App Center is a cloud server developed by Microsoft that allows developers to deploy mobile App updates directly on users’ devices.

How to use it: Register an App Center account or log in to an existing App Center account using appCenter. ms. For details about the plug-ins to be installed and code configuration, refer to the official document getting Started with Apache Cordova.

The commonly used skill

Install code – push the CLI

NPM install -g code-push-cli // login to ode-push login after the installation is successfulCopy the code

When login, open the browser, select an account to login, paste the token in the command line, and press enter to login.

Create a deployment

// test environment code-push release-cordova MyGroup/MyAndroid android-m-d "Staging"- des "descriptionMyGroup/MyAndroid android-m-dProduction"--des" description"
Copy the code

Check the deployment

Once the deployment is successful, type the following command line to check the deployment status, such as how many hot updates are triggered, and so on:

appcenter codepush deployment list -a MyGroup/MyAndroid
Copy the code

View all released versions

To view all historical hot updates, run the following two commands:

// Test environment code-push Deployment h MyGroup/MyAndroid Staging // Production environment code-push deployment h MyGroup/MyAndroid ProductionCopy the code

Code-push command complete

// install NPM install -g code-push-cli // register account code-push register // login code-push login // log out code-pushlogout// Add project code-push app add [app name] // Delete project code-push app remove [app name] // List all projects under the account code-push app list // display login tokens Code-push access-key ls // Delete an access-key code-push access-key rm <accessKey> // add code-push Collaborator add <appName> // Deploy an environment code-push deployment add <appName> <deploymentName> // remove deploy code-push deployment rm <appName> // List the deployment code-push deployment ls <appName> // Query the key code-push deployment ls <appName> -k // View the historical version information of the deployment  code-push deploymenthistory<appName> <deploymentNmae> // Rename a deployment code-push deployment rename <appName> <currentDeploymentName> <newDeploymentName>Copy the code

Related resources:

  • Code push…
  • IO /code-push/
  • Code Push CLI Manual: Microsoft.github. IO /code-push/d…

Reference blog:

  • Code – Push to use
  • React Native is a hot update for Microsoft
  • The react – native – code – a push into the order

Cordova uses App Center for hot updates

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