program is not so hot, but small program cross-platform framework has slowly developed into a full-end framework. Even if small programs die someday, H5 and App will always be alive and useful to learn.
Before applets came along, I only knew about their company’s 5+Runtime, and to be honest, I didn’t think cross-platform made much sense until then. Until one day to write small program, until one day to small program and H5 double version of the need, just feel the significance of the existence of this framework, reduce half of the workload is more than. Because I am more familiar with Vue, and the official UI library and plug-in market, unit time delivery rate is higher (can not write copy), here thank you for your selfless dedication.
I have never actually done this project, and I ran some demos when I only supported React syntax. Later, because there was no official component library, I didn’t have enough time to make components by myself, and I was more familiar with Vue than React, so I gave it up. Taro UI now supports React and Vue, especially recently React Native.
Applets framework comparison
The support images for each framework were updated on November 10, 2021. In fact, the selection of the support images for each framework is relatively simple.
I can only check survival ️ commit, live dead
half dead
not cold
Don’t use it if it’s not an active project. Sooner or later, it will be a pit. Are you alive if you just update the README?
Selection of recommended
Do jingdong small program can only choose Taro, do 360 small program can only choose Uniapp.
Tencent, Ali, byte, Baidu these four small program optional more, according to the technology stack and personal preferences of random selection.
I suggest you choose Uniapp or Taro with your eyes closed. There are many people using them and many search engines.
No matter what small program you do, you need to export App, can only choose one of the three from Uniapp, Taro, Rax according to the technology stack.
Taro’s React Native compiler has completely beaten Uniapp to the top of the list after 58.com submitted it, so both are highly recommended. I used Uniapp for the last project, for the reasons mentioned above, and I will try Taro for the next one.
The Rax is big, the ecology is big, the ice thing, and the recent North Sea rendering engine. But never been on the project, dare not recommend.
If you only do wechat small program and H5, then wechat official solution Kbone can have a look.
If you only do alipay small program, wechat small program and H5, then alipay official solution remax can look at.
Since the Nanachi frame is not actively maintained after being handed over to Qunar, it is not recommended.
Mpx, WXA, Tina themselves are all enhancements to MINA syntax that anyone who has developed applets with WXML can try out.
In addition, WXA and Tina only support wechat mini programs, while Mpx is more versatile and more cost-effective in terms of value.
Omi is very big, but do small program advantage is not big, there are better options, if you learn Web Compnent can try.
APP related cross-platform solutions
I will not Flutter embarrassed to say that I am the tide of The Times, get the last salty fish of the big men promoted and rich, I am still looking for a job on the road. It was really amazing the first time I used it, like never before, but now that declarative syntax is bad, it’s not so amazing. Now the thing that amazes me the most is the ecology, the ability to compile all the Flutter you can think of. But this Flutter Web is what impressed me most. When I open the console, the entire web page is a Canvas. I have to marvel at the power of the Flutter rendering engine developers.
React Native
The most popular mobile APP cross-platform scheme, mixed reviews, some big manufacturers have given up. But I have to say, when you’re making a cross-platform APP and you don’t know what to choose, this is the right choice.
Faster than React Native and smaller than React Native, The X5 kernel is well known for its solid foundation in mobile Web. It seems that users are goose factory users, factory personnel continue to wait and see.
Kraken sea
Ho, based on the rendering engine of Flutter, some days ago, it was said that Ali gave up Flutter, but now it seems that he did not give up Flutter, but changed to superstructure.
Adding a layer of Kraken between the Web and Flutter allows different front-end frameworks to enjoy the Flutter renderer.
I wrote Rax in the small program scheme. In fact, its support for APP is implemented by Kraken.
The mobile side is actually xarmain.form, which is familiar to C# developers before.
The main reason is that the APP written is ugly, otherwise it would have been popular. How could React Native be a web technology stack? There is no upstart Flutter. At present, it seems that the change is not big, Microsoft name change department is not deceiving me. We hope that xarmain. Form can be restored after refurnishing.
