Haven’t written crawler for a long time, recently found many websites have wOFF font reverse crawl. Baidu looked for a while, found that all want money, had to silently say fuck so, had to crack their own. Ok, so here we go. If you are searching for a website and the text is not readable, open network and you will find this:The text on the page reads:So, add wOFF font reverse crawl, this time don’t panic, take your time. First find the web page you want to capture, open network, findFind the WOFF font file and convert it to AN XML file with the conversion code ‘

#encoding: utf-8
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont

font = TTFont(r'youself.woff')
Copy the code

After converting, you’ll find an XML file that looks like this:You’ll find,You’ll find the corresponding content in THE XML, and then you’re ready to crack.Take any content from your XML, use Python transcoding, and turn it into text. You’re done. I don’t need to say anything about subsequent text matching.