Crmeb3.0 follows the PSR-2 naming convention and the PSR-4 auto-loading convention, and note the following specifications:

Use lowercase + underscore for directories and file directories. Class libraries and function files are suffixed with.php. The name of the class is defined in the namespace, and the namespace path is the same as the path of the class library file. Class files are named by hump method (the first letter is uppercase), and other files are named by lowercase + underscore. The name of the class must be the same as the name of the class. The class name must be named using the hump method (uppercase). For example, UserType should not be added by default. For example, UserController should be named User directly. Functions are named with a lowercase letter and an underscore (starting with a lowercase letter). For example, get_client_ip; Methods in a controller are named using a lowercase letter and an underscore (starting with a lowercase letter), for example, get_client_ip. Methods are named using a hump (lowercase first letter), such as getUserName; Attributes are named using a hump (lowercase first letter), such as tableName, instance; Special cases: functions or methods that begin with the double underscore __ as magic methods, such as __call and __autoload; The difference between functions and methods: Functions are separate, that is, process-oriented part of the definition; Methods depend on classes, which are defined in object orientation

Constants and configuration constants are named with uppercase letters and underscores, such as APP_PATH. Configuration parameters are named with lowercase letters and underscores, such as url_route_on and url_convert. Environment variable definitions are named with uppercase letters and underscores, such as APP_DEBUG; Data table and Fields The data table and fields are named in lowercase with underscores (_). Note that the field names do not start with an underscore (_). For example, think_USER and user_name are not recommended to use humps or Chinese characters to name data tables and fields. System encoding UTF-8 LF

Please understand and follow the above naming conventions as much as possible to reduce unnecessary errors during development.

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