Android Studio

A code editor for an Android APP or something? Well, it’s… Here you just need to use the AVD Manager to create an Android emulator (you can also use the Mumu android emulator); The monkey is an ADB command that connects to an Android terminal (ADB shell) and uses it to perform stability/stress tests on the APP.

The installation

Since I used a.dmg file to install it directly, it should be installed in the next step on Win. There are also ZIP files that can directly configure environment variables for installation

Configure the ADB

  1. Open the terminal and type ADB as follows to eliminate the need to configure ADB otherwise perform the following other steps
  2. Go to Configure -> SDK Manager

  3. Using terminal input:vi .bash_profileAdd the following information at the end of the file and save:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/tceo1/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/tceo1/Library/Android/sdk/tools
Copy the code

PS: / Users/tceo1 / Library/Android/SDK/path in the path as in step 2 picture box 4. Enter ADB on the terminal. The result is as shown in Step 1

Android emulator

  1. Go to Configure -> AVD Manager
  2. Click on the Create Virtual…

  3. Select the corresponding type and size ()

  4. To Download the system version image, click Download

  5. Select the corresponding system version and click Next

    6. Click Show Advanced Settings to configure memory and other information (optional).

  6. Click Finsh button to start creating emulator. The successful creation is shown as follows
  7. Click the green start button to start the emulator

  8. Effect diagram

At the end of the article

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