In this article, we will use Requests and xpath to climb douban movie Top250. The final renderings are pasted below:

1. Web page analysis

(1) Analysis of URL laws

We first use Chrome browser to open Top250 douban movies, it is easy to judge that the site is a static page

Then we analyze the URL law of the website, so as to obtain the content of all pages in the website by constructing THE URL

Home page:

Page 2:…

Page 3:…

It is not hard to see that the URL can be generalized to… Where page indicates the number of pages

Finally, we need to verify whether the URL of the home page also meets the rule. After verification, it is easy to find that the URL of the home page also meets the rule above

The core code is as follows:

import requests
Get the source code of the web page
def get_page(url) :
    Construct the request header
    headers = {
        'USER-AGENT':'the Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'
    Send the request and get the response
    response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers)
    Get the source code for the web page
    html = response.text
    # return to page source code
    return html
Copy the code

(2) Analyze the law of content

Next we began to analyze the content of each web page and extract the data we needed from it

Use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I to open the developer tool and select the Elements option bar to analyze the source code of the web page

The data that needs to be extracted includes (can be matched using xpath) :

  • Detailed links:html.xpath('//div[@class="hd"]/a/@href')
  • Movie title:html.xpath('//div[@class="hd"]/a/span[1]/text()')
  • Director/Starring Actor, Release year/Country/category:html.xpath('//div[@class="bd"]/p[1]//text()')
  • Douban score:html.xpath('//div[@class="bd"]/div/span[2]/text()')
  • Number of evaluators:html.xpath('//div[@class="bd"]/div/span[4]/text()')

The core code is as follows:

from lxml import etree
# Parse the web source code
def parse_page(html) :
    Construct the _Element object
    html_elem = etree.HTML(html)
    # detailed link
    links = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="hd"]/a/@href')
    # Movie title
    titles = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="hd"]/a/span[1]/text()')
    # Movie info (Director/star, release year/country/category)
    infos = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="bd"]/p[1]//text()')
    roles = [j for i,j in enumerate(infos) if i % 2= =0]
    descritions = [j for i,j in enumerate(infos) if i % 2! =0]
    # Douban rating
    stars = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="bd"]/div/span[2]/text()')
    # comment count
    comments = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="bd"]/div/span[4]/text()')
    # Get results
    data = zip(links,titles,roles,descritions,stars,comments)
    # return result
    return data
Copy the code

(3) Save data

Save the data as TXT file, JSON file, and CSV file respectively

import json
import csv
# Open file
def openfile(fm) :
    fd = None
    if fm == 'txt':
        fd = open('douban.txt'.'w',encoding='utf-8')
    elif fm == 'json':
        fd = open('douban.json'.'w',encoding='utf-8')
    elif fm == 'csv':
        fd = open('douban.csv'.'w',encoding='utf-8',newline=' ')
    return fd

Save the data to a file
def save2file(fm,fd,data) :
    if fm == 'txt':
        for item in data:
            fd.write('the link: + str(item[0]) + '\n')
            fd.write('the title: + str(item[1]) + '\n')
            fd.write('role: + str(item[2]) + '\n')
            fd.write('descrition:' + str(item[3]) + '\n')
            fd.write('star: + str(item[4]) + '\n')
            fd.write('the comment: + str(item[5]) + '\n')
    if fm == 'json':
        temp = ('link'.'title'.'role'.'descrition'.'star'.'comment')
        for item in data:
    if fm == 'csv':
        writer = csv.writer(fd)
        for item in data:
Copy the code

2. Coding implementation

Here is the complete code, and dozens of lines can be written

import requests
from lxml import etree
import json
import csv
import time
import random

Get the source code of the web page
def get_page(url) :
    headers = {
        'USER-AGENT':'the Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'
    response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers)
    html = response.text
    return html

# Parse the web source code
def parse_page(html) :
    html_elem = etree.HTML(html)
    links = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="hd"]/a/@href')
    titles = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="hd"]/a/span[1]/text()')
    infos = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="bd"]/p[1]//text()')
    roles = [j.strip() for i,j in enumerate(infos) if i % 2= =0]
    descritions = [j.strip() for i,j in enumerate(infos) if i % 2! =0]
    stars = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="bd"]/div/span[2]/text()')
    comments = html_elem.xpath('//div[@class="bd"]/div/span[4]/text()')
    data = zip(links,titles,roles,descritions,stars,comments)
    return data

