
A New Year begins, rest for a year, didn’t how to write the article, a few days ago in the nuggets sent an article on the lightweight server, it USES a lot of screenshots, write a MarkDown on the nuggets that experience, especially to upload pictures, it really like constipated, gee yeah, I just want to say “mouse tail juice”, I believe, the least!

In this hope that the nuggets of small partners refueling optimization ha!

As the saying goes, to do a good job, you must sharpen your tools first. Before creating, you must first polish your own creative artifacts, so that you can think quickly, learn ancient and modern, feel refreshed and calm, and achieve twice the result with half the effort!

Next, introduce the small tools that make up this creation artifact!

Tool is introduced

Typora (MarkDown Editor)

It goes without saying that markdown is the first choice for techies to write articles, and that it is supported on every major creative platform.

If you are not familiar with Markdown, don’t panic, open the rookie tutorial and you can go from beginner to master in five minutes!

Typora is my favorite. It is free, has a clean interface and what you see is what you get. There is no markdown software like Typora, which allows you to write Word smoothly and you only need to focus on creation.

PicGo (Open Source Map bed builder)

PicGo is a picture uploading tool, currently supports SM.MS picture bed, Tencent Cloud COS, GitHub (we use), seven niu picture bed, Imgur picture bed, Ari Cloud OSS, And take cloud picture bed, Gitee picture bed, etc., the usage is also very simple, in the configuration page to configure the parameters of each picture bed, will be introduced later. The interface looks like this.

Upload modes include:

  • Drag and drop to upload
  • Shortcut key upload
  • Command line upload

Github (Open Source Map Bed)

About the choice of drawing bed, mainly pay attention to the following points:

The price

If you do not have poor money you can choose to pay map bed, such as: Tencent Cloud COS, seven niuyun, Ali Cloud OSS and so on, the money of course incense;

If you’re like me and you’re living on a tight budget, you can choose Gitee, Github and other open source hosting platforms as your chart bed.


Pay chart bed, general price is expensive not to say, capacity also is general 10G left and right sides, to our technical person, I think it is completely insufficient, of course you are not bad money can increase capacity!

Github, which is open source and free, has no capacity worries anymore.


Github’s speed is not an issue, but we have Jsdelivr, which will be introduced below. Gitee is also good, but I am not used to it, SO I will not introduce it.


Privacy is something to consider, even though in this Internet world, it seems like everyone’s privacy is dead in name only. (How can I be so honest?)

The paying player is relatively safe, but also depends on the character of the service provider, after all, information leakage is often happening!

Open source is nothing private at all, suggest that we build the graph bed only to write articles, private photos and so on do not upload, lest to a XX door, overnight red network!

Another option is to buy a server and personally build a gallery website, which is how I store my private photos.

Github this seems to have nothing to say, the program ape all know, amateur can participate in the contribution of open source projects, improve their workplace competitiveness!

Github is a treasure trove, and it probably serves the following purposes:

  1. Simply use Github to store code, or even use it as Dropbox

  2. Like me, using Github as a map bed is no different from using Github as a web disk

  3. Using Github Pages to host static sites with CI allows automated deployment. Sites like mine are hosted on Github and can then be associated with their own domain name, Viktir’s Docs

  4. Github issues ! BBS, the comment system of Gitalk used by my website is also realized by utilizing the function of ‘ ‘Github Issues’.

Jsdelivr (Open Source CDN solution)

If you’ve ever used Github, you’ve probably encountered a situation where Github is slow to load and can’t even be opened. Github is our map bed of choice. Now, jsDelivr is available for free CDN acceleration, which instantly helps us solve the problem of access speed. It is one of the front end’s most powerful tools

Creative fusion technology

All the small tools have been introduced, now let’s use them together to create our efficient creation artifact!

Prepare the material

  • Set up a Github account
  • Picgo download and install
  • Typora download and install

Configure the Github repository

  1. The loginGithub, click on theNew repositoryCreate a gallery project

    ! [image-20210208113626709](/Users/wangweidong/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20210208113626709.png)

    Note: The project name is named by itself, that is, the link address of the image, which cannot be modified later. The project is set to Public, otherwise the uploaded image cannot be accessed. Add a README File and submit the creation.

Then you get a page like this:

  1. Next getTokenThe token will be inPicGoIt’s very important

Mouse click on your avatar, go to Settings, and click

Go to Developer Settings and click in

Create a new token

Create a token name that matches your library project name, then simply tick repO and click Submit

So you get a token, congratulations, you have an unlimited capacity map bed!

Note that this Token is very important and only occurs once, so make sure you copy it and use it in the next step

Configuration PicGo

Open PicGo, go to Bed Settings >Github Bed

My configuration content is not Mosaic, you big guy, you can make a reference

  • Warehouse name, username/project name

  • Branch name, fill in the branch of the warehouse where you want to upload pictures. The old project was Master, but after Microsoft bought it, it became Main

  • Token fill in the string of characters that you just copied down to find a place to save

  • Storage path, this is relative to your repository root path, remember not to use a slash, must be followed by a slash. If your project is like mine, you can configure it as img/, or you can simply fill in the root directory /

  • Custom domain name: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ you making user name/you set warehouse name @ branch name, this is mainly used to upload later, he used to splice path, existing in your clipboard, return to the path of the picture to you (here the branch name of the position, in addition to fill in the branch name, You can also specify a release name and a commit tag (for professionals, just use the branch name), and let Jsdelivr speed up your CDN.

After filling in, click OK and set it as the default chart bed, then you can switch to the upload area and try uploading a picture. After uploading, the path will be returned to you, and the format of this path can also be set. We will directly use markdown format to write the article, and we can paste it after uploading.

Configuration Typora

It was time to associate my configured PicGo with my editor.

Open Typora, preferences > Images > Upload Service Settings

You can set which pictures to take upload service Settings, and then upload service to select our Picgo. app, and then click verify picture upload option, if the prompt success is done, if failure, please repeat the above steps.

Now that you have a set of creative artifacts, hit your keyboard and go create! Ollie to ~