Jetpack Compose & SwiftUI [Not cross-platform, but note]
Developer. The android. Google. Cn/jetpack/com…
Declarative syntax sounds familiar to you, but since Flutter, the cross-platform declarative UI framework, became popular, IOS native UI framework SwiftUI and Android new native UI framework Jetpack Compose have become declarative UI frameworks.
But in terms of experience, the SwiftUI drag-and-drop UI layout is more developer-friendly.
Selection of recommended
If you’re a React developer, or even if you’re a Web developer, you don’t have to hesitate to choose React Native, which is by far the best option.
Although Hippy is also a web technology stack, but the online examples are relatively few, encountered errors can only go to QQ group to ask. You can practice it first, but don’t use it for formal projects.
Since Dart is a new language, you can continue to use Flutter if you were previously a Flutter developer. If you haven’t started learning Flutter, please don’t choose Flutter.
Soft fans and C# developers, and anyone else who wants to play around with it, can try.net MAUI, since few of the top 500 apps are written by.net MAUI.
Desktop related cross-platform solutions
There is now a Vite + React solution based on the development experience is good, but the speed of running depends on your opinion.
The only thing I know about him is that wechat developer tools are written in this framework. Compared with VScode written in Electron, it seems that they can be used as the selection of enterprise-level complex projects. Depending on my personal preference, I think Electron is more popular.
Desktop support for Flutter
Flutter mobile development has gone from black to red, and from red to black again, but Desktop Support for Flutter has only recently gone into beta and is almost available. I heard that many pages of the salty fish have been changed from Flutter to native, so there are not many people using it in China. But developing an Ubuntu application might be a good choice.
React Native for Windwos + macOS
Microsoft. Making. IO/react – nativ…
React Native for Windows + macOS, after all, is based on the Web technology stack and has matured so quickly, but it’s still a long way from Electron.
Temporary documentation docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotne…
Microsoft unified the world frame, if come out, personally quite optimistic. First of all, C# is a well-established language, and the older generation of C# developers is so numerous and stable that it’s possible that this generation will reap another wave of Microsoft ecological dividends.
Compose for Desktop
This is still a pie. No one uses the Jetbrains Toolbox. Kotlin’s users are mostly Android developers, and Compose is a new generation of Android development technology.
If Java is too old to survive, the Java GUI is dead and dead. It is officially declared that nothing is maintained except JavaFX. But JavaFX has been slow to catch up with Swing. Jetbrains even gave Swing a second life.
Mobile phone, desktop, car, industrial control you can almost write it, but as an individual user this user agreement is a little uncomfortable, but not many individual users, enterprise users do not care about this money. Now with Qt for Python, getting started is much easier than C++.
Selection of recommended
If you’re a Web developer, don’t hesitate to pick Electron, and nw.js is also a good choice.
Java developers don’t have a choice anymore, just go to Fx for new projects, learn a little bit about Scene Builder, and stick with Swing for old projects.
.net MAUI is not out yet, if your company only does Windows desktop and you are a C# developer, WPF is still the best choice for now.
React Native for Windwos + macOS runs fine, Native API support is still a bit weak, and the Web-based technology stack is now more complete at Electron.
A: Compose for Desktop is still a big cake, not to mention not ripe, it is not open yet.
Desktop support for Flutter has been completed well, but has not been officially released, and is not recommended for commercial use.
Qt is not well known to evaluate, but it is said to have a unique presence in industry and the Internet of Things.
In general, traditional Desktop UI frameworks eventually move toward XML syntax for convenience and extensibility. HTML developers are familiar with XML, which is a bit of a big front end.
Perhaps in the near future, WebAssembly will become mainstream and Javascript will no longer rule the front end. More developers in other languages will share and enrich the front-end ecosystem, bringing the Web to the next level of performance. At that point, there is no need to distinguish between native and Web.