Today to share with you how to establish an enterprise-level financial data analysis platform, 3 minutes can read the super dry goods, do not read you will lose.

Let’s start with the financial statements that everyone from the CEO down to the little accountant cares about.

Financial statement analysis is not to be taken lightly by any enterprise, but for many beginners, just get a financial statement is often a face meng ratio, so how to analyze financial statements? How can you be sure a company is financially sound?

In fact, business intelligence has been able to intelligently analyze all kinds of complex data, not to mention financial data analysis. However, in order to truly establish a data analysis platform suitable for enterprises, various factors need to be considered.

One, how to do financial statements in the end!

What bosses really care about are financial analysis statements that directly reflect the business’s operating status: profitability, operating capacity, debt repayment capacity and growth capacity.

First, post three visualized financial analysis statements made according to different business needs. Through multi-dimensional and comprehensive visualized charts, leaders can quickly and accurately grasp the operating status of the company and provide effective basis for the company’s future risk control and financial decision-making.

So how to make the above three kinds of high-quality financial analysis statements?

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1, watch the dish to do analysis

First of all, if your financial analysis is going to be interesting to your bosses, you need to put yourself in their shoes and analyze the data.

2. Visually express report data

If you can express data clearly in one chart, try not to use a dense table of numbers.

Below is the balance sheet of the company. Obviously, the figure above makes it easier to see the structure at a glance, avoiding research.

3, built operation driving, in order to timely monitoring

As mentioned in the cockpit report at the beginning.

4. Communicate the numbers your boss/boss cares about in understandable language

Financial personnel are always used to explaining a problem with accounting subjects, language and some financial ratios, without paying attention to the common language of communication with leaders. After a long time, the leaders cannot understand, and the accountants are not willing to talk about it. Gradually, there are barriers in communication. Little by little, it will be detrimental to the accountant’s work, and he can’t understand many things, so the work will not be understood and approved by the leaders.

Therefore, it is necessary to communicate with the leader in a targeted way, to know what blind spots he has, to explain to the leader, and then to explain the accountant in simple and popular words. Such as cash, bank deposit is needless to say, can be referred to as cash or money, accounts receivable and other receivables are and the things related to sales product direct and indirect, said all these subjects into arrears, the subjects are translated into life proverb, fixed assets, what you said to buy it equipment this leader is clear, is more popular.

Methods of financial statement analysis

1. Vertical analysis

It mainly analyzes the proportion between the whole and the parts. It is also called structural analysis for the proportion of a certain item in the overall report.

  • The first step is to calculate and determine the proportion or percentage of each item in the financial statement to the total amount.
  • The second step, through the proportion of each item, analyzes its importance in enterprise management. The larger the proportion of general projects, the higher their importance, the greater the overall impact of the company.
  • The third step is to compare the proportion of each project in the analysis period with the proportion of the same project in the earlier period, study the proportion changes of each project, and further analyze the important projects with large changes.

2. Level analysis

It mainly analyzes the items with the largest change rate in the horizontal statement, compares the data of each item in the reporting period of the financial statement with the data of the previous period, and analyzes the changes of the financial data of the enterprise.

Level analysis of comparison, general comparison is not only one or two projects, but the financial statements of the reporting period on all projects and issue a full comprehensive comparison and analysis, reveals the problems, for further in-depth analysis enterprise financial conditions laid the foundation, so the level analysis method is the basic method of accounting analysis.

3. Trend analysis

Trend analysis, is a long-term analysis and calculation of one or more project then continuous multiple comparison data during the reporting period and base period fixed base index, or compared with the previous link index, an index time series, in order to analyze the long-term change trend report project history, and as one of the basis of a long-term trend to predict the future.

Trend analysis can not only be used for the overall analysis of accounting statements, that is, to study the changing trend of various items in a certain period, but also to analyze the development trend of some major financial indicators.

4. Ratio analysis

Divide the two financial statement data into the relative ratio, analyze the correlation between the two items.

Financial ratios generally fall into four categories: profitability ratios, operating ratios, solvency ratios, and growth ratios.

5. Factor analysis

Also known as the serial substitution method, it is used to calculate the degree of influence of several interrelated driving factors on the comprehensive financial indicators. For example, sales revenue depends on two factors: sales volume and unit price. When an enterprise raises prices, sales will often decline. We can use factor analysis to measure the impact of price rise and sales decline on revenue.

6. Comparative analysis

It includes two aspects. One is the analysis of internal index data, such as sales volume; The second is to make a comparative analysis with the main competitors, including competitiveness, financial ability, etc.

How to establish a financial analysis platform for enterprises

An analysis system that can operate successfully and bring benefits often needs the support of master data management, data warehouse construction, analysis platform, index sorting and a series of links.

We have done such data analysis projects for many enterprises, and finance is often the first module that most enterprises enter, such as data center, profit center and so on.

Here is a talk about the system and share some experience.

First of all, we need to figure out what problems to solve. For example, do we want to reduce the waste of human resources from the aspects of the organization’s management, such as people, money, goods and information? Reduce waste in production? Reduce inventory overhang? Improve operational efficiency? . In the long run, what status do you want to achieve to support the data-based operation of each business department? Assume the role of data center?

Secondly, the realization of the above need to output what kind of statements, what kind of application, what data in hand.

Above is the business level, which needs to form a business plan. After thinking clearly, there is the data level, which needs:

  • Uniform data standards and rules – Master data management
  • Build data center to support analysis — data warehouse

Then report form planning, index sorting, analysis model building, visualization.

The overall planning

The first is to realize the automation and visualization of business data analysis.

Below is the technical framework for a general analysis platform

Build report platform system

Comb the index to form a library

Financial analysis application

Comprehensive financial analysis

Related report presentation