“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


In this mobile development programmer industry, no background and understanding of some advantages of the technology of old programmers, for me, an iOS developer how to compare with others “or” the industry is popular! In the Internet age, companies rise and fall quickly. The slightest mistake, a company accumulated for years may collapse, unable to keep up with the capital, loss, and eventually face bankruptcy

  • Talk about life
  • About work
  • Talk about feeling
  • Nothing down, nothing up


We lost money gambling again and the boss laid off our technology department.

I lost my job. The middle of this year should be the most confused period for me. I had no source of income for four months. I didn’t even think about what to eat at home. The company has no one to become lazy, ** I want to dare not go out, because go out to spend money! ** In the face of the downturn and mobile development market volume, so I doubt my ability, during this period, my friend gives two points; The first is a career change or transition; The second is learning, improving skills, and brushing up on skills you don’t know.

Occasionally, I will send my resume to Boss and other recruitment apps, but there are few opportunities for interviews, or relatively remote places, driving at least 40 minutes. Compared with last year, I wrote a lot less technology blog. During this time, I finished reading a book “Living Method” — Kazuo Inamori

I write a blog, the premise is oneself review and study, oneself want to read understand and understand, otherwise write out still have what use


I was too busy writing business code and didn’t improve my skills. Usually also is the business layer problem, it seems that the technology involves a wide range, no in-depth study of the third party source code, this time I blame myself did not learn things. Relying on Baidu’s habit for a long time will only make you lose your initiative for learning technology! I think it was this period of unemployment that made me really sink down, and I also tried to learn some in-depth content and technology points.

  • The underlying principle

  • Algorithmic data structure

  • Engineering actual combat project

  • swift

Thought is the paintbrush, life is the canvas, people’s thoughts are different, the picture of life is also different. Change your mindset and your life can be dazzling. — Kazuo Inamori

If the knowledge learned is not systematic, and problems are only tasted, no further research, then it is difficult to achieve real technical improvement. Hope this systematic technical system has a direction reference for everyone!


About work

Although the market is not so good this year, although it is the recruitment season, but also want to try. I met more than a dozen companies, most of which were on the phone first and then went to the on-site interview. Most of them were stumped by the bottom.

I have 5 years of development experience and participated in the development of many apps, but I was not attracted by several large companies. However, fortunately, after meeting with more than a dozen companies, I finally have several offers.

The technology is too superficial, the bottom line is too deep, and multi-threaded networks are interview killers

Guan studied at home for three months. By chance, a recruiter in the group happened to be recruiting iOS developers in Guangzhou, so he sent his resume with a try mentality. The company just needs swift development, and I have done several online training projects, so I still have a little confidence in my heart, so I went to meet with you. The hard work was followed by divine help and a successful interview. An 8K increase relative to your salary is also a way to account for your time out of work.

Talk about feeling

Actually now also is not the kind of Internet erupt times, it is in precipitate period before a few years into the line is a high salary but learning ability is generally low, and without the habit of learning!

The current iPhone user viscosity is still very strong some functions and technology, can not meet their expectations, their own piece of strengthening, whether it is a back to do development, or docking development project, the following work is actually more convenient.

Now is not not fire, the industry is saying that the volume is serious, because the interview is asked to be very in-depth, especially the bottom of these, because the technical requirements are high that the industry is now more competitive this time is to do fine operation and experience, how to polish the product better!

For the unemployed crowd, the advice is to put the mentality, want to improve the technology of the crowd, the advice is to find information, consult peers, consult the boss, add some research. People who want to improve their skills have a strong desire to learn, and they have a strong desire to learn.

** No break ** 2022 set a flag

  • Keep a learning attitude
  • 20 w deposits
  • Buy your own car
  • Two technical articles a week

Spend time with your kids, loved ones, family and friends. Thanks for the encouragement and help to my unemployment. Hang in there. Hang in there. Face the reality of life.

If you’re feeling hesitant, panicked, nervous, worried, or resistant, you probably need to seriously consider changing jobs

Confused to find the direction of the fall to learn to be strong

Come on 2022 excellent stranger!