The source of

Welcome to the second part of the Monaco Editor series on how to create a custom Web Editor using TypeScript, React, ANTLR4, and The Monaco Editor. Monaco Editor Creates a custom Web Editor

In this article, I’ll show you how to implement the language service, which is used in the editor for the heavy work of parsing typed text. We’ll use abstract syntax trees (AST) generated by Parser to find syntax or lexical errors, formatted text, TODOS syntax is only hinted at for text typed by the user (I won’t implement syntax autocomplete in this article). Basically, the language service exposes the following functions:

  • format(code: string): string
  • validate(code: string): Errors[]
  • autoComplete(code: string, currentPosition: Position): string[]

Add ANTLER, Generate Lexer and Parser From the Grammar

I’ll introduce the ANTLR library and add a script to generate Parser and Lexer from the todolang. g4 syntax file. First I’ll introduce two necessary libraries: Antlr4ts and ANTLR4TS – CLI, ANTLR4 Typescript targets to generate parsers that have runtime dependencies on the AntLR4TS package. Antlr4ts – CLI, on the other hand, is cli as the name implies and we’ll use it to generate Parser and Lexer for the language

npm add antlr4ts
npm add -D antlr4ts-cli
Copy the code

Create a file todolanggrammar.g4 that contains the TodoLang grammar rules at the root path

grammar TodoLangGrammar;

todoExpressions : (addExpression)* (completeExpression)*;
addExpression : ADD TODO STRING;
completeExpression : COMPLETE TODO STRING;

ADD : 'ADD';
STRING: '"' ~ ["] * '"';
EOL: [\r\n] + -> skip;
WS: [ \t] -> skip;
Copy the code

Json file using antlR-CLI to generate Parser and Lexer

"antlr4ts": "antlr4ts ./TodoLangGrammar.g4 -o ./src/ANTLR"
Copy the code

Let’s execute the antlr4ts script and see the typescript source for the generated parser in the./ SRC /ANTLR directory

npm run antlr4ts
Copy the code

As we can see, there is a Lexer and Parser. If you look at the Parser file, you’ll see that it exports the TodoLangGrammarParser class, which has a constructor(input: TokenStream), which takes as an argument the TokenStream generated by TodoLangGrammarLexer for the given code, TodoLangGrammarLexer has a constructor that takes code as an input (input: CharStream)

The Parser file contains public todoExpressions(): TodoExpressionsContext method, which returns all TodoExpressions context objects defined in the code. Guess where TodoExpressions can be traced, but it comes from the first line of our grammar rules file:

todoExpressions : (addExpression)* (completeExpression)*;
Copy the code

TodoExpressionsContext is the foundation of the AST, where each node is another context for another rule, containing the terminal and the node context, and the terminal has the final token (ADD token, TODO token, TODO item name token)

TodoExpressionsContext contains a list of addExpressions and completeExpressions derived from the following three rules

todoExpressions : (addExpression)* (completeExpression)*; 
addExpression : ADD TODO STRING;
completeExpression : COMPLETE TODO STRING;
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On the other hand, each context class contains a terminal node, which basically contains the following text (a code fragment or token, for example: ADD, COMPLETE, a string for TODO). The complexity of the AST depends on the syntax rules you write

Let’s look at TodoExpressionsContext, which contains the ADD, TODO, and STRING terminal nodes, corresponding to rules like:

addExpression : ADD TODO STRING;
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The STRING terminal node holds the Todo text we want to add. First let’s parse a simple TodoLang code to see how the AST works. In the./ SRC /language-service directory, build a file containing the following: parser

import { TodoLangGrammarParser, TodoExpressionsContext } from ".. /ANTLR/TodoLangGrammarParser";
import { TodoLangGrammarLexer } from ".. /ANTLR/TodoLangGrammarLexer";
import { ANTLRInputStream, CommonTokenStream } from "antlr4ts";

export default function parseAndGetASTRoot(code: string) :TodoExpressionsContext {
    const inputStream = new ANTLRInputStream(code);
    const lexer = new TodoLangGrammarLexer(inputStream);
    const tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
    const parser = new TodoLangGrammarParser(tokenStream);
    // Parse the input, where `compilationUnit` is whatever entry point you defined
    return parser.todoExpressions();
Copy the code

