
Personally, I think the interview is also like a brand new journey, failure and victory are common. Therefore, I advise you not to lose heart and morale because of the failure of the interview. Don’t be complacent because you passed the interview, you will be a better future, continue to work hard!

The interview questions included: Java, MyBatis, ZooKeeper, Dubbo, Elasticsearch, Redis, MySQL, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Linux, etc.

1, Java basic series of interview questions

Java Interview Questions basic series 228 (1), quick look which you do not know?

Java interview questions base series 228 (2), check the missing!

Java interview questions base series 228 (3), check the missing!

Java Interview Questions basic series 228 (4), quick look which you do not know?

Java Interview Questions basic series 228 (5), quick look which you do not know?

Lesson 6: Java Interview Questions

Lesson 7 Java Interview Questions

Lesson 8 Java Interview Questions

2, Spring series interview questions

Spring series interview questions 129 (with answer analysis)

3, Java concurrent series interview questions

Java concurrent programming interview questions collection (including answers, suggested collection)

4. JVM and tuning interview questions

Java programmers earning $30 per year in 2020 are expected to be familiar with JVMS and performance tuning!

5, Redis interview questions

If you still don’t understand Redis, check out these 40 interview questions (with answers and mind Maps)

6. MyBatis

2020 Interview still confused by MyBatis? Check out these 27 interview questions! (With answers and mind maps)

7, ZooKeeper

28 ZooKeeper interview questions interviewers love to ask

8. Spring Boot Interview questions

What does the Spring Boot interview ask? Check out these 22 interview questions!

9. SpringCloud Interview questions

Fill in the gaps: Get SpringCloud interview in 2020 (with answers and mind maps)

10, Java micro service questions

Java Micro Services (Java micro Services)

11. Kafka

18 Kafka Interview Questions you don’t know yet? (With answers and mind maps)

RabbitMQ interview questions

Do you know the 12 RabbitMQ interview questions? (Including answer analysis)

Dubbo interview questions

Dubbo, how are you getting on? Check out these 30 frequently asked interview questions!

14, ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch (1)

Answer for Elasticsearch

15. Linux interview questions

What are the most common Linux interview questions and answers you don’t know?

The last

The above interview questions have been compiled into a PDF document, hoping to help you review before the interview and find a good job, but also save you time searching for information on the Internet to learn!

Welcome to pay attention to my public number: programmer chasing wind, reply 888 to receive this sorted out Java interview questions information!