“This is the 27th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. See details of the event: The Last Gwen Challenge 2021”.


A few days ago, the “project manager” of the project team suddenly came to chat with me, which basically meant that he hoped that I could help the operation colleagues to do some operation things when the task was not urgent, such as developing community, capturing app reviews, tracking registration data and so on.

Is testing everything??

To the author here is not a new thing, the company’s operation and maintenance part-time, unit testing has done, static code analysis and scanning has done, their own testing skills < a variety of automation technology, crawler and so on >, only the lack of their own system development.

Mandate and Programme

The first task is community and evaluation, which needs to be prepared to join 100 community lurk, grab 1000 APP evaluation;

Of course, from the simplest start, do not spend too much energy, I first download a pile of APP, and then is a variety of capture package??

As a result, the package capture is invalid because it is the App Store, and the certificate problem is not solved. In fact, I have come up with an iOS app automation solution

  • Internal affairs do not ask Baidu, do not be afraid, the car to the hill there will be a way.

Sure enough, some people have been grabbing app comments before, of course, I just want to find a way or solution, mainly to get that address

  • The solution is to capture ratings through the app store’s interface response data

The interface response happens to be a JSON object, which Python can use to extract key information

Do it first, see the characteristics of the page and interface, and then try writing Python scripts to filter the results
  • Strings copied from browser F12 become dict objects in Python, so deal with them first
def str_dict() :
    data = {}
    strs = "Method=internal.user.com menList3 & serviceType = 20 & reqPageNum = 4 & maxResults = 25 & appid = C101545375 & version = 10.0.0 & zone = & locale =zh"
    ss = strs.split("&")
    for s in ss:
        c = s.split("=")
        a, b = c
        print(a, b)
        data[a] = b
    return data
# Split data
# data = {'method': 'internal.user.commenList3', 'serviceType': '20', 'reqPageNum': '1', 'maxResults': '25', 'appid': 'C104399487', 'version' : '10.0.0', 'zone' : ', 'locale' : 'useful'}
Copy the code

In fact, the author has written the whole code, just want to go through the whole implementation process again, but it is all in the comments

So, we are reluctant to look at the comments all understand how to implement.

import requests
from utils.handle_excel2 import HandleExcel

The id of the app in the app store
appid = "C100381757"

# Comment save address
excel = HandleExcel(filename=".. / datas/comments. XLSX. "")

Huawei request address
url = "https://web-drcn.hispace.dbankcloud.cn/uowap/index"
Enter, search by appID, 25 comments per page
data = {'method': 'internal.user.commenList3'.'serviceType': '20'.'reqPageNum': '1'.'maxResults': '25'.'appid': appid, 'version': '10.0.0'.'zone': ' '.'locale': 'zh'}
Make a request
res = requests.get(url, params=data, headers={"Content-Type":"application/json"})
# Get the total page number of comments
pages = res.json().get("totalPages")

cs = []    # longest list of comments; That's all the filtered reviews for an app

for p in range(1, pages + 1) :Iterate through each page of comments
    data = {'method': 'internal.user.commenList3'.'serviceType': '20'.'reqPageNum': p, 'maxResults': '25'.'appid': appid, 'version': '10.0.0'.'zone': ' '.'locale': 'zh'}
    res = requests.get(url, params=data, headers={"Content-Type":"application/json"})
    comments = res.json().get("list")
    cc = []    # list of comments per page
    for c in comments:
        star = int(c.get("stars"))    # good star
        comment = c.get("commentInfo")
        if star >= 4:    You must have at least 4 stars to collect
            cc.append(comment)    # comments per page
    cs.extend(cc)    # Reviews for each app

Get the total number of rows of comment excel, don't create an Excel for every crawl
max_rows = excel.get_rows()

for i in range(len(cs)):    # Walk through the reviews for each app
    # Max line +1+ I
    excel.write_result(max_rows + i + 1.1, cs[i])
excel.save_workbook()    Save Excel last
Copy the code


The implementation process ranges from simple to complete as follows:

  • First demo, can request through, will evaluate the output in the console
  • And then the filter condition, star can’t be less than 3
  • And then you write it to Excel, one excel per app
  • Extract the key parameters, just modify the AppID, all the ratings are written to an Excel, don’t need to create so many.

Dao Friend, is there any other solution? Let’s discuss together.