The parser. Ts file exports the parseAndGetASTRoot(code) method, which takes the TodoLang code and generates an AST that parses the following TodoLang code:

ADD TODO "Create an editor"
COMPLETE TODO "Create an editor"
Copy the code

Implementing Lexical and Syntax Validation

In this section, I’ll walk you through how to add syntax validation to the editor. ANTLR generates lexical and syntax errors for us right out of the box. We just need to implement the ANTLRErrorListner class and feed it to Lexer and Parser so that we can collect errors as ANTLR parsers code

Create the todolangErrorListener. ts file in the./ SRC /language-service directory and export the TodoLangErrorListener class that implements the ANTLRErrorListner interface

import { ANTLRErrorListener, RecognitionException, Recognizer } from "antlr4ts";

export interface ITodoLangError {
    startLineNumber: number;
    startColumn: number;
    endLineNumber: number;
    endColumn: number;
    message: string;
    code: string;

export default class TodoLangErrorListener implements ANTLRErrorListener<any>{
    private errors: ITodoLangError[] = []
    syntaxError(recognizer: Recognizer<any.any>, offendingSymbol: any.line: number.charPositionInLine: number.message: string.e: RecognitionException | undefined) :void {
                endLineNumber: line,
                startColumn: charPositionInLine,
                endColumn: charPositionInLine+1.//Let's suppose the length of the error is only 1 char for simplicity
                code: "1" // This the error code you can customize them as you want

    getErrors(): ITodoLangError[] {
        return this.errors; }}Copy the code

Each time ANTLR encounters an error during code parsing, it calls this TodoLangErrorListener to provide it with information about the error, which returns a critical error message containing the code location where the parsing error occurred. Now we are trying to bind TodoLangErrorListener to Lexer and Parser files from Parser. ts, eg:

import { TodoLangGrammarParser, TodoExpressionsContext } from ".. /ANTLR/TodoLangGrammarParser";
import { TodoLangGrammarLexer } from ".. /ANTLR/TodoLangGrammarLexer";
import { ANTLRInputStream, CommonTokenStream } from "antlr4ts";
import TodoLangErrorListener, { ITodoLangError } from "./TodoLangErrorListener";

function parse(code: string) :{ast:TodoExpressionsContext, errors: ITodoLangError[]} {
    const inputStream = new ANTLRInputStream(code);
    const lexer = new TodoLangGrammarLexer(inputStream);
    const todoLangErrorsListner = new TodoLangErrorListener();
    const tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
    const parser = new TodoLangGrammarParser(tokenStream);
    const ast =  parser.todoExpressions();
    const errors: ITodoLangError[]  = todoLangErrorsListner.getErrors();
    return {ast, errors};
export function parseAndGetASTRoot(code: string) :TodoExpressionsContext {
    const {ast} = parse(code);
    return ast;
export function parseAndGetSyntaxErrors(code: string) :ITodoLangError[] {
    const {errors} = parse(code);
    return errors;
Copy the code

Create LanguageService. Ts in the./ SRC /language-service directory. Here is what it exports

import { TodoExpressionsContext } from ".. /ANTLR/TodoLangGrammarParser";
import { parseAndGetASTRoot, parseAndGetSyntaxErrors } from "./Parser";
import { ITodoLangError } from "./TodoLangErrorListener";

export default class TodoLangLanguageService {
    validate(code: string): ITodoLangError[] {
        const syntaxErrors: ITodoLangError[] = parseAndGetSyntaxErrors(code);
        //Later we will append semantic errors
        returnsyntaxErrors; }}Copy the code

Good, we’ve implemented editor error resolution, for which I’ll create the Web Worker I discussed in the previous article and add the Worker service proxy, which will invoke the language service area to do the editor’s advanced functionality

Creating the web worker

First, we call Monaco. Editor. CreateWebWorker to use the built-in ES6 create proxy TodoLangWorker Proxies, TodoLangWorker will use language services to perform the function of the editor, Those methods executed in the Web worker will be proxied by Monaco, so calling a method in the Web worker only calls the proxied method in the main thread.