# Open file
def openfile(fm) :
    fd = None
    if fm == 'txt':
        fd = open('douban.txt'.'w',encoding='utf-8')
    elif fm == 'json':
        fd = open('douban.json'.'w',encoding='utf-8')
    elif fm == 'csv':
        fd = open('douban.csv'.'w',encoding='utf-8',newline=' ')
    return fd

Save the data to a file
def save2file(fm,fd,data) :
    if fm == 'txt':
        for item in data:
            fd.write('the link: + str(item[0]) + '\n')
            fd.write('the title: + str(item[1]) + '\n')
            fd.write('role: + str(item[2]) + '\n')
            fd.write('descrition:' + str(item[3]) + '\n')
            fd.write('star: + str(item[4]) + '\n')
            fd.write('the comment: + str(item[5]) + '\n')
    if fm == 'json':
        temp = ('link'.'title'.'role'.'descrition'.'star'.'comment')
        for item in data:
    if fm == 'csv':
        writer = csv.writer(fd)
        for item in data:

# Start crawling the page
def crawl() :
    url = '{page}&filter='
    fm = input('Please input file save format (TXT, JSON, CSV) :')
    whilefm! ='txt' andfm! ='json' andfm! ='csv':
        fm = input('Input error, please re-enter file save format (TXT, JSON, CSV) :')
    fd = openfile(fm)
    print('Start crawling')
    for page in range(0.250.25) :print('Climbing to number one' + str(page+1) + 'Page to page' + str(page+25) + ' 页......')
        html = get_page(url.format(page=str(page)))
        data = parse_page(html)
    print('End of crawl')

if __name__ == '__main__':
Copy the code

2020.06.25 supplement

Recently, because of the need of the project, I also took the next douban to read, and the idea is similar to the douban movie. Here I also posted the code for your reference

import requests
from lxml import etree
from string import Template
import time
import random
import json
import re

def get_page(url) :
    headers = {
        'USER-AGENT':'the Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'
    response = requests.get(url = url, headers = headers)
    html = response.text
    return html

def parse_page(html) :
    html_elem = etree.HTML(html)
    # cover
    imgUrl = html_elem.xpath('//tr[@class="item"]/td[1]/a/img/@src')
    # titles
    name = html_elem.xpath('//tr[@class="item"]/td[2]/div[@class="pl2"]/a/@title')
    # introduction
    info = html_elem.xpath('//tr[@class="item"]/td[2]/p[@class="pl"]/text()')
    # evaluation
    star = html_elem.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "star")]/span[@class="rating_nums"]/text()')
    # comment count
    comments = html_elem.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "star")]/span[@class="pl"]/text()')
    # in this paper,
    quotes = html_elem.xpath('//span[@class="inq"]/text()')

    # Break the introduction into author, translator, price, publication date, publisher
    author, translator, price, pubdate, press = [], [], [], [], []
    for item in info:
        splits = item.split('/')
        splits = [item.strip() for item in splits]
        #, sentenced to
        if item == '[UK] Conan Doyle/Ding Zhonghua et al/Masses Publishing House / 1981-8/53.00 yuan /68.00 Yuan ':
        #, sentenced to
        elif item == 'S.A. Alexievich/Fang Zufang/Huacheng Publishing House/Iron Gourd Books / 2014-6-15/34.80 YUAN ':
        # General treatment
            translator.append(' ' if len(splits) == 4 else splits[1])
    Matches integers and floating point numbers
    pattern = r'[+-]? ([0-9] * \.? [0-9] + | [0-9] + \.? [0-9]*)([eE][+-]? [0-9] +)? '
    star = [float(, item).group()) for item in star]
    comments = [int(, item.lstrip('(').rstrip(') ').strip()).group()) for item in comments]
    price = [float(, item).group()) for item in price]

    data = list(zip(imgUrl, name, star, comments, quotes, author, translator, price, pubdate, press))
    return data

def save2file(data) :
    meta = ('imgUrl'.'name'.'star'.'comments'.'quotes'.'author'.'translator'.'price'.'pubdate'.'press')
    wrapper = [dict(zip(meta, item)) for item in data]
    fd = open('douban.json'.'w', encoding = 'utf-8')
    json.dump(wrapper, fd, ensure_ascii = False)

def crawl() :
    Url template, whose parameters need to be replaced
    init_url = Template('$page')
    # All data
    all_data = []
    # Traverse the web page
    for page in range(0.250.25) :# current url
        curr_url = init_url.substitute(page = str(page))
        # fetch page
        html = get_page(curr_url)
        # parse the page
        data = parse_page(html)
        Save data for each page
        # Random sleep
    Write all data to the file at once

if __name__ == '__main__':
Copy the code
  • Web analytics

  • The final result