Webapck. Config. Js plguins configuration

When learning Webpack 5, an error occurs when using copy-webpack-plugin to copy files. At first, I thought there was a problem with my configuration or file path. After a series of tests, I found the cause!

 plugins: [
    new CleanWebpackPlugin(),
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: "coderwhy webpack".template: "./source/index.html"
    new DefinePlugin({
      BASE_URL: '". /"
    new CopyWebpackPlugin({
      patterns: [{from: "source".globOptions: {
            ignore: [
              "**/index.html"."**/.DS_Store",]}}]})]Copy the code

Error message

Error reason

There are no files in source folder that can be copied.

The solution

In the Source folder, add files that can be copied.