Create todolangworker.ts in the./ SRC /todo-lang folder with the following contents:

import * as monaco from "monaco-editor-core";
import IWorkerContext = monaco.worker.IWorkerContext;
import TodoLangLanguageService from ".. /language-service/LanguageService";
import { ITodoLangError } from ".. /language-service/TodoLangErrorListener";

export class TodoLangWorker {
    private _ctx: IWorkerContext;
    private languageService: TodoLangLanguageService;
    constructor(ctx: IWorkerContext) {
        this._ctx = ctx;
        this.languageService = new TodoLangLanguageService();

    doValidation(): Promise<ITodoLangError[]> {
        const code = this.getTextDocument();
        return Promise.resolve(this.languageService.validate(code));
    private getTextDocument(): string {
        const model = this._ctx.getMirrorModels()[0];
        return model.getValue();
Copy the code

We created the Language Service instance and added the doValidation method, which in turn calls the Validate method of the Language Service, and the getTextDocument method, which gets the text value of the editor. The TodoLangWorker class also extends a lot of functionality if you want to support multiple file editing, etc. _CTx: IWorkerContext is the editor’s context object that holds the file’s Model information

Now let’s create the web worker file todolang.worker.ts under the./ SRC /todo-lang directory

import * as worker from 'monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker';
import { TodoLangWorker } from './todoLangWorker';

self.onmessage = () = > {
	worker.initialize((ctx) = > {
		return new TodoLangWorker(ctx)
Copy the code

We use the built-in worker.initialize to initialize our worker and use TodoLangWorker to delegate the necessary methods

That is a Web worker, so we must have Webpack print the corresponding worker file

// webpack.config.js
entry: {
        app: './src/index.tsx'."editor.worker": 'monaco-editor-core/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker.js'."todoLangWorker": './src/todo-lang/todolang.worker.ts'
    output: {
        globalObject: 'self'.filename: (chunkData) = > {
            switch ( {
                case 'editor.worker':
                    return 'editor.worker.js';
                case 'todoLangWorker':
                    return "todoLangWorker.js"
                    return 'bundle.[hash].js'; }},path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')}Copy the code

We named the worker file todolangworker.js, and now we add getWorkUrl to the editor launcher function

 (window as any).MonacoEnvironment = {
        getWorkerUrl: function (moduleId, label) {
            if (label === languageID)
                return "./todoLangWorker.js";
            return './editor.worker.js'; }}Copy the code

This is how Monaco gets the URL of the Web worker. Note that if the worker’s label is the ID of TodoLang, we will return the worker of the same name used to package output in the Webpack. If we build the project now, You might find a file called todolangworker.js (or in dev-tools, you’ll find two workers in the thread section)

Now create a WorkerManager to manage worker creation and get agent worker clients

import * as monaco from "monaco-editor-core";

import Uri = monaco.Uri;
import { TodoLangWorker } from './todoLangWorker';
import { languageID } from './config';

export class WorkerManager {

	private worker: monaco.editor.MonacoWebWorker<TodoLangWorker>;
	private workerClientProxy: Promise<TodoLangWorker>;

	constructor() {
		this.worker = null;

	private getClientproxy(): Promise<TodoLangWorker> {
		if (!this.workerClientProxy) {
			this.worker = monaco.editor.createWebWorker<TodoLangWorker>({
				moduleId: 'TodoLangWorker'.label: languageID,
				createData: {
					languageId: languageID,
			this.workerClientProxy = <Promise<TodoLangWorker>><any>this.worker.getProxy();

		return this.workerClientProxy;

	asyncgetLanguageServiceWorker(... resources: Uri[]):Promise<TodoLangWorker> {
		const _client: TodoLangWorker = await this.getClientproxy();
		await this.worker.withSyncedResources(resources)
		return_client; }}Copy the code

