More and more people are learning Python, and many of them are very passionate about it. Use your spare time to learn Python anytime, anywhere. You know Python is a programming language, but it doesn’t work. It’s good to be able to program and run it. Is there a good App that you can code at any time and it’s pretty powerful? Yes, I’m going to recommend an App for IOS phones today that can write Python code called Pythonista.

Powerful Pythonista

1. Powerful functions

There are small programs that can also run Python but are relatively simple, and this artifact is professional-grade. There are many Python libraries, such as the standard libraries with Python2.7 and Python3.6 built in.

2. It is very convenient to run

Let’s say we write a simple Python program and write a list of derivations.

This artifact even has the code prompt function, afraid that we are too tired to type, will directly get some keywords, such as the p head of the keyword, will give a pile, so that you can save typing trouble. And it also installed many libraries, such as requests, logging, OS, random, and so on.

Click the triangle arrow in the upper right of the image above to run the code and the following Console screen appears:

The code is running, and it’s intuitive and concise, and it’s a great way to practice some Python tips or examples. And if you make a code mistake, there’s a very friendly code notification. So is it just practice some simple code, of course not, more powerful and fun features in the back?

3. Have strong fun examples built in

Let’s take a look at some interesting examples of this artifact:

1). The alarm clock

And there is the source code, about 50 lines, written very easy to understand, you can see how others write.

2). Fun is fun

I’m sure many of you have played happy Disappear, but the author even wrote a Python version of happy disappear, cool! You’ll have a pretty good understanding of how to use classes after you’ve learned this basics.

3). Brick breaking

Limited by space, there are plenty of built-in mini-games and practical examples to practice tinkering with Python code and deepen your understanding of it. It’s great and fun! However, this App is charged and costs dozens of yuan to buy, but I think it is worth it. The author has done very carefully, the interface is beautiful, and the function is powerful. I think it is worth the price.