Check out the market for Golang

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The target

Golang has been a part of my work, and I want to let everyone know about Golang’s market situation and let more people get familiar with it. Therefore, it mainly presents the results of data analysis

The target site is the job data capture and analysis of a recruitment website, crawling cities are Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu, and then draw a conclusion

Analysis of the

First of all, we need to do page analysis to find our grasping direction

Search for the golang keyword, and if you open page F12, you’ll see that it sends four requests. Note the positionAjax.json request

We carefully evaluate the incoming and outgoing parameters of this interface

The ginseng

1. Query String Param

  • City: the requested city
  • NeedAddtionalResult: Whether additional parameters need to be added, which defaults to false

2, the Form Data

  • First: Whether the home page
  • Pn: the page number
  • Kd: indicates the keyword

The ginseng

This is it, and a lot of useful information can be gleaned from the returned results

  • CompanyFullName: companyFullName
  • CompanyLabelList: company label
  • CompanyShortName: company short
  • CompanySize: indicates the companySize
  • Education: Education requirements
  • FinanceStage: Financing stage

And so on ~


In the above two figures, it can be found that the Content node contains pageNo and pageSize fields, and the Content. PositionResult node has totalCount field, which can know the current page, how many pages are displayed on each page, and the total number of current positions

Note that paging is rounded up


1. Distribution map

Different jobs and types of work will naturally spread in different working areas. Let’s first understand which district Golang engineers in each city work in, so as to keep a bottom in mind







Ii. Comparison of recruitment and number of positions

By analyzing the data in the chart, we can know the number of recruitment positions in each city

  • Beijing: 348
  • Shanghai: 145
  • Guangzhou: 37
  • Chengdu: 49
  • Hangzhou: 45
  • Shenzhen: 108

A total of 732 positions were advertised in Beijing > Shanghai > Shenzhen > Chengdu > Hangzhou > Guangzhou

Another concern is the comparison between the number of recruiting companies and the number of positions. It can be seen that the number of recruiting companies in Beijing is 348, while the number of recruiting companies is 191, a ratio of about 1.82, that is, one company can provide two Golang positions. It may be of different categories, (intermediate, intermediate, advanced) levels, with certain possibilities. In Guangzhou, it is 31 compared with 37, although the difference is not big, but this phenomenon still exists

It can be concluded that Golang has a certain expansion space in the market, that is, a room for improvement. A company will apply Golang in many different application scenarios, that is, in different directions, different levels of talent will be needed

However, it should be noted that the market share of Golang’s recruitment is still low, with only 732 in total in six cities. There is a certain distance between Golang and other popular languages, so we need to be cautious

At the same time, fewer people are interviewing for Golang than other popular languages, so is there less competition for positions?

Three, recruitment company size

By looking at the scale of companies recruiting Golang engineers, it can be intuitively found that Golang is less used by micro companies, and other types of scale have a certain degree of application, with a small gap. Companies with more than 2,000 employees and 50 to 150 employees are the most popular

Why? I think it’s possible

  • Large companies combine scenarios to solve some pain points with Golang’s features
  • Golang, a new star in small companies, is easier to implement and has certain application scenarios

Do you think there should be more reasons to choose it?

4. Educational requirements

In the recruitment market, Golang’s recruiters prefer you to have a bachelor’s degree, and there are certain shares of junior college and no limitation, but the market share is quite different

As there are two requirements for master’s degree, it can be concluded that in the market, Golang employers do not have a high demand for advanced degree, or do not require advanced degree

5. Industry

Here, focus on the recruitment of Golang engineers are respectively in what industry field, big head mobile Internet is beyond doubt, but also can be surprised to find

  • Data services
  • The electronic commerce
  • financial
  • The enterprise service
  • The game

Golang has been applied in these aspects, which shows that Golang has a broad way and a good prospect in the market

At the same time, you, as an engineer, must be very excited if you can cover a variety of fields

Six, position temptation

Job temptation is a must look at the resume, you can see that the high-frequency entries are basically concerned about the topic of IT practitioners, here you know…

Key, I saw a “free meals” entry hit 7 times, respectively from haidian district, Dongcheng District, Chaoyang district in Beijing, Shanghai’s Huangpu district, seven different companies, hard work

Vii. Industry and position labels

In recruitment JD, description and label are often used to give job seekers an understanding of the specific job content and its relevance

It makes sense to see what Golang is often associated with, right

1, language

  • Java
  • Python
  • C/C++
  • PHP

As can be seen from the figure, Golang is related to the above four languages, and Java and Python are ranked first and second respectively, which indicates that there is a higher desire for compound talents in the market. It is ok if you don’t know it, but it is better if you know it (bonus). You need to have multilingual experience and be able to connect with other people

At the same time, Golang currently has a lot of internal conversion of language writing, so this point can be referred to

2, the title

  • senior
  • senior
  • The intermediate

Specifically put the title in the second place, it can be found that Golang label in the market demand is senior > senior > intermediate, the association of the first “language association” is not difficult to draw this conclusion, because language is just a tool to solve problems, to the intermediate and above engineers are multilingual majority, Then adopt different solutions to solve the problems in application scenarios

It can be concluded that the market now expects more middle-high, senior and senior talents for Golang, while middle-level talents are a little less

You can try to push it up a little bit

3, components,

  • Linux
  • Redis
  • Mysql

4, industry

  • Cloud computing
  • Information security
  • Big data
  • financial
  • Software development

8. Salary and working years

1, 1-3 years

A particular stage can be single or double digits, with big heads ranging from 15 to 30k, 20 to 40k, and elementary ones ranging from 8 to 16k

2, 3-5 years

In the stage of waiting for development, the span of salary category is large, 10-60K salary has, which fully shows that ability determines your upper and lower

3, 5-10 years

Core, the number of recruitment on the recruitment website is less, will take internal push or headhunting, do not need special introduction


This part, I believe, is where many people pay attention

In some articles, you’ll see that their salaries are shown as averages. I wonder, because I don’t care much about averages, the point is that they don’t capture salary ranges. So I’m going to do my best to show you the data

(Text) From the chart, Golang’s current salary level is still very good, and the market can give a good price according to people at different stages (levels)

(Digression) I hope you know the following after reading it

  • The highest and lowest salary range for your current years of service
  • Your next salary range
  • Why are some people higher and others lower
  • Big head or small head? Why
  • Don’t settle for the mean

Ix. Financing stage

Most companies that use Golang are stable, and some are more exciting 🙂

Financing phase versus salary category

No need for financing

The listed company

A wheel

B wheel

C round

D wheel above

10. Nearby subway

What subway station are Golang engineers stationed near

I often see my peers on the subway looking at codes to see where they are distributed 🙂








As the official saying goes, “Go has been on an amazing journey over the last 8+ years”, as a new language, it has been constantly developing. There must be some shortcomings. You have to recognize it

In terms of numbers

Looking at the recruitment website alone, there is still a certain gap between the number of recruitment positions in hot languages, but Golang has a lot of internal transfer of language development. The current data shows that the number of recruitment is not large, but the quality is good

If you look at the distribution

There are almost all Golang positions in first-tier cities. Although there are fewer in other cities, it is a process that requires continuous attention for new languages

From the title level

Golang high, senior, senior is still accounted for the majority of the salary is basically in line with the market

In terms of direction

Golang covers a wide range of industries, including mobile Internet, data services, e-commerce, finance, enterprise services and cloud computing

Open source projects

Docker, K8S, ETCD, Consul are stable

Overall, Golang is at a stage of development, with a fair market and a wide range of applications, but not many hires. What do you think?

Finally, the new Logo released today 🙂

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