We use createWebWorker to create the Monaco agent’s Web worker, and then we get the client object that returns the proxy. We use workerClientProxy to call some of the proxy’s methods. Let’s create DiagnosticsAdapter class. This class is used to connect the Errors returned by the Monaco tag Api to the language service so that resolved errors are correctly marked on Monaco

import * as monaco from "monaco-editor-core";
import { WorkerAccessor } from "./setup";
import { languageID } from "./config";
import { ITodoLangError } from ".. /language-service/TodoLangErrorListener";

export default class DiagnosticsAdapter {
    constructor(private worker: WorkerAccessor) {
        const onModelAdd = (model: monaco.editor.IModel): void= > {
            let handle: any;
            model.onDidChangeContent(() = > {
                // here we are Debouncing the user changes, so everytime a new change is done, we wait 500ms before validating
                // otherwise if the user is still typing, we cancel the
                handle = setTimeout(() = > this.validate(model.uri), 500);

    private async validate(resource: monaco.Uri): Promise<void> {
        const worker = await this.worker(resource)
        const errorMarkers = await worker.doValidation();
        constmodel = monaco.editor.getModel(resource); monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(model, languageID,; }}function toDiagnostics(error: ITodoLangError) :monaco.editor.IMarkerData {
    return {
        severity: monaco.MarkerSeverity.Error,
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The onDidChangeContent listener listens for Model information. If the Model information changes, we will call webworker every 500ms to validate the code and add error flags. SetModelMarkers tells Monaco to add error markers. To allow editor syntax validation to complete, be sure to call them in the setup function and note that we are using the WorkerManager to get the proxy worker

monaco.languages.onLanguage(languageID, () = > {
        monaco.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider(languageID, monarchLanguage);
        monaco.languages.setLanguageConfiguration(languageID, richLanguageConfiguration);
        const client = new WorkerManager();
        constworker: WorkerAccessor = (... uris: monaco.Uri[]):Promise<TodoLangWorker> => {
            returnclient.getLanguageServiceWorker(... uris); };//Call the errors provider
        new DiagnosticsAdapter(worker);

export type WorkerAccessor = (. uris: monaco.Uri[]) = > Promise<TodoLangWorker>;
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Now everything is ready, run the project and enter the wrong oneTodoLangCode, you will find the error marked below the code

Implementing Semantic Validation

Now add semantic validation to the editor, remembering the two semantic rules I mentioned in the previous article

  • If TODO is defined using the ADD TODO specification, we can ADD it again.
  • In TODO applications, the COMPLETE directive should not be declared before adding TODO

To check if TODO is defined, all we need TODO is walk through the AST to get each ADD expression and push it into definedTodos. Then we check TODO’s presence in definedTodos. If there is, it is a semantic error, so get the error location from the context of the ADD expression, and then push the error into the array, as is the second rule

function checkSemanticRules(ast: TodoExpressionsContext) :ITodoLangError[] {
    const errors: ITodoLangError[] = [];
    const definedTodos: string[] = [];
    ast.children.forEach(node= > {
        if (node instanceof AddExpressionContext) {
            // if a Add expression : ADD TODO "STRING"
            const todo = node.STRING().text;
            // If a TODO is defined using ADD TODO instruction, we can re-add it.
            if (definedTodos.some(todo_= > todo_ === todo)) {
                // node has everything to know the position of this expression is in the code
                    code: "2".endColumn: node.stop.charPositionInLine + node.stop.stopIndex - node.stop.stopIndex,
                    endLineNumber: node.stop.line,
                    message: `Todo ${todo} already defined`.startColumn: node.stop.charPositionInLine,
                    startLineNumber: node.stop.line
            } else{ definedTodos.push(todo); }}else if(node instanceof CompleteExpressionContext) {
            const todoToComplete = node.STRING().text;
            if(definedTodos.every(todo_= >todo_ ! == todoToComplete)){// if the the todo is not yet defined, here we are only checking the predefined todo until this expression
                // which means the order is important
                    code: "2".endColumn: node.stop.charPositionInLine + node.stop.stopIndex - node.stop.stopIndex,
                    endLineNumber: node.stop.line,
                    message: `Todo ${todoToComplete} is not defined`.startColumn: node.stop.charPositionInLine,
                    startLineNumber: node.stop.line }); }}})return errors;
Copy the code

Now that we call the checkSemanticRules function and return a combination of semantic and syntactic errors in the Validate method of the Language Service, our editor now supports semantic validation

Implementing Auto-Formatting

For automatic formatting features editor, you need to by calling the Monaco API registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider offer and register format provider of Monaco. See the Monaco-Editor documentation for more details. Calling and walking through the AST will show you the beautified code

// languageService.ts   
format(code: string) :string{
        // if the code contains errors, no need to format, because this way of formating the code, will remove some of the code
        // to make things simple, we only allow formatting a valide code
        if(this.validate(code).length > 0)
            return code;
        let formattedCode = "";
        const ast: TodoExpressionsContext = parseAndGetASTRoot(code);
        ast.children.forEach(node= > {
            if (node instanceof AddExpressionContext) {
                // if a Add expression : ADD TODO "STRING"
                const todo = node.STRING().text;
                formattedCode += `ADD TODO ${todo}\n`;
            }else if(node instanceof CompleteExpressionContext) {
                // If a Complete expression: COMPLETE TODO "STRING"
                const todoToComplete = node.STRING().text;
                formattedCode += `COMPLETE TODO ${todoToComplete}\n`; }});return formattedCode;
Copy the code

Add a format method to the todoLangWorker that uses the format method of the Language Service

Now create TodoLangFomattingProvider class to implement ` ` DocumentFormattingEditProvider ` interface

import * as monaco from "monaco-editor-core";
import { WorkerAccessor } from "./setup";

export default class TodoLangFormattingProvider implements monaco.languages.DocumentFormattingEditProvider {

    constructor(private worker: WorkerAccessor) {


    provideDocumentFormattingEdits(model: monaco.editor.ITextModel, options: monaco.languages.FormattingOptions, token: monaco.CancellationToken): monaco.languages.ProviderResult<monaco.languages.TextEdit[]> {
        return this.format(model.uri, model.getValue());

    private async format(resource: monaco.Uri, code: string) :Promise<monaco.languages.TextEdit[]> {
        // get the worker proxy
        const worker = await this.worker(resource)
        // call the validate methode proxy from the langaueg service and get errors
        const formattedCode = await worker.format(code);
        const endLineNumber = code.split("\n").length + 1;
        const endColumn = code.split("\n").map(line= > line.length).sort((a, b) = > a - b)[0] + 1;
        console.log({ endColumn, endLineNumber, formattedCode, code })
        return[{text: formattedCode,
                range: {
                    startColumn: 0.startLineNumber: 0}}]}}Copy the code

TodoLangFormattingProvider by calling the worker provides the format method and using the editor. The getValue () as the reference, and provide to Monaco after all the code and want to replace, Now enter the setup function and use of Monaco registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider API registration formatting the provider, to run the application, you can see the editor has to support automatic formatting

monaco.languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(languageID, new TodoLangFormattingProvider(worker));
Copy the code

Try hitting Format Document or Shift + Alt + F and you can see what this looks like:

Implementing Auto-Completion

To make automated support defined TODO, you have to do is to get all the definitions from the AST TODO, and provide the completion provider by calling registerCompletionItemProvider in the setup. The Completion Provider provides you with the current location of the code and the light icon, so you can check the context in which the user is typing, and suggest the predefined TO DOs if they type TODO in a complete expression. Remember that by default, monaco-Editor supports auto-completion of predefined tags in your code, and you may need to disable this feature and implement your own tags to make it more intelligent and contextually literate

The translator information